Mr Thompson's Pub and Cabaret

November 20th

Brendon had never been so scared of a phone in his whole life. It felt like his hands were trembling underneath it.

Deep breaths, he reminded himself, but god, it was hard when he was this nervous. Before he could think about it anymore, he dialed Vera's phone number and put it up to his ear. He had to face it before he chickened out. He couldn't wait much longer. The ring was always burning a hole in his pocket.

"Hello?" Vera's voice met him on the other end, and it immediately brought a small smile to his lips.

"Hey Vera. It's me. I was just wondering if you wanted to stop by apartment and hang out for a little bit. I have something important I need to tell you." Despite all of his planning and all the ideas that popped into his head, he decided that he would just have to stick with something classic, because it seemed like that was the sort of guy he was; classic. Or at least on this matter.

"You know what, I think that's a good idea. I have something important I need to tell you too," she said, and from her voice, he couldn't tell if that was a good or bad thing, but he tried not to concentrate on it too much. It was hard anyway, considering how the box was sitting on his counter top, and his eyes were constantly glued to it.

"Alright. I'll see you soon then."

"Okay. Bye." She hung up and Brendon stuffed the box into his pocket, pacing back and fourth nervously. Oh god. He was going to go through with this. He was going to ask Vera to marry him, and of course he was terrified, but it wasn't because he was thinking he made the wrong choice. No, he knew this was right. It was because, what if she said no? What if she really didn't want to get married. There were some people who just didn't like it. And even if they stayed together, it was the rejection that would eat away at him, not the fact that she just didn't want to get married.

He paced back and fourth, fiddling with the hem of his shirt until a knock at his door caused him to jump. He ran towards it and inhaled before opening it up, greeted by Vera. "Hey," he said, stepping out of the doorway so she could get inside.

"Hey," she replied, looking up at him, stuffing her hands in the pockets of her black pea coat. "So what was it you needed to tell me?"

Brendon shook his head. "No, you go first."

"You sure?" she asked, looking hesitant about the whole thing.

He nodded. "One hundred percent."

She sighed. "If you're sure." She leaned against the wall, her hands still hidden away in her pocket and looked up over at him. "I got a really great job offer in New York, and I took it. I mean, I had to. It had really great pay and this is like, a real cabaret," she started to explain, and Brendon's eyebrows knitted together.

"And Mr. Thompson's isn't?" he asked, defensively.

"No, that's not what I'm trying to say. What I mean is like, this place is big. It's one of the most well known cabarets in all of New York, and they want me there. But it's just..."

"It's just what?" he asked, still defensive.

Vera stood up now, walking towards him. "It's just, if I'm in New York, I'm going to stay there. And I don't think we should be together. The long distance would kill us, Brendon," she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck. "But I'll always love you." Her voice was now in his ear, her breath brushing against his skin as she sang quietly. "While I'm far away from you my baby, I know it's hard for you my baby, because it's hard for me my baby, and the darkest hour is just before dawn, each night before you go to bed my baby, whisper a little prayer for me my baby, and tell all the stars above, this is dedicated to the one I love."

Brendon pushed her away, looking in disbelief. "You're going to break up with me? Just like that?" His heart. God, it felt like it wasn't there anymore, like Vera had personally stuffed it through a paper shredder and walked away as if it was business as always. He shook his head and turned his back to her. "They were right about you. Did I mean anything this whole time?" He spun back around, yelling and threw his hands out to his side.

Her eyes were wide, and she looked like she was on the verge of tears. "Of course you meant something!" she cried. "I wouldn't have told you I loved you unless I meant it, and I do. I do mean it, Brendon. I love you. That's why I'm doing this. I can't just have you waiting around for me when there are hundreds of girls who can stay here and have you whenever they want you."

"You're just using this as an excuse to meet new guys and have a new fuck."

Now her eyes grew darker and her fists were clenched. "This is an excuse to get a new fuck?" she spat. "We never fucked, Brendon, if you recall. You wanted to, but I stopped you because I didn't want to go that far. It's insane how you of all people would say these sorts of things to me."

It was as if the ring had disappeared. His focus wasn't anywhere near that now. Just how his chest felt like it was going to burst at any given second. "Well we've been together for two fucking years and you took a job offer in New York without even saying anything to me. You're just going to get up and leave. What about me, Vera? What about the cabaret? What about everyone there? What about Mr. Thompson? We all need you, and you're just getting up and leaving us all behind. How can you justify that?"

She shook her head. "I don't need to justify this. I'm living my dream, I'm sorry you don't approve. It's not like we're fucking married."

"Yeah, right. We're not married." He pulled the ring box out of his pocket and threw it onto the ground. "Nope. But it wasn't like I hadn't thought about it. God dammit, Vera. I wanted to be with you. I was going to propose. That's why I wanted you to come down here. But now you've gone and ruined that for me. I loved you so much. And I can't have you anymore. Maybe I don't want you anymore, though."

Suddenly, her eyes changed. She wasn't angry anymore, she was surprised. She took another step forward. "Brendon..."

He shook his head. "No. No, get out." He pointed towards the door.

"Brendon please."

Brendon took a step back, just to get away from her. "Get out of my apartment, Vera! I'm not kidding."

There was a long pause, where the two of them just stared at each other for a long time. Then she bit down on her lip and turned towards the door and walked out of his life.

♠ ♠ ♠
Alright so there's a heart breaker. This story is winding down and coming to it's end. BUT if you were a fan of it, there is a sequel that I'll probably put a link up to when I put my soundtrack up, so you'll see that eventually.