Mr Thompson's Pub and Cabaret

June 6th

They ran rehearsal just like any other morning, all of the dancers were prancing backstage, stepping into their assorted garments made up of satin and lace.

It felt like it could have easily had been 90 degrees inside the cabaret, and it was moments like those where Brendon wished that he could run around with barely any clothing.

About five minutes before they were to start running the show, the backstage had been cleared out. Rodger had finally turned on the air conditioning and the first place that always cooled off was the bar, and they all had gone to cool down. Brendon stayed behind to change, because the girls always spent too long in front of the costume racks.

Vera emerged from the stage. At first Brendon hadn't noticed, but the closer she got, the louder her heels were.

He froze after he had fastened the button on his jeans, realizing he was shirtless. He suddenly felt exposed, almost vulnerable.


Brendon felt her hand on his back and he turned to face her. The palms of her hands brushed up against his bare chest as she took a step closer to him, as he took a step back. His back hit the wall, but she continued to get closer and closer.

Not a word had been spoken the whole time.

She looked into his eyes, and he felt like the wind had been knocked out of him. They were huge and up close were more near an eerie orange color than the brown he'd always thought they were.

The silence continued until their lips met. She had herself leaning against him, and due to her constant lack of close, he could feel her stomach against his. With his hands weaving around her waist, he pulled her body as close to his as humanly possible. Then Brendon nipped at her lips and he could feel hers turn up into a smile.

He dismissed all the rumors he had heard from Jon, and all the bitter words they'd exchanged in the past, because for that moment, she felt like she as his.

As the cool air invaded behind the stage, goosebumps formed underneath Brendon's hands on Vera's skin so he slowly started to run his fingers up and down her back, carefully savoring the moment for as long as he could.

"Alright everyone! Places, we're going to start!" Brendon heard Greggory yell from the stage, and Vera took her lips away from Brendon.

"This doesn't change anything," she whispered, then took a step back, examining his body carefully. "Get your shirt on."

She turned away and applied a fresh coat of lipstick over the fading red.

Slightly stunned, Brendon stood there for a minute, before returning to the rack and grabbed his shirt, pulling it over his head. He wiped the back of his hand over his lips just to make sure there wasn't any trace of lipstick.