Status: my other stories are on hold for a while.. ;D

Real as Real Can Get

24 Hours of Henry

“Har bear! Let’s watch something on DVD.” I said enthusiastically and jumped around in circles. This is the last time that I will ever eat chocolate for breakfast. I think Harry has also come to that conclusion. Today is Thursday; April 14. 10:43 AM. I plopped down on the couch.

“Alright, love.” Harry looked up from his laptop where he was doing something. He wouldn’t show me, so, I don’t know. He shut his laptop and joined me on the couch. He draped his arm around my shoulder and I pressed play on the remote. 500 Days of Summer played on the large flat screen and Harry and I watched in a comfortable silence.

“Penis.” Tom yelled with Summer. Harry and I looked at each other and laughed loudly. I leaned my head on his shoulder and we continued laughing uncontrollably.

“Oh my God. What the hell!?” Harry asked through his laughing fit.

“That is one thing we would NEVER be caught doing in a local park. Shouting penis at the top of our lungs.” I stated and Harry agreed with me.


The movie eventually got done and I stretched myself out.

“How about we do our own version of 500 Days of Summer? Like a vlog.” I asked Harry quietly as my head rested on his arm. He looked at me and smiled before pecking my lips.

“24 Hours of Henry, perhaps?” He asked while wiggling his eyebrows.

“I’ll get my camera.” I said and ran to my drawer to get my camera. I switched it on and pointed it to myself.

“Well, hello there.” I said and waved in a perky manner as I walked back to the couch. I sat down beside Harry and he wrapped his arms around me then kissed my cheek.

“Hello there, love. What’ve you got there?” Harry asked. I giggled and looked at him then grinned.

“Say hello to everyone, Har.” I said happily and tapped his nose lightly with my index finger. He chuckled and turned to the camera before waving.

“Hello, everyone.” He greeted.

“So, we just got done watching 500 Days Of Summer. And, that movie inspired us to do this vlog. We’re going to take you through a day in our lives. My life with Harry, anyway. This vlog is entitled.. 24 Hours With Henry. I’m Amity and this lovely gingey right here is Harry.” I narrated and we continued with this nonsense for a few minutes before we went down to the kitchen with me holding the camera.

“We’re in the kitchen right now.. because Harry’s hungry. He’s always hungry. Take my word for it.” I said aloud as I walked after Harry. Harry spun around and picked me up then spun me around. I squealed and Harry sat me down on the counter. He stood himself between my legs and pulled me in for a kiss. I giggled and ran my fingers through his bright orange hair.

“AMEEETY! HARREEEEE!” Fleur’s annoying voice rang through the kitchen. I instantly pressed stop on the camera and broke off from Harry.

“Fleur. And.. you brought Raquel with you. Fan-fucking-tastic.” I said the last part sarcastically. Harry chuckled quietly and I nudged him with my leg.

“Harry, Raquel. Raquel, Harry.” I introduced them briefly and rolled my eyes when Raquel curtsied.

“Well, look at the time. Harry and I need to go to the stables to feed Oatmeal.” I said and nodded to make my bluff believable. And, let me tell you.. those suckers bought it. So, once Harry and I were out of the kitchen, I switched the camera back on and pointed it to us as we walked to God-knows-where.


“It’s already been 7 hours. It’s 7 PM here in Monaco and Harry and I are just strolling around the palace grounds. I know I should’ve worn jeans. Shorts and a tank top.. definite no-no.” I said and wagged my finger at the camera. Harry chuckled and took his jacket off before wrapping it around my shoulders. I ‘aww’ed and pecked his lips lightly.

“Thank you.” I thanked him and he grinned.

“It’s nothing, love. So, let’s play ‘what if’. I know how much you love that game. You want to go first?” Harry asked me as I held the camera up.

“You go first.” I answered with a smile on my face.

“Alright… hmm… what if the dementors came out now and threatened to throw your shoes in the ocean?” Harry asked. I looked at him and giggled.

“Ooh. A Harry Potter what-if. Harry and I are Potter-heads. He’s such a Potter-head that his initials ‘PH’ for Prince Harry are ‘HP’ backwards.” I said and wiggled my eyebrows at the camera. Harry laughed.

“She’s more of a Potter-head than I am. Trust me.” Harry said and we bickered about that in a playful manner.

“I’d probably Avada Kedavra their arses. Or maybe Rictusempra them to death… well… second death.” I answered and Harry chuckled.

“But, that’s an unforgivable curse.” Harry countered.

“Oh, so you’re ‘Harry James Potter’ all of a sudden, Henry Charles Albert David.” I teased and poked his side. He flinched away from me and we laughed at that.

“No need to tickle me, love.” Harry said as he flinched away from my index finger. I stopped trying to tickle him and grinned.

“My turn to ask. Hmm… what if… Draco Malfoy was actually my brother? My twin brother. Which would make me a girl from Slytherin.. and a Malfoy. The daughter of a Deatheater. Let’s say that you’re from Gryffindor. What would you do then?” I asked him. He thought about that for a minute and eventually smiled.

“No matter what house you’re in or whoever your twin is.. evil or not.. Slytherin and Malfoy girl or not… I will always love you. Even if my mates from Gryffindor hate me for loving the girl from Slytherin.. as long as that girl is you I’d gladly endure their hatred.” Harry answered and cupped my face in his hands. By now were were pressed against each other. I stopped recording things and stuffed the camera in my pocket.

“Can you be any more perfect?” I asked him quietly as I leaned up to bring our lips together.

“What can I say? You bring out the very best in me.” Harry answered and brought his lips upon mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, guys! Sorry for the 1 day hiatus. I wasn't feeling too good yesterday. (despite the fact that I was online up until 10 PM.) I got inspired by 500 Days Of Summer. So, while I was watching the movie on Star Movies I was typing this up on my laptop. I slept at around 1 AM. Because... I also made another story. About Draco Malfoy's twin sister who's going to Hogwarts.. and fall in love with Harry. Should I post it up or should it remain in the confines of my laptop?

Sorry I can't give responses to all your comments today because my mom's rushing me to do some errands for her. My brother's a little fine now. Thank you for all the get well soons. :D

shoutouts to: peaceREB, TuckYou, WalkingOnBrokenGlass, LifeIsOK, tracyrobinson8725, kcollins720, Extreme-as-FMX, JTKK8319, Hawkchick85, sozzy, crazy beautiful;, TessIsaEvilPixie

thank you sooooo much for all the wonderful comments. and, again.. sorry for the 1 day hiatus.

oh yes.. and I will NOT break Harry and Amity apart. I love them too much to do that to them. ;D