Status: infrequent updates. Sorry :/ Don't get too attached, I hardly ever finish a story.

Bound to You

Chapter One: Visit

As I sat in my little cottage in Alaska, near the Canadian border, I felt the immense need to see Carlisle Damon Cullen, my best friend and my secret crush.
You heard me.
So what if I had a crush on him. I's not as if he feels the same way...
I sighed sadly at the depressing thought. I had known him ever since I was born, him being the doctor that gave birth to me. We had always been friends. I came along 182 1/2 years ago, exactly half his age, oddly enough. We always some how met up, and I lived elusively in the middle of the woods, where nobody knew I was even there, except for the Cull ens. Wow. I haven't seen them in maybe...fifty years. Although, I knew where to find them. I always did. Carlisle sent me letters all the time. How they found their way to me, I never knew. I never got to send any back, because if people knew I was here....well, I'd have to move on. Anyways, as I was saying, I think it's time to see Carlisle again, or, as I lovingly called him, Dr. Fang...which got copied by Jacob Black, I heard.
My decision made, I wrote a note with all caps reading...
Yeah, she keeps tabs on me. So what? Anyways, after I finished writing that (which took a little less than three seconds), I quickly ran around packing a light bag consisting of two jeans, two skirts, one pair of shorts, one dress, two pairs of heels, socks, and five long-sleeved shirts. Slinging the duffel over my shoulder, I quickly slipped my hiking boots on, and ran lightning fast out the door.
And, you've probably been wondering about my diet, and probably have guessed at it. Animal Blood, folks, since Carlisle practically raised me, I grew up on the stuff, and I'm very happy about it too.
It took me ten hours to reach the Washington border, and by then, it was noon and I was thirsty. So, in the wooded area, I hunted down an Elk before continuing on my way.
I could smell them before I saw them. Hell, I could even hear them before I saw them. I slowed to a walk as I listened to Alice chatter on to Emmett about how excited she was to see me, Rosalie snorting about what Alice had just said, Edward softly playing his piano as he talked to the human girl, Bella, and Carlisle and Jasper talking about how much they missed me. They all warmed my heart, and even Rosalie liked me.
"SHE'S HEEEERRREEEE!!" Alice yelled loudly as she finally caught my scent with the changing wind. I ran the rest of the way, and straight into Carlisle's arms.
"Dr. Fang! Oh I've missed you!" I sobbed into his shoulder. Fifty years is a long time, even to a vampire like me. Or rather, half vampire.
"I've missed you too," He replied softly, his voice thick with tears that he can't shed. After one more second, I moved onto Jasper, who hugged me tightly as well. He was my biggest confidant, he knew everything about me.
"How've you been, darlin?"
"Good...but I missed you guys so freakin much!" I sighed, pulling away, smiling through the tears.
"I know," He said softly. I moved onto to Alice, who was bouncing on the balls of her feet. When I made it in front of her, she threw her arms around me, almost choking me out. Unlike her, I actually needed air.
"Alice, choking, not breathing!" I gasped, using my power of persuasion on her to make sure she let go. She immediately let go, worry in her eyes.
"I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?"
"Almost," I snickered before wrapping Rosalie in my arms and kissing both her cheeks. I heard a light, almost silent gasp from the human girl, Bella. She does know that Rosalie is actually really nice, right Edward? I asked mentally, shooting him a look. All he did was shrug. I rolled my eyes.
"We need to talk later," I murmured in Rose's ear, so the other vampire's wouldn't hear. She nodded subtly. I then moved onto Emmett, who smiled widely, his muscled arms rippling as he moved to put them around me softly. He always was like a brother to me. He treated me like a china doll, but also roughed me up a little when it was needed.
"How's it going, Kiddo?"
So what if that was his nickname for me. I actually liked it.
