I'm in Love with My ex BFF's Boyfriend Who is in Love with Someone Else

The Pact and Three Monkeys

It was my tenth birthday party and I was having the time of my life. Not only was it just my birthday, but it was also my best friend’s Claire’s birthday as well. Being best friends since I moved here at age 5, we were inseparable. At this party was also our best friend, Jason. We were basically the three musketeers. Always together and always having fun. I remember clearly on that particular birthday, we three made a pact. We will always remain the best of friends and let nothing come between us. With this pact we all decided to wear a charm necklace, me having a monkey covering its eyes, Claire having a monkey covering its ears, and Jason having a monkey covering its mouth. It seemed perfect. We swore to always wear these necklaces no matter what, and always be there for each other.

Six years later, sadly the necklaces began to slowly disappear from our necks, and our friendship began to dissolve. Now being 16, it would seem as if we were never friends to begin with. As we entered middle school and high school, Claire began to care more about boys and makeup then sleepovers and movie night. Jason began to worry more about football and the next new captain of the cheerleaders instead of chasing us around with his super soaker water gun, and us playing in the park. Soon Claire became that new boy craze captain of the cheerleading squad, and Jason became the star quarter back, officially meaning they were an “item”. How did I turn out? Well I’m the 16 year old who is still watching movies at home on Saturday nights, chasing my younger siblings with a super soaker water gun, and also the one who people seem to bully the most. I became the nerd, the freak of nature, and the one people like Claire and Jason loves to make fun of. Don’t get me wrong, I am so upset that they left me like that when we made a pact, but I don’t hate them. They grew up, while I stayed as that little chubby 10 year old. I gripped my monkey charm necklace tight in my hands and then quickly let it fall into a small box beside my bed. I’m not sure if they kept theirs, but to me it was sentimental. I often wonder if things could ever go back to how it was. If only…

Darcy! You’re going to be late for school! Please hurry!” my sister screamed outside my door. For a 12 year old, she sure acts like a mother. She seemed to have filled in that role, since my mother died of cancer when I was 15. That was the time when I wished that I still had my friends the most. “Coming” I sighed as I got up and grabbed my book bag rushing out the door. “Sis, you really need to get a grip, Delanie has been nagging at me for your daydreaming issues” my brother Gale who is 14 said as we all walked out the door. “I know, I know, I just haven’t been feeling well Gale.” I mumbled as we crowded into my car. I drove in silence, as Delanie and Gale bickered at each other in the back. I dropped Delanie off first at Winston Middle School, and continued on to Winston High School with Gale and me. As soon as I parked my car in my parking spot, Gale seemed to jumped out the car and run up to his group of friends. I sighed and smiled, It was nice to see my brother to have such a good friends, but I often worry he might go through the same thing I did. I got out and slung my book bag over my shoulder and locked my doors as I trotted up the hill to my school. Whoever was the genius mastermind to build my school on a hill should be shot. It was a pain to get up these steep steps every morning. I watched my feet as I walk to be sure I wouldn’t fall down the hill again like I did in freshman year. Watching my feet also meant I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. I soon bumped into someone and felt myself falling back. I gasped and my eyes went wide as I fell backwards, I closed my eyes quickly not wanting to watch in any way. But after a while I noticed I didn’t hit anything. Perhaps the impact was so large that I died instantly and I am not in heaven. I opened my eyes slowly and realize I was not in heaven but in the arms of…
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My second story that I have been working on! I hope you all will enjoy! Please feel free to comment or message me with your opinions and ideas!