Status: my other stories are on hold for a while.. ;D

Real as Real Can Get

More and More Stress

“Have you called nanny Bridge yet?” Harry asked as we lounged on his bed, eating Haagen-Dazs ice cream. I scooped up some ice cream with the spoon and put it in his mouth.

“Not yet. I sure hope she makes it in time for the wedding. I don’t want anybody else touching my hair.” I said and we laughed quietly. He put his hand up and ran his fingers through my hair. I closed my eyes at the pleasure I received from his touch.

“What about me?” He whispered in my ear. I shuddered and smiled as I turned to him.

“This is different. You’re not some creepy hair stylist who probably wants to rape my hair. Or are you?” I asked and faked horror. He rolled his eyes and I laughed.

“Yeah. I just want to rape your hair. I assure you, it’s your hair I’m after.” Harry said sarcastically and we laughed. I leaned my head on his shoulder and we laughed our hearts out. Someone knocked on the door and Harry got out of bed and opened it.

“Your highness, the prince of Monaco wants to talk to her royal highness.” The same maid from earlier said and curtsied. Harry got the phone from her and thanked her before closing the door and handing the phone to me. I pecked his lips and put the phone to my ear.

“Yeah, Alex?” I asked him with a bright and cheerful tone.

“Hey, yeah. So, you and lover boy need to be here in ten.” Alex said. He wasn’t the one to beat around the bush when it came down to important stuff. Like, I dunno… the ‘family business’. LOL.

“Why? What’s up?” I asked him as Harry fiddled with my fingers.

“The parents and your father-in-law want to talk to you two.” He teased. I rolled my eyes.

“If this is about you abdicating the throne… I am going to beat the shit out of you.” I threatened him. Harry looked up and I raised my free hand up as if to tell him ‘I’ll tell you later.’.

“William was right. You are one violent person. It’s a little bit of that and of course, a little bit about your relationship. Be here in ten. Bye, sis.” Alex said and dropped the call. I looked at Harry and smiled a fraction of an inch.

“What was that about, love?” He asked me and laced his hand with mine.

“I’ll tell you later. We need to be there in ten minutes.” I said and he nodded. We walked to his car and he drove past all the paparazzi people flocking in front of Clarence House, trying to take our pictures.

We got to my parents’ house in five minutes. We ran inside and saw Prince Charles, my mom, and my dad sitting in the living room. I blushed madly and my eyes shot down to my paper wedding ring. I grinned sheepishly and fumbled a bit.

“Sorry if I’m indecent. Someone, I’m not mentioning names… thought it would be fun to run through the rain. Right, Harry?” I said and playfully glared at Harry. He put his hands up and we laughed.

“Get dressed, Amity.” My mom said and ushered me up to my room. I turned to Harry and kissed his lips lightly before I ran up to my room and changed into a strapless white dress, black cardigan, and espadrille heels.

“Sorry for the long wait.” I said and sat down beside Harry on the love seat. Our dads were perched on the three-seater couch along with my mom. Alex was perched on the solo couch.

“It’s quite alright.” Prince Charles said and smiled at me. I smiled back at him and felt Harry entwine our hands together.

“Wait, where’s Lauren?” I asked them.

“She’s sleeping up in her room.” My mom answered. I nodded and motioned for them to begin this ‘royal meeting’.

“As we all know, you two are going out now.” My dad said and I raised my hand up. He motioned to me.

“Correction, we know. They don’t.” I said and grinned at my dad. Not a single family meeting of ours was held seriously. Someone always had to make it fun. All of them chuckled and nodded in agreement.

“Where was I? Oh, yes. The public do not know about the two of you. We think it would be best if you two came out with this as soon as possible.” My dad said firmly. Harry and I nodded.

“To, you know, not have girls stripping for Harry in the streets.” Alex said and wiggled his eyebrows. I threw the throw pillow at his face and hit is, dead center.

“Shut up. We established that agreement earlier. We’re cool with being public.” I said and smiled.

“Well, let’s move on to bigger things.” Prince Charles said seriously.

“Like?” Harry asked.

“I think you should tell them, Alex.” Mom said softly.

“Tell me what?” I asked him and raised an eyebrow.

