Mr Thompson's Pub and Cabaret

June 15th

"They're changing the cabaret because of you."

Brendon found himself surrounded by various members of the cabaret, all of them looking very displeased with everything that had been going on lately. His eyes fell on Ryan's. He didn't look guilty at all.

"They're not changing the cabaret," Brendon reassured them, but no one believed what he was saying. "Honestly, they're not. They just added a song for a guy. That doesn't make that much of a difference. Everything is still the same."

"We heard that they're thinking about you and Vera doing a duet," Genevieve said, with an eyebrow raised, and her arms crossed over her chest. "You're a favorite just like her," she spat, shaking her head.

Brendon looked towards Ryan again, because at this point, if anyone could be his defense, it was going to be him. "If anyone would be happy with this, I would think it'd be you. Aren't you glad that your music has a chance to get into the show now?" he asked.

"This isn't about me," Ryan replied. "It's about all of us. We've been working here a hell of a lot longer than you, and we've gotten used to the way things run. And you can't expect to come in here, start changing everything, and think that we're just going to accommodate to every little thing."

"But I'm not trying to change anything! This isn't my fault!" Brendon cried, throwing his arms out to his side.

Sugar rolled her eyes and shook her head, and he heard a few people laugh sarcastically. "This is pathetic," she said. "And then you're going to go around pretending that you don't adore the attention. You're no different than Vera."

That was when he noticed that Vera wasn't apart of this mob. He looked around for her, and he saw her sitting at her vanity with a brush in her hand, glancing over her shoulder at what was happening, and she almost appeared to be hurt by what she was witnessing. When her and Brendon made eye contact, she abruptly turned away and continued to run the brush through her hair.

"Why is that a bad thing?" he asked, because as many reasons as she'd given him not to like her, he didn't give up, because there was just something about her that she wasn't letting anyone see. There was more to her than just the burlesque dancer he saw on the stage. And he was determined to see that other side.

"Because maybe we're tired of having of having attention whores around here! Maybe we want real people working here."

"And what makes you think I'm not real?"

Everyone whipped their heads around to see Vera standing up now, looking just as pissed off as them.

"What the hell makes any of you think that I'm not real? What have I ever done to you? I've never been mean, I've never said anything wrong. And so now I'm an attention whore for that?"

"You walk around thinking you're better than everyone else!" one of the band members, Brian, called out.

Vera's ruby red lips tightened. "And what makes you think that?" she asked. "Have I ever said that out loud?"

When no one responded right away, she continued.

"And so what if the cabaret is changing? We're here to please the people that come see us, and don't you think they'd get bored if we did the same thing every single day?" she asked. "This isn't about you, because this is a business, and businesses run to please whoever they're serving, and last I checked, we weren't serving any of you. We aren't serving me or Brendon, we're serving the people that come to these shows. So how about you all get over yourselves and get used to what's going on," she said, before walking away.

People shot Brendon one last nasty look before going their separate ways. Brendon looked towards Vera once they had disappeared and slowly approached her.

"Hey, what was that about?" he asked, looking at her.

"Charity work," she replied, before smirking a little.

" didn't need to do that, you know that, right?"

"Of course I needed to. One, they were about to rip you to shreds, and two they would have just kept going on and on, and it wouldn't get anywhere. It doesn't resolve the solution, and they're probably going to find some other thing to bitch about a few days from now, but for the time being, yes, I needed to."

"Well...thanks," he responded, before smiling a little at her and walking away.

Him and Vera were on alright terms again.