Status: my other stories are on hold for a while.. ;D

Real as Real Can Get

Field Day

After my little ‘episode’… Harry and I just sat there with his arms around me. Thinking about our future together. All my life I’ve never ran out of insecurities, whether it be from the non-existent cellulite on my legs or the split ends on some strands on my hair. Harry washed all my insecurities away with his words. He made me believe in myself. He told me I was beautiful when I knew I wasn’t in my best. Like, earlier. I was bawling my eyes out… I was sure I looked like a freak from outer space but he kept on soothing me and telling me that it was going to be alright, he would always be there for me, I was beautiful, and everything else that made a girl’s heart soar. Harry’s the perfect boyfriend/husband/everything a girl could wish for. So, I’m going to suck my act up and take this like a grown-up. This isn’t make-believe anymore. This is our life that’s being handed down to us.

“Har bear…” I whispered and looked up at him. He wiped my stray tears and pecked my lips lightly.

“Yes, love?” He asked softly.

“I’m going to freshen up.” I said hoarsely and gave him a small smile before I climbed out of bed and staggered to the bathroom. He smiled at me and just sat there on the bed. After I freshened up, I put a light coat of make-up on and sat down beside him.

“Are you okay now?” He asked me; worry interlacing his tone.

“I’m fine. I’m going to take this like a mature woman.” I said and grinned at him. He chuckled.

“Let me guess… you’re going to pout your way out of this?” He teased.

“Yes. WHAT!? No! Harry.” I said and pounced on him as we laughed.

“I was just joking, love.” He said and kissed my lips. I giggled and flicked his nose.

“Don’t mess with the future queen of Monaco.” I said and grinned at him before running out of my room and down to the living room. He laughed aloud and started running after me. I squealed with delight and hid behind the couch.

“Now, where could she be? Amity... love.” Harry called and I bit my bottom lip.

“AHA! There you are. C’mere.” Harry hollered and picked me up by my waist and tickled me mercilessly. I thrashed around and he stopped tickling me.

“There you two are. I’m glad to see that you’re okay now, Amity.” My mom said and smiled before hugging Harry and I.

“It’s all thanks to Harry, mom.” I said and hugged Harry tightly.

“We know. We’re going to a press conference. To tell them about Alex.” Mom said and smiled her motherly smile.

“Wait. Mom.” I said and turned to Harry. He got what I was saying and nodded.

“Yes, dear?” She asked me.

“Harry and I… we want to come with you guys.” I answered and she clapped her hands. Weird. That action kind of reminded me of Aro Volturi from New Moon. The incessant clapping.

“Great! Let’s go. You two look fine.” She said and dragged us outside. It was slightly drizzling but we couldn’t care less. Harry and I walked to his car and got in while my mom rode with my dad in their Bentley.

“So.. you still haven’t told me about Alex’s decision to abdicate the throne. The back story, anyway.” Harry said quietly. I looked at him and laced my left hand with his free hand. He drove behind my parents’ car and I looked at him then out the windshield.

“You remember when we were kids? I think I was six back then.. you were nine. We were playing in yours and Willie Wombat’s tree house? Yeah. Alex was out with my mom and your mom. When we got home that day… Alex said he ‘didn’t want to be the king’. That started from then on. After I left… he phoned me and told me that his decision was final. He didn’t want to be king. I talked him out of it but a few years later… when he turned 21.. he told us that he wanted to be a doctor. He finished medical school, right? So. That’s basically it. He wants to be a doctor instead of being a king.” I narrated and looked at Harry. His face was blank.

“Do you want to be the queen?” He asked softly.

“Well.. yes. I want to be the queen but it’s too early for that. I just want to live my life as the princess. I’ve been missing out on this for, like, 13 years. On the bright side, we can tease Willie Wombat all we want since we’re next in line for the throne.” I said and we laughed.

“You really are the perfect girl for me.” Harry said and pecked my lips quickly before turning back to the road.

“Awww, Har bear.” I said and smiled at him.


Once we got there, we got seated in our respective places. Harry texted Will if he wanted to hang out at McDonald’s after this. And, Willie Wombat said yes.

“First off, Harry and I would like to make an announcement.” I said into the mic and everybody turned to us.

“We’re going out now. All of you are looking at my most beloved girlfriend. My other half. My perfect half. My soon-to-be-wife. The love of my life. My everything.” Harry said smugly and I giggled as I covered my blush.

They fired questions at us and we answered them to what extent we could. When Alex told them that he was abdicating the throne, all of them went wild. The flashbulbs started flashing non stop and more questions were fired.

“What did you think of this, Princess Amity?” A reporter yelled.

“I thought it was… pardon my language… stupid. I called him a fucking bastard in my head. But, don’t worry. I’m over that. Harry gave me the strength to take this like a mature individual. I can see the headlines now.. ‘Monaco’s Next Queen Curses’. It’s something I picked up from America. I’m not saying that Americans are foul-mouthed people… they’re really awesome. It’s something that rubbed off on me.” I admitted and Harry squeezed my hand under the table. I smiled at him and pecked his lips lightly which caused EVEN MORE flash bulbs to blind us.