“Amity, Harry… I’m…” I cut him off.

“AHA! I knew it! You’re gay! I. KNEW. IT! I never had my doubts!” I hollered proudly and jumped off the couch. Everyone laughed except for Alex. Harry sat me back down beside him and squeezed my hand.

“You didn’t let him finish, love.” Harry said quietly and kissed the back of my hand.

“I’MABDICATINGTHETHRONE.” Alex said quickly and I looked at him then at my parents. They all looked serious. I clenched my free hand into a fist and gritted my teeth.

“What. Did. You. Say?” I asked Alex slowly; enunciating every word. He had always told us that he didn’t want to be king. I never thought he would ACTUALLY abdicate the throne. Fuck him. I’m too young to take over.

“I’m not fit to be the king, Amity. I’m not fit to be the ruler of Monaco.” Alex admitted.

“And, you decided that it would be best to abdicate the throne!? You little… GAH! Alex, what the hell were you thinking!?” I asked him; my voice raising an octave.

“You and Harry are the ones fit to rule Monaco. Prince Charles has already agreed to let Harry be the future King of Monaco.” Alex said softly and looked down at his hands. I felt tears of anger brimming my eyes but I blinked them back. Harry squeezed my hand and kissed a stray tear that rolled down my cheek.

“What about you, Alex? What will you do when you realize that abdicating the throne was the biggest mistake you ever did?” I asked him as hot tears rolled down my cheeks.

“I’ll be fine, Amity. I’m not fit to be a king. Yeah, I’m a prince… but, I’m not leadership material. Not like you, Amity. You’ve been through a lot in the past few years. You and Harry have had big obstacles in the past and both of you overcame them all.” Alex answered and I glared at him.

“I’ll be up in my room. Trying out different ways to kill myself. If you hear screaming, choking, wails of agony or anything of the sort… try to ignore it.” I said angrily and walked up to my room. Harry got up and tried to persuade me to stay and listen but I was getting none of that. I’m too young to rule over Monaco. I’m not ready yet. What if all of them hate me? God knows how long my parents will stay on this earth.

I slammed the door loudly and sat down on my bed, curled up in a fetal position and cried silently.

“Amity? Love?” Harry’s oh-so-familiar voice rang through the thick, reinforced door. I didn’t answer him. Then, I heard my door creak open but didn’t bother to look up. I felt Harry’s warm presence beside me. He wrapped his arms around me and I sobbed into his chest.

“I’m not ready yet, Harry.” I said through broken sobs.

“What if they don’t like me? What if…. What if—” He cut me off by ‘ssshh’-ing me.

“They’ll love you. You’re not ready now, but we’ll prepare for this. Together. Then, when that time comes… we’ll stand there as husband and wife… and as the King and Queen of Monaco. We’ll produce tons of heirs and heiresses. And, we’ll watch them all grow up to be exquisite men and women. We’ll help the homeless, and everybody to what extent we can help them. I’ve always been here for you and I’ll always be here for you. I love you more than I could say and more than I can express.” Harry murmured softly and caressed my cheek with his right hand. I looked up into his blue eyes and hugged him tightly. I’m so lucky to have him.

He kissed my forehead and ran his fingers through my hair like he did earlier. Then, he whispered “I’ll always love you and I’ll always be here for you.”. His words made my heart soar with delight and it made me realize one thing: I loved Harry more than my own life and I can NEVER live without him ever again.
♠ ♠ ♠
ALRIGHT! I got over my short-lived depression. I was holding off on typing a new chapter because I kept thinking about that person who reported this story because it had 'inappropriate author's notes' and 'links in the story content'... My mom cheered me up and told me to do a chapter for you guys. That person could've at least commented on the comments list and told me that the author's notes and links were bothering him/her instead of reporting it on-the-spot... I'm gonna have to wait another year before the 'waiting for editors' tag is removed. My other story still has that tag. :|

I'm sooo sorry if this is crappy.. but... yeah... Don't kill me..

shoutouts to: crazy beautiful;, bubbles_suzie, sozzy, aprilm405, kcollins720, RachelNicole523, gleelover55, Extreme-as-FMX

your comments cheered me up.. I LOVE YOU GUYS! :D