Status: new story idea..

If It Were Easy, They'd Call It Something Else


Since we were kids there’s been some small attraction to the opposite sex. Mothers would talk about who would marry who in twenty-plus years, and girls were always told that ‘he teases you because he likes you.’ Didn’t take long for us girls to learn our mothers lied to us.

But maybe they had a bit of truth in them. Maybe the whole ‘cooties’ deal was just another way for men to push away what they’re really feeling. And who knows, that boy and girl the mom’s were talking about, they might actually get married some day.

“which one is yours?” A new mom to the park asks me as I sit on the bench. Andrew is a six year old I’ve been baby-sitting for about three years now.

I smile politely at the woman, “I’m actually just the babysitter,” I inform her, then point toward the sandbox, “and he’s the one in the green sweater, Andrew.”

“oh, sorry, you just look so mother-like.”

“yeah, I get that a lot.” A girl in a pink tutu walks up to Andrew and hands him a shovel to dig in the sand with.

“aww.” A group of mothers around gush, “wouldn’t they just be the sweetest couple?”

I roll my eyes at them. “That’s my daughter,” the new mom sitting next to me says, “in the tutu, her name’s Kristin.”

In mom-talk that meant she wanted the kids to have a play-date. Before I had time to respond Andrew stuck his foot out and tripped Kristin. He smiled while the girl ran to her mom.

It was like a scene out of a movie, “oh sweetie, he’s just being mean cause he likes you.” I walk away, it was time for us to leave anyways. “we have to go Andrew.” I tell him.

He looks at me and pouts, “but Lib, I didn’t mean to! My leg hurt and I was moving it and she fell, I swear-”

His little outburst made me laugh, “Andrew, you brothers soccer game starts in ten minutes. What would he do without his little good luck charm there?”

Andrew’s older brother was my age, seventeen. Because of his soccer, he isn’t able to watch Andrew, so that’s why the family hired me. But to Brian, I’m nothing more than his brothers babysitter. “Then go. I have no reason to.” Andrew says, going back to his sand castle.

Over the years I’m pretty sure Andrew has seen one too many Disney Princess movies. He enjoys trying to get Brian and I to kiss, though trust me, that’s not happening any time soon.

I pick Andrew up and start tickling him, he laughs all the way across the park to the soccer field.

When we show up, Brian instantly spots us. Andrew runs to him and they share a brotherly hug. For how much of a jerk Brian is, he sure is a softy when it comes to his little brother.

The two of them walk over to me, “you can take the rest of the day of Libs.” Brian tells me.

“you sure? I honestly don’t mind.” He usually went out to some team party afterwards and didn’t like having Andrew tag along with that.

“yeah. I’ve got that English paper for Wright, to work on. So there’s no party.”

I laugh, “you of all people would wait until last minute for that paper.” There was a ten page paper due Monday about a topic assigned by the teacher. I got mine on Oil Spills and finished the essay last weekend. “well Andrew, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“no, you’re staying.” Andrew orders me. Brian and I both look at him weirdly, “they always lose when you’re gone.” Is that true?

“I’m sure it’s not every time I’m gone.”

“it is, really!” he stomps his foot and I knew that meant he was about to scream bloody-murder.

“fine Andrew, I’ll stay for the game.” His face lit up as he grabbed by hand and dragged me to the bleachers.
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<3 justrealizelife