Status: my other stories are on hold for a while.. ;D

Real as Real Can Get

Meet My Cousin

The following morning, I opened my eyes to a bright, happy morning. The birds were chirping outside and I could hear the ocean waves crashing against the palace’s foundation (since the palace IS literally on a rock). I blinked twice and yawned quietly before looking up at the handsome man lying underneath me. Harry had his eyes closed and he was breathing peacefully (snoring lightly every so often) which meant he was still asleep. He looked angelic.

“Harry. Har bear.” I whispered and tapped his lips lightly. He scrunched his nose and I giggled.

“Wake up..” I breathed out and planted butterfly kisses on his bare chest. He squirmed a bit and then cracked one eye open. Instead of shoving me off, like I had expected, he smiled and wrapped his arms tighter around my waist then leaned up to peck my lips.

“Have I died and gone to heaven?” He asked groggily. I looked at him with a confused expression on my face and he chuckled.

“Well, no. What makes you think that?” I asked him through a smile.

“For one, I have an angel lying on top of me.” He murmured and ran his fingers through my wavy locks. I blushed and bit my bottom lip as I looked at him.

“Harry! Amity! Are you two awake now!?” Alex shouted from the other side of the door. I got off Harry and wrapped my robe around me.

“What, Alex!!?” I hollered as he pounded on the door.

“Good. You two are awake. Uncle Giuseppe is here with Fleur, Raquel, and Joseph.” Alex piped up. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

“We’ll be down in a few.” I answered and he walked off. Harry looked at me as if saying ‘what’s wrong?’. So, I sat down beside him and looked at his blue eyes.

“Uncle Giuseppe is a prick. He’s been after the crown ever since… I dunno.. he and dad were babies. He used to be really mean to me. He scared the hell out of me because he’s SO UNLIKE dad. He’s fat.. and FUGLY! Dad’s complete opposite. Dad was totally handsome and really fit. He still is.. for a 59 year-old man. Uncle Giuseppe looked like that guinea pig we used to torture. Only.. less cute.” I said quietly and huffed. Harry laughed quietly and I glared daggers at him. He stopped and put a hand on my thigh.

“Love, it’s going to be fine. That was 13 years ago. I’m sure he’s changed. And if he hasn’t.. he better be ready to get his arse kicked; prince Harry style.” Harry reassured me and kissed my forehead. I smiled and hugged him.

“You are the best ever, you know?” I asked before I kissed his lips lightly.

“You’ve told me at least a thousand times.” He whispered and I decided to let that slide.


We did our daily necessities and got dressed in casual yet dressy clothes. I decided to pack some riding gear for both Harry and I since he was talking about playing Polo with Alex. He was also suggesting that we go riding and then we could go swimming if we had the time.

“Come on, love. Don’t make me tickle you.” Harry warned as I zipped our bag up. He slung that on his shoulder and looked at me. I laughed and started walking slowly; more like trudging. He groaned and then picked me up then carried me down to the foyer with our laughter and my squeals filling the very quiet palace.

“Harry, I am going to murder you!” I said and hit his shoulder lightly once he set me down on my feet. He laughed and pressed his lips to mine then broke off after half a minute.

“Are you still going to murder me?” He asked with that smug smile on his lips.

“Sadly, yes. Shame.” I stated sarcastically and he laughed before wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer.

“Ahem.” Someone cleared his/her throat.

“What? Do you have a fur ball in your throat or something?” I asked with a bit of an attitude. No one interrupts us in my own home. I turned around and was greeted with the sight of my pudgy uncle. He still had his beer belly.. his overly large belly. His face looked swollen and his eyes were like tiny slits… not exactly.. but his eyes were chinky due to the fat stored up on his cheeks; his face in general. He had a beard much like William’s old beard.. but it looked better on Will.

“It’s nice to see you again, Amity.” He said in a really raspy and creepy voice… with a French accent. What the fuck!? I know we’re French and all.. but… IT. DOESN’T SUIT HIM. I still have a bit of my French accent. My family has really amazing French accents that are to-die-for. Harry has a British accent… that just makes me shift in my seat. And, Lauren has a completely American accent.

“Hey.” I answered emotionlessly. My dad cleared his throat and Harry and I turned to him. He didn’t sound like a fur ball was lodged in his throat. Even he could make throat-clearing look good.

