Mr Thompson's Pub and Cabaret

June 17th

Rodger's feet were perched up on top of his wooden desk, cluttered with pieces of paper and a top hat neatly rested on top of everything. His office wasn't exactly the cleanest place to be, but it seemed comfortable nonetheless. Lived in, most likely. It wasn't just any office, because Rodger wasn't just any boss or business owner. He was the closest to a father Brendon had had since he'd left home, because he only saw his every so often.

"I know what's going on," he said finally, putting his feet on the ground.

Brendon glanced over at Vera. What exactly was it that he knew?

"What's that, sir?" he asked.

Rodger waved his hand. "I'm not sir, Brendon. You know that. I've seen what everyone has been saying and doing to the two of you, and I don't think that's fair, but having said that, I do appreciate the effort you both have put forth despite all of that. Unfortunately, it's a small price you have to pay if you want to be good at what you're best at."

The two nodded, slowly looking towards each other again. It was the truth, they just didn't want to face it.

"Would you like me to say anything?" Rodger asked, but they shook their heads.

"No, I don't think so," Vera replied. If he had told everyone to stop it, there wasn't a doubt in either of their minds that they would, but it was just a matter of the satisfaction of earning their respect again, and changing their minds themselves. That was what they were really after.

He nodded. "Alright then. I believe that's all the business I have to settle with the two of you right now. Thank you," he said, standing up and opening the door.

Cool air flooded the small room as the air conditioning seeped in. Rodger's office was one of the warmest in the whole building, mainly because the door was always shut. It was a place where the air conditioning couldn't hide.

Brendon and Vera walked out towards the stage, but when Brendon noticed that Vera wasn't following anymore, he stopped and turned towards her.


She grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards her a little, and backed against a wall, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Listen, I...I know that I'm probably the main cause of all of this, but...I just...I want to make it up to you. I want you to know I'm sorry."

"You want to make it up to me?" Brendon whispered, and Vera nodded. "Alright, then don't apologize." He gently brushed his lips against hers, and rested his hands on her waist, giving her a small squeeze. I knew she hated what was going on just as much as he did, and he didn't want her feeling guilty about it. He'd do what he could to take it off her mind. Off of both their minds.

Brendon's mind was racing about the moment. The way she felt pressed up against his chest, the way her fingers knotted perfectly into his hair. It was just about everything it would take to drive him crazy. Her back was pressed up against the brick wall, her fingers tracing circles on the back of his neck softly. He could feel the bare skin of her back, and he ran a hand up and down, the other gently pushing back the hair out of her face, falling over his fingers.

He felt someone bump into him, and he turned his head around, and he saw Jon brush past the two of them, slowing down and making eye contact with Brendon for a minute, before continuing to walk by.

"Ignore it," Vera whispered, but Brendon knew that was easier said than done. But then again, he had a feeling Vera was the sort of girl who knew that too.