"Great, Emerson." I smirked, knowing he hated it when I called him that, but quickly moved onto Edward before he could muss up my electric blue locks that haven't changed ever since I looked old enough to get it dyed. (Eleven). yeah, a really long time.
"Hey Eddie!" I smirked. He rolled his eyes but smiled. I, after all, started the name. Bella looked at me jealously. Wow. Haha. I smirked at Edward. "So Eddie, how are you and your lovely girlfriend doing?" I asked, to which Bella blushed.
"We're doing fine, thank you for asking, Gwynlyn."
"Aww, fuck you." I moaned. He knew I despised that name.
"You wish, Gwyndolyn, you wish." I scrunched my nose up.
"Uhm, no." He just laughed then said,
"Gwyn, I'd like you to meet Bella Swan, my girlfriend." We shook hands and I whispered in her ear,
"Don't get jealous of me and Eddie. We have a love-hate friendship. It's me and Dr. Fang you have to worry about." I said and winked, while she looked at me wide-eyed. "And keep that on the DL, kay?" She nodded. I smiled at the lined up Cullens.
"Wow, I've never seen you guys so orderly. Let's get inside now." I laughed, before skipping into the house, not even being invited in.
"Isn't that a little rude?" Bella murmured to Edward, who laughed,
"Bells, she practically lives here. She and Carlisle have been best friends for literally her whole life. I would've been shocked if she didn't just walk in." I giggled lightly. Wow.
"Carlisle, hunny, who was it that you all had been so excited for?" Someone asked, and she walked out of the kitchen. I stopped in my tracks. Human. Blonde. Green eyed. Beautiful. Not me. Edward and Jasper quickly zoomed to my side.
"We didn't have time to warn you." Edward murmured so only the three of us could hear.
"Who...why...?" I muttered, not wanting the blatantly obvious to be true.
"Her name is Adriana Lewis. She's...she's dating Carlisle." Jasper whispered, feeling my despair and broken-heartedness.
"The dark one," I mumbled, a feeling of dark humor over-taking me. Jasper quickly calmed me. "Thanks Jazz."
"Oh, Gwyn, I forgot to tell you, this is my girlfriend, Adriana Lewis." Carlisle stepped forward to introduce. Adriana's eyes fell on me in disdain.
"Does she know?" I asked, looking at her boredly.
"Yes, Gwyndolyn." Carlisle smiled.
"Hm. Well, Adriana, I'm Gwyndolyn Starr, Carlisle's best friend. I've known him longer than he's known Edward." I smiled. She smiled back fakely.
"Yes, I've heard so much about you."
"All good things, I bet...except from maybe Emmett," I giggled, Jasper easily getting rid of my tense mood. She shrugged noncommittally.
"Gwyndolyn...may I speak to you?" I looked at Carlisle, shocked. He's never been angry with me.
"Uhm, sure." I walked into the front yard with him.
"Why are you provoking Addy?" He asked quietly to prevent the other vampire's from hearing.
"I'm not." I said, still shocked. "I'm the protective best friend, I wanted to make sure she's right for you. I care about you, Carlisle." I said, not even having to use my powers on him. He sighed then pulled me into his arms.
"I'm sorry, Gwynnie. I was wrong to be angry." He mumbled.
"Its alright, Fang." I smiled. "You are always forgiven." No matter how much you break my heart.
"NO DEPRESSING THOUGHTS, GWYNDOLYN!!" Edward yelled, as if I wouldn't be able to hear him talking normally. Shit. Carlisle's girlfriend....
"I thought you said she knew?" I asked Carlisle, shocked.
"She knew you were coming." He nodded. I smacked my forehead.
"Aw shit Fang, I meant about us."
"No!" He yelled, as if her knowing that was completely absurd.
"Damn, Fang, she's your freaking girlfriend for Christ's sakes! She has to know!" I growled.
"Gwyn, she can't! She'd leave me!" He sighed.
"Then she obviously doesn't love you for you."
"What do you know, Gwyndolyn?" He sighed, getting angry.
"How do I know? How do I know?! I KNOW BECAUSE I'VE LOVED YOU FOR MORE THAN 125 YEARS!" I shouted, tears flowing down my face.
"What did you say?" He asked, gaping.
Shit. Nice, Gwyndolyn. Nice
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I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CULLENS OR ANY OTHER CHARACTERS YOU RECOGNIZE. THEY ALL BELONG TO STEPHANIE MYERS. Esme isn't in this story. I'd feel bad to just kill her off or something, so she never existed. I own Gwyn and Adriana. But, you can use Adriana in any story you like. She's a fun character to write. Haha. Peace out(: