Status: my other stories are on hold for a while.. ;D

Real as Real Can Get

I Won't Miss You Losers

The following day, Harry and I got up for breakfast after we did our daily necessities and got dressed into semi-formal clothes. He helped me sit down and I pecked his lips before pouring some mango juice in our glasses. He looked at me curiously when I stopped pouring halfway through his glass.

“Psh. I know you like your mango juice halfway through the glass… your orange juice almost up to the top and your apple juice halfway full during Saturdays.” I said and smiled at him before putting a pancake in his plate and smearing it with low fat butter and pouring maple syrup on top.

“How the bloody hell did you know those things? Are you my stalker or something?” Harry asked and I rolled my eyes before putting some bacon strips next to his pancakes; just the way he likes them.

“We’ve known each other ever since we were toddlers. You think I won’t pick some things up. For example, you prefer a breakfast consisted of junk food instead of a breakfast like this. You like to eat Nutella out of the container with your pointer finger. Which is gross but cute, by the way.” I said and popped some fresh blueberries in my mouth.

“Well, I know that you like to eat peanut butter with wheat bread. You prefer blueberry jam on your toast. You like blueberries and strawberries on your ice cream.” He answered and I grinned before kissing his cheek.

“Good. Good. Now, after we finish with breakfast, we’re gonna go to the university to pick my things up. Then, I’ll take you to the mall… and.. we can do whatever we want from there.” I said our agenda for the day and he grinned before finishing his breakfast. I popped one more blueberry into my mouth before drinking some mango juice and picking the plates up.

“You’re gonna make a great mum, you know.” Harry stated and picked the glasses up then set them down on the sink. I set the plates down beside the glasses and blushed as I looked at him.

“You really think so?” I asked quietly.

“I know so.” He whispered and placed his hands on my hips before he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.

“Ahem. Harry. Amity.” Nanny Bridge cleared her throat and Harry and I broke off with blushes matting our faces.

“Sorry about that.” I murmured and Nanny Bridge laughed.

“It’s quite alright, dear. Now, you said something about picking your thing up from school, yes? You’ve been in the news for quite some time now. So, beware of your… err… mates.” Nanny Bridge said and I bit my lip before I nodded. Harry didn’t fail to notice my lip-biting action. He looked down at me and laced his hand with mine.

“I’ll tell you in the car.” I answered and walked towards the door. I hugged Nanny Bridge and kissed her cheek before walking to my car. Harry helped me in and sat down in the driver’s seat before turning to me.
“What’s bothering you, love?” He asked softly.

“You remember how I told everyone that I used to be bullied back in high school and way back in elementary?” I asked him slowly as I fidgeted with the hem of my dress.

“Yes. Do you want me to hurt them?” He asked seriously with a murderous glint in his eyes that I was sure was for them.

“No. No. No. That’s not it. The bullying streak hasn’t stopped. