Status: my other stories are on hold for a while.. ;D

Real as Real Can Get

Welcome to Sunny California

Plane rides make me sick. Yep. They make me sick. But, who am I to complain about plane rides?

“Come on, love. A few more hours left.” Harry said and patted my shoulder gently. I glared at him and he hesitantly took his hand off my shoulder as if I was a rabid dog about to bite it off.

Let me begin from the very beginning. Harry and I got back to the palace yesterday after talking to Mr. Giovanni. He gave me a von diggidy idea. He mentioned something about me moving to London and finishing my remaining semester at St. Mary’s. So… after much debating with my mom and dad.. and Harry… and Lauren… and Alex. Basically everyone. They agreed to let me move to London for six more months to finish my last semester of college at St. Mary’s or some college that’s prestigious but near enough to our house there. Hence, Harry and I riding on a plane to Burbank. Just to get my stuff from school and hopefully, Nanny Bridgette.

“Talk to me about anything.. anything at all. Distract me.” I muttered and looked at him as my head throbbed with motion sickness.

“Uhhh…” He looked around and bit his bottom lip as if thinking about a topic that would surely distract me from my motion sickness.

“What?” I asked him.

“Did you know that they’re going to cast Tom Felton’s girlfriend as Astoria Greengrass?” He asked me unsurely. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. That surely distracted me. I mean… I love Harry to death and all.. but Tom Felton is, like, my number one celebrity crush as of the moment.

“What!? NO! They can’t do that! That defies everything normal.” I answered and scowled as I clenched my fists and raised them up as if to beat Harry senseless. He raised his hands up to shield himself and I lowered my hands before laughing uncontrollably.

“Great! You’ve gone loopy.” He stated and I looked at him for a short while before laughing again.

“You should’ve seen your face! It was priceless! You thought I was going to hurt you.” I said and clutched my stomach.

“Well, what would the people say if I started screaming bloody murder? I need to at least defend myself.” He countered. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

“As if, Har. As if.” I teased and jabbed his side with my finger. He jumped up in his seat and rolled his eyes at me. I tilted my head to the side and looked at him incredulously.

“Please don’t tickle me.” Harry whispered and we looked into each other’s eyes and laughed quietly.


Once we got to Burbank, I hailed a cab and told the cabbie to drive to my house. He obliged and shot glances at Harry and I through the rear view mirror.

“Do I know you from somewhere?” He asked in a gruff voice.

“I live here, sir. Well, used to, anyway.” I answered and smiled at him. He nodded once and pulled up in front of the lavish house that I would no longer reside in. For a long while.

“Thank you. Here’s the fare. Keep the change.” I said and handed him a 100 dollar bill before hopping out of the cab after Harry. He got our luggage from the boot and we stood there on the front lawn. I looked up at him and grinned. He laced our hands together and smiled down at me.

“Someday.. we’re going to do this. Walk up to our own house. As husband and wife.” He said quietly and kissed my lips lightly. We slowly marched up to the front door and knocked on the door. After a few seconds, Nanny Bridge opened the door and engulfed us into a big hug. I giggled and hugged her back.

“I missed you a lot, nanny Bridge.” I stated and hugged her tightly. She laughed and kissed my forehead. She looked up at Harry and engulfed him in another hug. She kissed his forehead and I giggled.

“You’ve grown up so much, Harry!” She stated and Harry chuckled.

“That’s only physically. His brain hasn’t seemed to have matured over time.” I said and smiled sweetly at Harry. He looked at me and pouted before narrowing his eyes at me then chasing me around the lawn.

“Take that back! You meanie!” He yelled and I continued laughing as we ran round and round.

“NEVER!” I hollered and did a little victory dance. Big mistake there. Harry managed to tackle me on the ground. He hovered above me with a smug grin on his face.

“Take that back.” He muttered.

“No.” I answered with a grin.

“Take it back.”


“Take it back.”

“Not in a million years.”

“Say it.”


“That my brain has matured.”

“In your dreams, Haz.”

“You’re such a meanie.”

“And, you’re so cute when you pout.”

“Really?” He asked brightly.

“No. Not really.” I answered sarcastically and Harry pouted even more before pecking my lips.

“What about now?” He asked.

“Not yet.” I answered and grinned at him.

“I give up.” He sighed in defeat and I smiled smugly.

“Hey, Har?” I asked him quietly. He looked into my eyes and I got lost in his bright blue eyes.

“Yes, love?” He whispered against my lips.

“Welcome to California.” I murmured and pecked his lips lightly. He smiled and caressed my cheek affectionately with his right hand, using his left arm as anchorage.

“It’s good to be here. With you. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He said softly and I blushed madly.

“That’s sweet. I’m glad to be here with you, too. And, Har?” I murmured softly but seriously.

“Yes, love?”

“You have a spider in your hair.” I lied. His eyes widened and he rolled off me while tousling his hair with his hands. I sat up and laughed aloud. He stopped rolling around and tousling his hair then looked at me with a deadly glint in his eyes.

“Come here, you little sly girl!” He said and got up on his feet. I also got up on my feet and he chased me around the lawn again with our laughter filling the warm California air. Nothing will ever beat this Californian experience with Harry.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, guys! I updated earlier than usual because I typed this up at around 12 AM after reading Draco fanfics. Yep. I think I'm having a full-pledged Harry Potter addiction. I also transferred all of my stories onto my USB so I can access them even without my laptop.. thus, I can type anytime anywhere on any laptop or desktop. And, since my dad is coming home in August.. I get to have a new laptop since he bought me one as a late graduation gift. Oh, yes, and yesterday.. my mom talked to my uncle (her youngest brother) and he said that he's in France near Marseille... then, they're going to head on to Italy.. and by June 13 they'll be in England.. Berkshire to be precise.. and.. Prince Harry and prince William are going to be in Berkshire for a Polo match. I asked him a HUGE favor... and he agreed to take pictures and send them to me as soon as possible. ;D

I'm done rambling about my life now.. so.. on to the shoutouts...

Hawkchick85: yeah.. i like that about them, too... I wish all guys are like this Prince Harry... lol

dreamgirl13: Awww! Thank you so much!!!

sozzy: aww! Thank you!

crazy beautiful;: oh yeah! HarrIty is better than NIssle... hahaha! I'm planning some stuff for their royal wedding..

peaceREB: I love old guys like that too. And, since my grandpa passed away when I was 11... I haven't had a grandfather figure in a very long while.. I have one now and he's my next-door neighbor... we always bond while planting flowers and all the stuff my real grandpa liked to do. :D

Oh yeah.. and if you guys want to.. you can read my Draco fanfic... it already has reviews.. :D

Love you guys. And, please tell me what you think of this one. It's sort of just a filler.. but.. yeah..