Sequel: Promise Me This
Status: Complete(:

This One's For You

The Challenge

“Guys?” Kendall called, walking inside. Kate was a few steps behind him, looking around, suddenly nervous.

“Hey,” someone said, and Kate followed the voice to a recliner in the living room. The guy had long brown hair and hazel-brown eyes, and looked very intent on texting. There were two more guys, playing what looked to be a very intense video game. She recognized them from the café.

“Hey guys,” Kendall said, walking over to the other two and waving his hand in front of their faces. All they did was move out of the way to see the screen. Kate stayed back towards the door, laughing just a little.

“Hold on, I almost have Logan beat,” the one with black hair and dark eyes said, making a face.

“Psh, in your dreams, Carlos. Just as soon as I get this upgrade…” said the one Kate assumed to be Logan. He had dark brown hair also, and chocolate eyes, which were focused intently on destroying his friend. By default, she guessed the other was Carlos.

“Guys, there’s someone here to meet you.” Kendall motioned at Kate, who walked towards them a little bit.

“Hey,” she said tentatively, and suddenly, all three of the guys’ heads shot up. An explosion sounded from the television, but Carlos and Logan didn’t seem to care anymore.

“Guys,” Kendall said, seeing as no one was saying anything. “This is Kate. She’s new here, and could really use some friends.”

“Well, it’s very nice to meet you Kate. I’m James.” He walked over, shaking her hand, and flipping his hair out of his eyes. Kate smiled back, laughing as she saw Logan and Carlos jump off of the couch.

“I’m Carlos.” He also shook her hand, and gave a big, contagious smile. She bit her lip, trying to stop laughing.

“I’m Logan.” Following suit, he shook her hand, but he was watching Kendall. When he thought Kate wasn’t paying attention, he wiggled his eyebrows at him.

“It’s really nice to meet all of you,” she said, hooking her thumbs in her belt-loops. Their gazes flickered between watching Kate and Kendall.

“Oh, the pleasure’s ours. Do you wanna sit?” Carlos asked, motioning towards the living room. She agreed, and they all settled. James returned to his spot on the chair, James and Carlos sat on the couch, and Kendall and Kate took the only place left, the love-seat.

“So, what brings you here? I mean, Hollywood,” Logan rambled, exchanging looks with James and Carlos.

“Well, I’m going to school at Long Beach, for secondary education. I start my classes next week,” Kate explained, and as she talked about it, a glimmer came into her eyes, and a softness in her face. It was her dream, and she was living it.

“What do you wanna teach?” James asked, feeling the enthusiasm coming from her.

“English. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do. There’s just so much amazing literature out there, and to be able to share it with more generations, it’s just such an amazing thing.” All of the guys were wrapped up in her explanation. When she talked about it, she looked so happy and excited, and they couldn’t help but feel it too.

“So, where did you say you’re from?” Carlos piped in when she was done. The brief moment of her pure happiness was gone, but she didn’t show the way her heart wrenched when she thought of home.

“Maine. A little town called Kennebunkport. But now I live in the Valley,” she said, running her fingers through her hair. “What about you guys? What are your stories?” The three of them looked at each other, and Kendall watched Kate, amazed. The way she radiated happiness when talking about her dreams was indescribable.

“Well, I’ve been singing since I was four, and acting on stage since I was like, ten. I’ve lived in California a really long time, and I’m the youngest…well, except for Kendall,” James said, and flashed a smug smile at Kendall, who rolled his eyes.

“I was raised in Florida,” Carlos volunteered. “I’m also the oldest, by like, a month. I started acting when I was fifteen, but it wasn’t until a little later I realized how much I like to sing and dance. I was studying musical theater and the Boston Conservatory, and wasn’t going to audition for Big Time Rush. Sounds crazy now, ‘cause I can’t imagine not being best friends with these crazy guys.”

“Guess that’s to me, huh?” Logan joked, and Kate grinned, listening intently like she had to everyone. “I was born and raised in Texas. Moved to California when I was eighteen to act. It’s what I love, acting and singing.”

“Wow. I’m not very exciting compared to you guys,” Kate said, and they all laughed.

“Sure you are. Everyone has his or her own story,” Kendall said, and she turned to him with a small smile. James, Carlos, and Logan all raised their eyebrows at each other, grinning madly. There was a little bit of silence, and then Kate smiled.

“So, I totally didn’t mean to make you two both completely fail earlier,” she said casually, and Kendall and James both started laughing.

“We didn’t fail!” Carlos said, and Logan nodded in agreement.

“Oh, my bad. I didn’t know the goal of the game was to get your brain blown out,” Kate taunted, and they all locked eyes.

“Oh, she totally just got you, dude,” James said, smirking. Kendall was laughing next to Kate, and Logan and Carlos pursed their lips.

“Like you could do better!” Logan challenged, and Kate got a mischievous glint in her eyes.

“I totally can. Do you have another controller?” Logan got up, hooked up the third player controller, and tossed it to Kate.

“This, my friend, means war!” he declared.

“Well, my friend, I hope you enjoy getting beat by a girl,” Kate retorted.

“The rules are as follows: no peeking at the others’ screens, no alliances, no pausing, and no quitting because you broke a nail,” Carlos said, the last one aimed specifically at Kate. A dangerous smile crept onto her face, and a stare-down ensued between the three.

“I agree. But no crying when you lose,” she shrugged, and it was on. Kendall and James watched, taunting and cheering everyone. Half an hour passed, and finally, one prevailed. Everyone stared at the screen, jaws gaping.

“I believe that big blinking ‘winner’ on my screen means I creamed you two,” Kate said, and Logan and Carlos turned their faces to her. Finally, they stood, and in one extravagant motion, bowed towards her. James and Kendall clapped, holding her hands up, and she laughed.

“You know, I think you’re gonna fit in great here,” James whispered, and Carlos and Logan jumped the coffee table and picked her up. Logan grabbed her arms, and Carlos had her legs.

“What are you doing? Put me down!” she screeched as they carried her around.

“Well, only after you promise never to tell anyone about this ever!” Logan said, and they began to swing her back and forth.

“I promise! Just put me down, please,” she squeaked, heart pounding. They exchanged glances, shrugged, and threw her on to the couch. Everyone laughed, even Kate, once she caught her breath again. Kendall walked over and sat next to her, while the others went to the kitchen to get a soda.

“I think they like you,” he whispered, nudging into her. She laughed, and looked up at him with big eyes.

“Well, if that’s how they show affection, I really don’t want to be on their bad side,” she mumbled, looking over her shoulder. She could see them through a cut out in the wall, and they were laughing. Even after only an hour, she had a soft spot for them.

“Well, you’re their friend now. It’s simple like that; you proved yourself, in a way. Now the only time you’ll see their bad sides are when someone’s threatening one of us,” he said, and looked directly in her eyes. “That includes you now.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter three!!! Comments are loved, as is reading.
xxxo, Sara.