Mr Thompson's Pub and Cabaret

June 4th

Brendon had his dance down to a science. He could recite every move in his sleep without a second of hesitation, and not only that, but he'd gotten to know Katie-Kay and Bambi better due to Lady Ellen picking them to join him on the stage.

They'd been running the song for a few days now, and everyone was reacting well to it. And ever since that morning when it had just been the two of them, Lady Ellen treated Brendon with more respect than she did with anyone else.

"Bonne chance," she whispered as Brendon was about to go on.


He walked behind the closed curtain, picking up his accordion. He truly felt apart of the cabaret. Greggory had given him a white button-up shirt with small frills on the front. He had also been the one to give Brendon the order that he needed to be wearing makeup. So, Katie-Kay carefully outlined his eyes with dark eyeliner and colorful eyeshadow.

Now he found himself on the stage, seconds away from entertaining the crowed that he had weeks ago been apart of.

The curtains parted and Brendon started to play the song that he had become so familiar with. As he sang, he could feel Katie-Kay and Bambi wrapping their arms around his shoulders. He kept his voice hushed, giving suspension for the oncoming chorus. With every move and word, he felt like his audience was becoming more interested in Brendon and the words he was speaking. He only hoped that he was giving Ryan's song justice. Katie-Kay and Bambi both had brought out chairs which they were using as props for their memorized dance routine, making sure that the audience was paying attention, and at this point, Brendon was almost positive they were.

By the time was over, as the curtain started to close yet again, Brendon took a final bow and walked off.

As he walked past her, Vera grabbed his hand and pulled him off towards a corner. "Are you really trying to steal all this away from me?" she asked bitterly, her dark eyes bunring with fury.

"I didn't do any of this on purpose. Don't flatter yourself," Brendon responded, raising an eyebrow. "At no point in time did I ever ask Rodger to have me sing this song, or tell him that I even wanted to sing it."

"Oh, boo hoo. The poor guitarist got to sing a song. Life must be so hard," she said, her voice dripping with acid sarcasm.

"Listen Vera, I'm not trying to steal your show. It's one song, and it's not going to kill anyone. If you have a problem with it, you can go take it up with Mr. Thompson, because I don't decide what goes on with the show. That's not my problem."

She threw her arms out to the side and looked like she could have slapped him. "You started singing right there. And you can look me in the eye and say that you didn't mean for this to happen?"

Brendon recalled what Lady Ellen had said the other day, but shook it to the back of his head. Because despite how angry she looked and how he could have feared of making an enemy, she still looked gorgeous. She still had the most perfect lips he'd ever seen, especially when they were coated in that red lipstick. And her skin still looked as smooth as porcelain. And so, he lowered his lips against hers and she stopped talking for the first time since she'd started her rant at him. And it stayed that way for a minute or so, until she pulled apart from him.

At first she looked stunned then her eyebrows furrowed. "I swear to god if you ever touch me again, you'll be out of this cabaret so fast you'll fall back to wherever it is you came from." She shook her head and stormed away.