Mr Thompson's Pub and Cabaret

October 13th

He wasn't quite sure what possessed him to have marriage cross his mind, but Brendon found himself thinking about it more and more frequently lately.And it wasn't just the whole idea of marriage or just thoughts about it with any random person. It was always Vera he had in mind. He was getting himself into some deep waters.

In an attempt to forget about his insane mind, he was flipping through notebooks of his lyrics, and Ryan's. He'd done it a million times, making sure there weren't any extra songs he didn't want in the cabaret. But today while he was thumbing through the familiar words that he had almost memorized, scribbled down in Ryan's chicken scratch, he came across one that caught his attention more than usual.

"My wingtips waltz across naive wood floors they creak, innocently down the stairs, drag melody, my percussive feet serve cobweb headaches as a matching set of marching clocks, the slumbering apparitions that they've come to wake up, here I am composing a burlesque, out of where they rest their necks, sunken in their splintered cradles, and ramshackle heads, they asked for it, as a girl, you have set your heart on haunting me forever from the start, it's never silent."

Brendon felt like he'd read this before, a million times, but this time it had more to it than he had noticed any other time.

"Ever since we met, I only shoot up with your perfume, it's the only thing that makes me feel as good as you do, ever since we met, I've got just one regret to live through, and that one regret is you."

Vaguely, he remembered before he'd passed away, Rodger had mentioned that he wanted Brendon and Vera to do a duet together. That was something they never had gotten to before he was gone, but maybe if he did this, it'd be a little memorial for him. Doing what he wanted them to do.

"How does a heart look if no one has noticed its presence and where does it go? Trembling hands play my heart like a drum, but the beat's gotten lost in the show."

He could feel the two parts of the song as his fingers ran over the staff above the lyrics. He could feel the music building in his head and he absolutely loved it. This was going to be the song. This was going to be their duet.

Ryan had always said Brendon had dibs on the old music, considering he wouldn't need it where he was going. But he just wished that he could be here to see his music developing the way it was. It was going to turn into an amazing number, most defiantly something the crowd was going to adore.

Brendon was just anxious, as always, for Vera's opinion. He wanted nothing more than to please her, and that was the way it had been for a very, very long time. And despite his efforts to put it to the back of his head, he was back to daydreaming about him proposing to her, and her jumping into his arms saying yes.

He needed something else to do.
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I'm sorry this one is so short. I promise they'll be getting longer soon. I promise! And thank you for all my comment-ers and subscribers. You guys are awesome :)