Mr Thompson's Pub and Cabaret

The End.

The ring was back at the store within two days after Vera had decided to call everything off. She was long gone at this point, probably happy hanging on the arm of some other guy in New York.

Brendon was in his office one day, flipping through applications for her replacement when Dallon walked in, unannounced, not that he cared. He'd sort of begun to loose his touch ever since Vera had left.

"Hey," he said quietly.

"Hey." Brendon's reply was short, but so was his attention span, recently. Conversation wasn't really his forte anymore.

"I'm sorry about Vera." It'd been weeks since she had left, and most people knew better than to just not address what happened. Dallon was the first to bring anything up. Brendon wasn't sure if he was trying to kiss up, or he generally was actually sorry. It was hard to say, although Dallon did always seem like a decent guy.

"Me too."

He bit down on his lip. "If you don't mind me asking...could I know what happened?" he asked slowly, cautiously.

Brendon shrugged. "I got her an engagement ring." He put down the papers he was shuffling through and massaged his temples. "I was going to ask her to marry me. But then she said that she got a job offer in New York and she was going to take it, and she thought it was best if we broke up. So she left."

"I'm really sorry. That sucks."

"I know."

There was a pause, and Dallon took the seat in front of Brendon's desk. It groaned slightly underneath him, and he studied Brendon's tired face. He hadn't slept well in a few days. And he'd been drinking pretty heavily. It was a way to keep his mind off things. Anything that worked was glady welcome.

"She didn't mean anything she ever said," he continued, when Dallon never added an input into the conversation.

Dallon shook his head. "You don't know that."

"Of course I do. She just got up and went, like there wasn't even a problem. She lied to me when she said she loved me. I should have believed what everyone said about her. She's no good. She always has been. The rumors were true."

"No, I've heard about those rumors, and they're not true. Vera was a great person, she still is. She was just going after what she loves to do, and isn't that what you want?"

"I want her to be here with me."

That was the last of the conversations he had with Dallon about it, or with anyone else. Word probably got out that it was a sore subject with him, although that was no secret. Dallon should have figured that one out.

He hired a girl named Dani as Katie-Kay's replacement, who took Vera's spot as head dancer. He didn't want to give that position to anyone. He wanted to stay empty forever until Vera decided to come back because she missed them all so much. But it never happened, no matter how long he held his breath.

And now he was sitting in his dark room, in front of the glow of the TV, surrounded by empty beer bottles, watching the ball drop and the New Year begin. 'Babe I'm Gonna Leave You' by Led Zeppelin was humming quietly in the background, as it always was. It was a permanent reminder of how Vera ripped his heart to shreds and handed it to him on a silver platter.


He felt sick. Brendon had deliberately watched the New York show, in hopes that maybe he'd see Vera lost in that crowd of thousands. So far, no good. But she was probably off in the arms of some other guy, happy. Happier than he could have ever made her. He should have known someone like Vera couldn't be tied down and strung to any sort of commitment. Two years was long enough for her.


He could just imagine it now. Her dressed down in her lacy undergarments, dancing around a bed in circles. Something he'd never gotten to see.


He'd never see her again. She was out of his life forever. Unless there was something he could do about it.


What if he went searching for Vera? What was stopping him? He'd just leave Greggory in charge for a few days and everything would be alright. He just needed to see her, get her back, maybe even get her to come home.


He couldn't leave things the way he had. He needed to make things alright again. He would see her again, even if it killed him.

"Happy New Year!" the people on TV cheered in unison, and Brendon had made his New Year's resolution.

He was going to get Vera Beau back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright! So I'm on vacation, and my notebook with the soundtrack for all of this is at home. Luckily, I'm heading home tomorrow and will probably be able to have everything up by tomorrow night, meaning the sequel will be up tomorrow as well. You all excited?
I have some people I need to thank, while I'm at it. I want to thank my 41 subscribers, and especially the people who have commented, those people being:
elizabeth justine
rivals are insane (you especially considering you commented on practically every chapter.)

I hope to see you guys commenting on the sequel. Thank you so much!