Status: my other stories are on hold for a while.. ;D

Real as Real Can Get

Like A Rash

Fleur followed us EVERYWHERE we went. She didn’t stop babbling on and on and on and on and on about her shopping trips and her flings. When she walked in front of us, I was about to pounce on her and strangle her to death but Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back.

“She’ll leave us soon. I hope.” He whispered in my ear and I sighed and continued walking with Harry’s arm wrapped around my waist.

“If she doesn’t.. I’ll get Oatmeal to trample her to death.” I grumbled and Harry chuckled. Oatmeal is my white pony.

“Fleur!? Fleur!? Yeah. FLEUR!” I shouted over her babbling and sighed irritatedly when she didn’t hear me over her nasal voice. Harry wrapped his arm tighter around me and held me close to his chest to keep me from killing Fleur.

“Calm down, love.” Harry murmured quietly and I looked up at him. He’s the only thing keeping me from killing my bitch of a cousin. Literally.

“How can I calm down when she’s destroying our Harry-Amity time?” I asked and pouted. He kissed my lips lightly and I smiled despite my irritation. Fleur is like a rash that won’t go away.

“I have an idea. Just keep quiet.” Harry said and I nodded. He grabbed my hand and we walked off the foot path as quietly as possible. Fleur kept on walking ahead of us like the world was her playground.

“Why didn’t I think of that?” I asked in awe and Harry chuckled.

“Because you were too busy trash-talking about Fleur.” He answered and led me to wherever his feet brought him. Thank God I didn’t tell Fleur that we were going horseback riding around town. It’s not exactly illegal to go horseback riding around town… but.. it would be weird to see the princess of Monaco and the Prince of Wales strolling around on horses. But, what the hey? As long as I’m with Harry I’m okay. That rhymed. I’m so awesome.

“Oh. Right. I forgot about that. Now… where are the freaking stables? I think we should take a left here.” I whispered and led him through the garden. A few minutes later, we ended up by the stables. We sprinted towards the brown stables and started cheering loudly. Harry spun me around as we laughed.

“Let’s go get suited up before Fleur notices that we ditched her.” I said and unzipped our bag that Harry tossed on the ground. I handed him his neatly folded shirt and his brown riding boots as well as his Oakley sun glasses. He took his shirt off and I stared up at him in awe. His body never ceased to amaze me. Then, he put his shirt on with a smug smile on his face.

“I’ll turn around if you want.” Harry said and was about to turn around when I grabbed his hand from my kneeling position.

“No, it’s okay.” I said softly and got up. I unzipped my took my coat off and unzipped my dress then let it fall to the ground. Exposing me in my underwear. Harry blushed madly and so did I. I mean, I should be the one blushing; not him. I’m the one almost naked. I crossed my arms over my chest and Harry stepped forward then removed my arms from their crossed position.

“No need to hide, love. You look so beautiful.” Harry whispered and cupped my face in his hands then pressed his lips to mine in a gentle and passionate manner. One of the things I love about Harry.. he never calls me HOT… I like that.. because hot is not a substitute for beautiful. The term ‘hot’ is used for describing poulets a.k.a. hookers.

He broke off and smiled at me before pecking my lips again. I smiled back and raised my shirt up to my head then bit my lip before slowly slipping it over my head. Harry just stood there with a smile on his face. It was kind of creepy but still sweet. I slipped my pants on and then finished my outfit with the blazer and my riding boots… oh.. and the equestrian cap. Harry stepped towards me and slowly removed the cap. Then, he placed his sun glasses in my hair.

“You look much more beautiful without this cap.” He said and put that in our bag. I smiled shyly up at him and he pecked my lips lightly.

“Thank you.” I whispered and laced my fingers with his then dragged him to the stalls. I unlocked Starburst’s stall and he neighed. All my horses are named after food. Oatmeal, Starburst, Cookie, and Yoghurt.

“I’ll saddle him up.” Harry said and saddled Starburst up while I saddled Oatmeal. Once I was done, I mounted myself up on Oatmeal and laughed when I noticed that I was riding side saddle. I don’t really get why women say that riding side saddle is so hard. It’s very easy. Or maybe that’s because I grew up around Polo players and.. not to mention.. had my own pony at the age of three?

“You’re riding side saddle… in jeans!” Harry exclaimed as he settled himself on Starburst.

“You jealous?” I teased him and we laughed.

“A little. JOKING! That’s good you still know how to ride side saddle. How’d you manage to still remember how to do that?” He asked with a grin on his face. I fixed myself up and slung my other leg on the other side of my horse.

“I’m a member of the local equestrian club back in Cali. None of my school mates know that I know how to ride a horse.” I answered and saw that our bag was tied to Starburst’s saddle.

“I’ll race you out of here!” Harry hollered and dashed off. I looked at his retreating figure with my mouth hung open then made Oatmeal run after him.

“Get back here, Harry!” I yelled and he laughed.

“Catch me if you can, slowpoke!” Harry teased and I laughed wholeheartedly.


We raced out of the palace grounds with our laughter filling the air. Then, we stopped when we made it to the streets of Monaco. People started curtsying and bowing down but we waved them off with smiles on our faces.

Harry and I rode side by side with my left hand and his right hand interlaced together. Some people took pictures and we smiled for them.

“So, what do you think of Monaco so far?” I asked him as we strolled around town on our horses.

“It’s beautiful. I can see myself moving here to be with you.” He answered and leaned over to peck my lips. I giggled after he broke off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if it's short. I cried a little while earlier because I needed to get everything out of my system. Now, I'm fine. Thank you for all the comments. I really appreciate you guys being honest. I was having doubts about the old layout anyway... are there any more things I can do to improve the layout or the story? Just drop your suggestions in my comment box. Sorry if I blew a gasket earlier... I wasn't feeling so well because I had to stay up all night last night 'cuz my brother was really sick. I guess the lack of sleep caught up with me.

TuckYou: Thank you! I didn't really have that problem with the layout.. but it's just probably because I designed the layout for my monitor.. :)

sO NoT StErEoTyPiCaL: thank you so much for being honest. I really appreciate it. :D

Emmelz Liebe: Awww! thank you! your comment actually made me blush earlier.. no one has ever said that I'm a great writer.. except for my mom and my best friends.. :) Your comment means so much to me.

crazy beautiful;: Hey, Tahlia! :D thank you, thank you! Yep, Fleur is annoying.. because I based her off my own cousin... who's five years-old...ohmigod.. I'll tell you all about her when you come here to the Phils. :D I'll update soon... and, yeah.. I sure hope my lil bro gets better..

peaceREB: Amity's uncle also scares me.. I based her uncle off my dad's older brother. (my uncle)... they're complete opposites.. my dad's the handsome one and my uncle's the.. err.. aesthetically deficient one.. lol..

sozzy: aww! thank you so much! i'll treasure your comment forever.. :D

summerfire25: thank you so much! I'll try to update tomorrow.. :)

londonnative: thank you! I don't even know what'll happen after this.. since I'm already thinking about baby names.. lol..

another question.. would you guys like something big to happen that it'll break Harry and Amity up (for a little while)? I'm also contemplating if I would break them up or let the fluff continue until the end of the story.. :|

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE COMMENTS! And, PLEASE.. if any of you have suggestions or complaints.. don't hesitate to be honest and drop those off in the comments box or PM me about it. I don't bite. :D