Mr Thompson's Pub and Cabaret

July 17th

The cabaret was his. Just like that. But Brendon would never be the one to say no questions asked, that would just be a joke. Just about everyone except Vera stood up and started a commotion, asking questions like "Why him," and "What makes you think that he would make a good owner for the cabaret? He's hardly been here three months."

Lady Ellen waited patiently, although her expression easily read 'irritated.' When they all settled down she stood up on the stage, walking back and fourth. "Why did I choose Brendon? I chose him because he has shown more dedication and perseverance than any of you. While all of you have sat here complaining about how you think that you should be in the spotlight, Brendon took what he was given, and worked to be in the spot that he's in. And that's more than any of you can say." She crossed her arms over her chest, the flowers on her forearm peaking out underneath the black cardigan she wore. "What this cabaret needs is dedication. You all know damn well that Mr. Thompson loved this place with everything in him, and how do you think it would make him feel if he saw someone who wasn't going to put their all into running it? And I feel like if he were to trust anyone with it, it would be Brendon. Any questions?" she asked, raising an eyebrow, before running a hand through her tight ringlets.

"Well what about everyone that's been working here longer than him?" Bobbie asked, his eyes landing on Brendon's. Rodger's ex-star pupil. "And Greggory? What about him?" Everyone's eyes fell on him as he sat in the back of the bar, already holding a bottle of beer in his slim hands.

"Just because you've been good enough to keep around doesn't mean you're good enough to run the place, Bobbie. And Greggory doesn't want to own it. I've already discussed it with him. He says he's more comfortable working behind the scenes, as he always has." Lady Ellen was ready to take anything anyone fired at her, and with no hesitation. She meant the decision she made, and she wasn't going to have anyone change her mind.

Brendon looked over at Vera, still stunned. She looked up and smiled lightly, mouthing an 'I told you so.' This place, this dream, was all his. It was like he owned part of Mr. Thompson, like he was still here, even when he was gone.

When everyone finally remained silent, Lady Ellen stopped pacing and looked at everyone sitting in front of her. "I'm not going to be around here often. Rodger and I were a team, and without him here, I don't think I should be either. So be good, and don't kill each other. Make him proud of you all, just the way he's always been," she said, shaking her head.

After a few more minutes of silence, where everyone sat, stunned, Lady Ellen dismissed them all, and Brendon walked outside, towards his car, and looked up at Vera. "You have the cabaret," she said, smiling. "You're going to be in charge of all of the tutus and drama attached. Congratulations."

He grabbed her hand in his and laced their fingers together. "I'm not going to let them treat you the way they have, anymore," Brendon promised. Now that he had control over the matter, he would be sure that people would lay off Vera. She didn't deserve everything they said to her.

She smiled, but shook her head. "You can't expect them to listen."

"They'll have to. I own the place."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's so short. It's more or less a filler chapter, but the next one will be better, I promise!