Status: my other stories are on hold for a while.. ;D

Real as Real Can Get

Lazy Day

The day after I have defeated the monsters of planet Ziggyziggyzamzam… just joking. The day after we went skating, I decided to be a bum and relax in the house all day. So, yeah. I laid there on my bed after I woke up and thought about how sore my body was.

“My motherfucking body is fudging sore.” I grumbled and turned on my side. “Mmm… fudge.” I said and hurriedly got out of bed in my pajamas and threw some random but stylish clothes on.

“Fudge, fudge, fudge, fudge.” I sang quietly as I made my way to the kitchen. Thankfully, my family and Lauren had to ‘go out’. I don’t know where they went nor do I care. I’m all alone in the house and… ME GUSTA! (A/N: Tumblr is taking its toll on me. TROLOLOL)

“Fudge….” I said one last time as I placed the chocolate and condensed milk on the counter. I started making the fudge and put it in a rectangular container before putting it in the fridge.

ding dong

“Coming.” I hollered and walked up to the front door. I opened the door and saw the ever-so-handsome Prince Harry of Wales. I wonder why the hell those press people always put an ‘h’ in Wales…. What retards. I hugged Harry and kissed his lips.

“Hello, love. Do I taste chocolate fudge on your lips?” He asked me as he closed the door behind him.

“How’d you know that it was chocolate fudge?” I asked him and giggled.

“Because I’m awesome.” He answered and wrapped an arm around my waist before leading me back to the kitchen. He plopped down on the bar stool and chuckled at my dormant expression.

“What would you like to eat? It’s 10 AM. Have you had breakfast yet?” I asked him.

“Well… I was hoping that I could have breakfast with you.” Harry answered and flashed me his heart-melting smile.

“Alrighty then. You want chocolate chip pancakes or just plain old coffee?” I asked as I looked at his handsome face. He grinned.

“Both, please.” He answered like a little kid and I giggled as I shook my head. I got the pan and started making pancakes. I also started making coffee from scratch.. because I’m just that good. I felt him wrap his hands around my waist from behind and kiss the back of my neck.

“Harry, you’re distracting me.” I giggled and turned around to face him. I buried my face in his chest and breather his manly scent in.

“That was the plan, love.” He said and chuckled before kissing the crown of my head. I wrapped my arms around his waist; careful not to dab the spatula on his light blue shirt. He swayed us and I giggled again. I can’t help it. He just makes me so giggly.

“Maybe I’ll introduce you to Tumblr later on. We can eat in my room if you want.” I mumbled and swayed side to side with him.

“That sounds wonderful.” He answered and we flipped the pancakes over then plated them. I poured some maple syrup on top of the heavenly breakfast and put a little square of butter on the top. Harry carried out coffee up to my room with me leading the way.

“Oooh! I have new followers!” I said and jumped around after I set the plate down on my table. Harry laughed and put the two mugs of coffee beside the plate of pancakes.

“What’s so special about new followers?” He asked me as he plopped down on my bed. I looked at him like he was crazy and shook my head as my mouth hung open. I looked like an idiot.

“New followers are so hard to obtain. Some people are just arses and unfollow you. Tumblr is so unlike Facebook. There are NO restrictions. Like… I can post up… well.. ‘I just had sex with Prince Harry of Wales’ and no one will give two fucks about it. Maybe a billion girls will kill me… but… you get the point. I tell them what I want to say. What I feel. What’s in my heart.” I answered and started scrolling down to see more posts.

“Let me see what that’s all about.” Harry said and lifted me off the computer chair then sat down ad perched me on his lap. I laughed and kissed his cheek.

“Don’t get too addicted.” I said and wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my head against his.

“I swear to to you I won’t.” He said softly and looked at various funny posts.

“Har?” I asked him quietly as he chewed on a little piece of pancake. He wouldn’t stop scrolling down to see more posts so I had to feed him.

“Yeah, love?” He asked me.

“When are we going public about.. you know.. us?” I asked him quietly.