“Good morning, dad.” Harry and I said at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed quietly. My dad turned to us and smiled his fatherly smile.

“Good morning.” He answered. I turned to my uncle and put my poker face on. He is so not worthy of my smile. That man scared me with his beard and belly ever since I was two! Purposely, if I might add.

“We’ll be back later, dad. Harry and I are just gonna go riding. I’m sure Alex will take Lauren to the field later.” I said and kissed his cheek before I dragged Harry out of the palace.

“He scared me.” Harry admitted and I looked at him with an ‘I-told-you-so’ look on my face.

“AMEEEEETY!” I heard that very familiar and irritating voice. I hit my head on Harry’s arm and he chuckled.

“Ignore her.” I said quietly and we continued walking off; faster now.

“AMEEEETY! Wait! Attends-moi!” She yelled. I could hear her Manolos clicking against the pavement.

“Go away.” I grumbled and rolled my eyes before I stopped. Making Harry also stop. I plastered a fake smile on my face and batted my eyelashes. Fleur immediate wrapped me in her bony arms and I suffocated all because of the excessive use of her Chanel no. 5 perfume.

“Salut, Fleur. Comment êtes-vous?” (Trans: Hi, Fleur. How are you?) I asked with a fake smile on my face. Don't get me wrong... I love Fleur.. A LOT. But, she's just SOOOOO freaking annoying. She's obsessed with all the people I used to have crushes on. Like, when I told her I liked Leonardo Di Caprio. The next day, she showed up at the palace armed with Leonardo Di Caprio merchandise.

“Je suis vraiment bon, Amity. Je vois que vous avez Harry avec vous! Salut, Harry!” (trans: I'm really good, Amity. I see you have Harry with you! Hi, Harry!) She said and winked at him in a flirtatious manner. I would have shoved her then and there and grabbed her eyes out of their sockets, but I figured that that would make headlines. 'Future Queen of Monaco, Princess Amity, Grabs Cousin's Eyeballs'. This headline is for the American and British papers. The French ones would have it like this: 'Queen Avenir de Monaco, Princesse Amitié, Cousin Grabs de Eyeballs'.

“Bonjour, mademoiselle.” Harry said and nodded curtly. I clenched my right hand into a fist and inhaled through my nose and exhaled through my clenched teeth before I smiled in a really forced way.

“ J'aimerais joindre les deux de vous aujourd'hui. Êtes-vous de sortir pour une promenade?” (Trans: I'd love to join the two of you today. Are you going out for a stroll?) Fleur invited herself. I looked at Harry and he looked back at me before shaking his head to the side in a really secretive manner.

“Of course.” I ground out and Fleur clapped her hands before engulfing Harry and I in a hug. This is going to be a long day. I just hope Harry has the patience to endure Fleur and her air-headedness.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have a question for all of you guys... was the text from the old layout unreadable? I mean... I got reported AGAIN for an 'Unreadable Layout'.. fuck this.. one more report and I am going to CRACK! I am going to stop writing this because I have had enough people reporting this story. Just leave comments if something bothers you so much! I try to write a good chapter because people ACTUALLY enjoy READING my story. They don't complain about something that they can READ AND SEE! IF SOME OF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH ANYTHING.. ANYTHING AT ALL... LEAVE COMMENTS. DON'T REPORT ME! I'M A REALLY NICE PERSON.. I won't get angry if you say something bad about my story or the layout. Just say it directly to me. This is the second report in five days. Sheesh! You reporters are stressing me even further! As if my brother isn't already stressing me out! HE'S BEEN SICK FOR THE PAST FEW DAYS AND ME AND MY MOM HAVE BEEN STRESSING OUT ABOUT HIM! I write chapters so that I can stay awake at night and take care of him. And, some of you people REPORT my story. I try to act preppy and all through my author's notes.. but.. THIS! THIS IS THE LAST STRAW! One more report and I'm done. FOR LIFE!

Maybe someone will report me for having author's notes that are TOO LONG now. Or maybe someone will report me for have French in my story.

I'm not in the mood to do shoutouts.. but.. to whoever commented,,, (they're always the same people and some new ones) I love you people and you give me the will to continue with this story.

Here's Amity's dress and her riding outfit..