Mr Thompson's Pub and Cabaret

August 2nd

Rodger's funeral had ended just about three hours ago, and Brendon decided that him and Vera could use a pick-me-up. He took her down to the boardwalk by Lake Michigan, and wrapped his arms around her shoulders once they were sitting down on the dock. Her head was resting on his chest, and although he could think of quite a few decent reasons why he shouldn't have been, he was smiling, and for one good reason in particular. Vera was here. She was comfortable with him, and he could tell.

"Hey Vera?" he whispered, resting his chin on the top of her head, watching the water move in and out, hitting the small sand gathering and then disappearing.

She hummed, shifting in my arms.

"You know I really like you, right?" He gave her a small squeeze, feeling small butterflies building in his chest. It'd been quite some time since he'd gotten this feeling from a girl, or from anyone for that matter.

Vera nodded. "I know." Her voice wasn't quite a whisper, as it was small and almost inaudible. She was still upset, and he wanted to do everything he could to take that from her. He wanted to stop all of her hurting and replace it with something that would make her feel better, something that was capable of making her happy. She cuddled closer to him.

"And you know I'd do anything for you, right?"

Slowly, she looked up at him. Apparently she didn't know that part, but she would. She'd know, and Brendon would do anything he could to prove it to her. When she went to open her mouth, he interrupted her before anything came out. "Vera, you mean so much to me, and you may not realize it, but it's true. I mean, when I came to this cabaret, I thought you were gorgeous."

She smiled, shaking her head and started to stand up. "Stop it," she giggled, trying to escape, but he grabbed her hand and pulled her down so she sat on his lap.

"It's true. And when I thought you hated me, what was I going to do? But obviously, it didn't really hold me back," he said, laughing quietly. Brendon pressed his forehead to Vera's and looked into her eyes smiling. "Vera, I mean every word I say. And I want you to be around more often, as often as possible. So what would you say if I asked you to be my girlfriend."

Vera giggled, shaking her head, but then bit down on her lip shyly. The confident Vera that he was so used to being around, the one who even when she was weak, was strong, had been devoured by this shy girl, the one who was blushing at his very words. "I'd say yes," she said quietly, her cheeks turning even more pink than they had been a second earlier.

"Good," he whispered, pressing his lips to hers, curling them up into a smile, because it seemed like for so long they had this, but it wasn't defined. There was no saying what they really were. They spent a lot of time together, squared away in Vera's apartment, they would kiss every so often, but there was no real label that they were together, and maybe that was what Brendon was looking for. That was what he wanted with the two of them.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and he held her closely to him. This was what safety was. This was how he wanted her to feel. Ever since he came into Chicago, he wanted to know what he was going to do with his life. He found the cabaret and knew he belonged there, he found Vera, and knew that he belonged with her. It was a feeling, a gut feeling that told him he was right. And he would gladly stand up to everyone there yet again if he needed to, but he wouldn't. Everything was working out for the better.