“As much as I want to tell the whole world that you’re mine and mine only… it’s up to you. What’s important is I know that I love you and you love me too.” He answered and looked at me with a glimmer in his eyes that made my knees weak. I hugged him tightly and kissed his neck.

“How about we tell them as soon as they ask us what we are?” I asked him quietly. He chuckled and nodded.


“What do you want too do now?” Harry asked as he looked at me. I stared back at his upside down figure and grinned.

“I dunno. I’m too lazy to move. My body hurts.” I answered him and sat upright. All the excess blood rushed out of my head too fast and made me dizzy.

“How about we sit in the park?” Harry asked me. I nodded enthusiastically. I haven’t been to the park in, like, FOREVER!

“I’ll just get dressed.” I said brightly and got dressed. We walked out of the house hand-in-hand and walked to the park. When we got there, we sat down on the grass and looked up at the dark blue sky. No doubt it would rain soon. We stared up at the clouds and just lay there with our hands intertwined.

“That one looks a lot like cotton candy.” Harry mumbled.

“They all look like cotton candy, Har.” I answered and giggled. He looked at me and pouted. I pecked his lips and he grinned. A very comfortable silence followed that.

“Harry?” I asked him quietly. His eyes were closed and I could tell that he was thinking about something from the way a smile was plastered on his lips.

“Yes, love?” He asked me tenderly. I blushed and then smiled at him.

“What if I… drop out of school?” I asked him quietly. He looked confused for a moment but then a smile crept up on his lips.

“You need to finish college. You only have one semester left to finish. Then you’re done.” He answered. “But… You can always drop out of your school in America and move in with me… We can travel the world. Live life to the fullest. Have a shotgun wedding. Run away if they disagree. Make love to each other every night. Have children of our own. Grow old together.” He murmured and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and felt the tears brimming my eyes. The words he said meant so much. They meant the world to me. He wanted to get married. He wanted what I have always wanted. He wanted to have a family.

“You are just too perfect for your own good, Henry Charles Albert David.” I said and pecked his lips. He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

“I’m not perfect. You are.” He murmured and we started bickering like kids about that. Then, I rolled on top of him and tickled his sides. He laughed out loud and started tickling me back. We started rolling around in the grass while we laughed like carefree children.

Thunder rumbled in the distance and rain started pouring down on us. We got up and held each other’s hand before jumping around in the rain like a little dance. Harry and I jumped all over the place and soon enough, we found ourselves being surrounded by paparazzi people. I squealed when Harry picked me up and threw me over his shoulder before running full speed back to Clarence House. He set me down when we were about three blocks away and we ran though the rain, hand-in-hand while laughing about nothing at all. These are the things that I will treasure most in my life. Even when I’m old and have amnesia.. I can forget everything else nonchalant about my life but never Harry or anything related to him. We’ll grow old together and have lots of children and grandchildren.

“We’re home!” Harry hollered once we entered the lavish house. We were soaking wet and still laughing about nothing in particular but we didn’t care. We had each other and that was enough to make us happy.

“Why are you two soaking wet?” Will asked.

“Hey, Wills.” I said and waved at him. He raised an eyebrow and I rolled my eyes.

“What? You want me to bow down now?” I asked pointedly and Harry and I laughed at that. William rolled his eyes.

“No. I was just wondering if you were intoxicated or something along those lines.” He admitted and I laughed before walking towards him and wrapping him in a wet bear hug. He raised his hands up to push me away but he was too late. He was already wet.

“This is my favorite shirt.” He whined and I laughed.

“So?” I asked him and skipped back to Harry. Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and threw me over his shoulder again before he ran up to his room with me squealing my butt off.

“HARRYYYYY! Let me down right now! EEEEEEP!” I squealed aloud and thrashed wildly. He threw me down on his warm, comfy bed and climbed on top of me before blanketing my lips with his own. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. He put his hand under my shirt and my hair stood on end at his touch. I wrapped my legs around his waist and prepared myself for what was to come.