Status: my other stories are on hold for a while.. ;D

Real as Real Can Get

Going Home

The following morning, I opened my eyes and glared at my annoying alarm clock. I slammed my hand over it and it stopped beeping. I sat up and smoothed my hair down. Unlike those models on TV… you know… the ones that wake up all beautiful with straight hair and perfect faces. I’m nothing compared to them. Sometimes, my hair ends up in tangles. Most of the time, I have red marks on my face from sleeping on my pillow case’s crease. Don’t even get me started on those Clean & Clear commercials.

“What a horrible morning.” I grumbled and threw my covers off me. My lady’s maids were there in the corner of the room, waiting for me to get up.

“Good morning, Maria, Melanie.” I said and smiled a fraction of an inch. As you can tell by now, I’m not really a morning person. Except when Harry’s around. I mean, who can’t NOT be happy around Harry?

“Good morning, miss.” They greeted and curtsied before tending to my bed.

“Thank you.” I thanked them politely and did my daily necessities before I got dressed in a pair of light blue jeans, a white tank top, and my white, cashmere, off-shoulder sweater. I let my hair fall down freely and applied a really light coat of make-up before I walked into my room.

Then, someone grabbed me by my waist and spun me around as I squealed and laughed; knowing that it was Harry… from the manly scent.

“Har bear!” I said happily and turned around to hug him once he set me down on the bed. He hugged me back and kissed my lips.

“Good morning, love. I have a surprise for you.” He said excitedly. I looked into his blue eyes and grinned.

“Ooh! I love surprises!” I answered.

“I’ll tell you during breakfast. Now, eat up. I made these for you.” He said and tugged me towards my bed. There was a tray filled with breakfast-y goodness. My favorite blueberry pancakes, a glass of orange juice and a cup of cappuccino. A single red rose lay there beside the plate of pancakes.

“Oh my gosh! Thank you! I love you so much!” I said and hugged Harry tightly. He chuckled and kissed the crown of my head then sat us down on the bed.

“I love you, too.” He answered with that heartwarming smile on his adorable face. I dug in (in a ladylike manner) and also fed Harry.

“So, what’s the big surprise?” I asked him as he drank some orange juice.

“Oh, yes. We’re taking a little break from all the wedding preparations. Will and Kate are still going to be here; just relaxing. But, we…” He pointed to the two of us. “We’re crashing at your house.” He said and grinned. I smiled widely and I swear… my smile could’ve rivaled Demi Lovato’s smile.

“You mean in Monaco, right?!” I asked him excitedly. He laughed and nodded. I squealed and hugged him tightly. “And, you’re coming with us! THIS. IS. SO. AWESOME!”

“Yes, awesome indeed, love.” Harry stated and chuckled at my excited-ness.


After breakfast, I started packing my stuff with Harry’s help. I asked him if his stuff was already ready and he said ‘yes, love’.

“I’m so excited!” I said happily as we walked down the stairs. My family and Lauren was already there; just sitting down and talking.

“Hola, familia. ME GUSTA!” I exclaimed and they all laughed at me.

“Someone’s in a bubbly mood today. Hey, future queen-ie.” Lauren said and hugged me. I laughed and hugged her back none-the-less.

“So, we’re gonna go now, right!? I haven’t been home in… like… FOREVER!” I said and threw my hands up in the air then danced to nothing. I’m such a freak.

“Of course. Let’s go.” My dad said and led the way to the driveway. Harry helped me in his car and we drove off like a convoy. Our hands were interlaced on the center console and I had my head leaned back on the headrest. My smile still stayed on my face and I knew I just radiated excitement, because Harry had the same expression on his face. Excitement.

“Do Wills and Kate know about this?” I asked Harry as we drove to the airport.

“Yep.” He answered. The rest of the ride was spent in a very comfortable silence, because I fell asleep again. When I woke up, I was being carried by Harry to the plane. Everyone around us was chattering and ‘aww’-ing. Some paparazzi people managed to take photos but we didn’t mind them.

“Good morning.” I said in a groggy voice with a grin on my face.

“ Good morning, love.” Harry answered with the same expression. I leaned up and pecked his lips which earned more paparazzi flashbulbs to erupt.


The plane ride wasn’t that interesting. We just sat there and talked about new gadgets. When we landed on out private landing strip on ‘The Rock’ (A/N: I forgot if there’s really a private landing strip in the palace grounds. But, I think there is. It’s 177 hectares big. ;D)

“HOME!” I said and squealed happily then danced around the tarmac once we got off the plane. Lauren stared at the palace in awe and I slung my arm around her.

“Welcome to Monaco.” I said and then started dancing around while singing ‘I’m home, home, home, home, home-y, home-y, home, home’. Harry laughed along with my family then he picked me up bridal style and carried me through the threshold like a newly wed couple. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck then pecked his lips.

“Welcome to your future home, oh-future-husband-of-mine.” I said and snuggled into him. He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

“Good to be in my future home.” He mumbled and kept walking. “Now, where’s our room?”

“Second floor, fifth door to your right.” I answered and he walked up to my room. I opened the door using my left hand and he entered my humble abode. He set me down on my feet and I let my eyes roam around my old room. They turned it into a loft. A LOFT.

“Wow.” Harry and I said at the same time then looked at each other then around the room again.

“Why don’t we rest up for a bit and then I’ll take you on a tour?” I suggested and Harry carried me to the bed then laid us down on the silk covers. I curled up around him and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

“I’ll take you to my most favorite place in the whole palace.” I mumbled.

“And where would that be?” Harry asked.

“There’s this room in the library. A secret room. Behind a book shelf. Only my dad, nanny Bridgette and I know about it. He had it air-conditioned a few years back because I liked to spend my time in there. I read books in there, watched movies, drew stuff, you know… kind of like my recreational room.” I said softly and smiled at the memories that flooded my head. I just know that Harry’s going to enjoy that room as much as I enjoy it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello, Hello there my friends! :D Thank you, THANK YOU for the WONDERFUL, AWESOME, AMAZING comments! :D

Sorry if this took so long to post up. I type my stories up on my laptop then post it up using my desktop. ('Cuz I'm too lazy to connect my laptop to the WiFi. Yep, our house has WiFi. Courtesy of my dad. lol). So, yeah.. let me tell you about my day with my mom and little bro. (It's only 12:46 PM here in the Phils.)

I had a GREAT time hanging out with them at our farm. I got to plant some corn seeds by hand and... it was FANTABULOUS! After planting about ten seeds.. I had enough of that and started typing this chapter on my laptop despite the 'No gadgets allowed' rule when we go to the farm. I defy all rules because my mommy loves me alot. LOL.

So, yeah. Here's another MAJOR thing in my life... I'm going to have my OJT (on-job-training) in London. ;D next year. it went down with my mom like this:

me: -typing chapter- mom, next year we're gonna pick out where we're gonna go for our OJT. Should I pick NYC or London? The OJT in London is much more expensive than the one in NYC. I dunno why.
mom: that's fine, darling. (my nickname at home is Darling. It's also on my birth certificate) anything you want.
me: REALLY!? OMG! I love you a lot! -hugs-

shoutouts to: sozzy, Sam I am, crazy beautiful;, peaceREB, tracyrobinson8725, BrookieCookie490, kcollins720, LifeIsOK

Love you guys!! :D