A New Journey

A New Journey

Agreya raced ahead. She had seen the little village. She didn't believe it. It couldn't happen... could it? The only way to find out would be to check.

It was completely destroyed. All of the huts, burned to the ground. She ran to the center of the village, where her home had been. That, too, was burned to the ground. Agreya walked to the center of it. Her foot hit something; she froze before kneeling down.

It was a skeleton. Agreya cleared the ashes from around it. She had no idea of knowing who it was. But then something caught her eye; a glint in the ashes. It was the necklace. The necklace that she was supposed to be wearing. She dropped her head, trying to hide her tears. She heard the footsteps behind her.

"You're upset, aren't you?" Horus asked. She took a deep breath.

"Yes. Yes, I am upset. But it doesn't matter," she said, raising her head. "Because no matter how much we miss them, no matter how much we mourn for them, we won't be able to save them."

"You've grown much," Horus said quietly after a short pause. "The old Agreya would have thrown a fit."

"Maybe," she said, standing up. She looked up at the mountain. Come on. Let's go."
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Wow... that was shorter than I thought. But it's something. *shrugs*