“Tell us more about your life in America, princess.” Another reporter yelled through the mesh of voices.

“I got bullied back when I was, like, 13.. because.. I was different. I’m over that. Sure, it gave me a lot of insecurities about myself but Harry washed all those insecurities away. He always tells me that I’m beautiful, smart, talented and everything a girl would love to hear. Harry is the perfect boyfriend. I assure you that fact.” I said and smiled before I turned to Harry who was blushing madly. He looked at me and pecked my lips again.

“What kind of bullying, princess!?” A female reporter asked.

“Name-calling. I wouldn’t have cared if they gave me scars. Scars heal but words… words just cut through your soul. They can make or break a person. That’s why I anonymously support anti-bullying campaigns. I support a lot of causes anonymously. It may look like I wasn’t always there for my people… but, in all honesty.. I have always been there. Making anonymous donations. Arranging outreach programs. All while I was in America.” I answered and grinned at the press people.


We went to McDonald’s after our press conference and we saw Will and Kate there. They were just sitting in a booth and smiling at each other.

“They look so cute together.” I giggled and walked closer to Harry.

“Not as cute as us.” He said and winked at me. I laughed and shook my head as we sat down adjacent from Kate and Will.

“Hello there, Kate. Willie Wombat.” I said and smirked. William rolled his eyes.

“Again with the childhood nick names.” Will whined and we laughed at him.

“I can’t help it if you had such adorable nicknames. Oh, yes… before I forget… bow down before me and my supremacy.” I said and looked at them smugly.

“What? Why?” Will asked.

“Oh… nothing big… it’s just that.. You’re looking at the person who’s next in line for the throne.” I said and grinned. Harry chuckled and kissed my temple. Kate grinned with me and William looked serious.

“Seriously?” He asked.

“Yep.” Harry answered.

“What happened? I thought your brother was next?” Kate asked.

“Alex abdicated the throne.” I answered and looked at the paparazzi people taking our pictures. I waved at them and they took EVEN MORE pictures.

“What would you ladies like to eat?” Harry asked as he and Will got up.

“Ooh… I’m going to have a big mac, chocolate sundae, extra large fries, chicken nuggets… just order everything on the menu. I’m good with that.” I said with a smile on my face. They looked at me like I was an alien with three heads.

“I’m joking. Sheesh. I’ll have whatever you’re having, Har Bear.” I said and smiled sweetly. He chuckled and leaned down to peck my lips before he and Will walked off.

“Har bear?” Kate asked through giggles. I blushed but smiled.

“Since you call Will..Big Willie.. I thought I’d also give Harry a pet name. It’s the perfect pet name for him. He’s so cuddly like a bear.” I said and sighed dreamily.

“I sense another royal wedding coming on.” She teased. I laughed along with her.

We talked about wedding stuff and eventually, Harry and Will came back to our table with our food. Harry and I had the same things. Large fries, Big Macs, and coke.

“Basher Wills.. hey. Will.” I called quietly and leaned over the table. He rolled his eyes but also leaned in. I put a hand up to my mouth and took a deep breath before whispering:

“I saw some lawn mowers earlier. I think they’re out to get you.”

“Really?” He asked me sarcastically. Harry and Kate laughed quietly as I sat back in my seat. Harry wrapped an arm around my shoulders and kissed my temple.

“Aww. Don’t be so bitter about the lawn mowers, Willie Wombat. Which reminds me… do you still have your stuffed wombat thing-y?” I asked and wiggled my eyebrows at Kate. She didn’t know about Will’s stuffed wombat. He loved that thing a lot. Never left home without it.

“What? How do you remember all of my childhood nicknames? And all my childhood stuff? Stalker!” Will said and I rolled my eyes at him.

“Has your memory gone thin like your hair?” I asked him. He narrowed his eyes at me and I laughed. “Sorry. Sorry. That was uncalled for. I just remember them. I have a good memory. If you want to know some embarrassing stuff that Willie Wombat doesn’t even remember.. don’t hesitate to ask me, Kate.” I said and winked at her.
♠ ♠ ♠
GUYS! Your comments really made my day. I was SO giggly when I read them all. sozzy inspired this chapter. I wasn't thinking about Will's position when I wrote the last chapter. It just, you know, came into my mind. I was like 'oh, I want to do this, and this, and this, and this'... lol..

I'm going to share to all of you how my mom cheered me up:
we were making lunch and I was just blabbing on and on about what has been happening in my life for the past week. Then, I told her about this story being reported.

me: My story got reported because of 'inappropriate author's notes' and links in the story content. So, I'm waiting for the editors to check up on my story. -blah blah blah-
mom: are you going to jail?
me: what?! mom... NO! I'm not going to jail. HAHAHAHA!
mom: see, there're worse things than your story being reported. Now, go update for your readers. :)

My mom's so awesome. I'm so lucky to have her. :D

thank you to all of you who had commented. You guys make me want to update everyday. More comments=faster updates. :D

shoutouts to: Sam I am, sozzy, bubbles_suzie, londonnative, peaceREB, aprilm405, kcollins720, BrookieCookie490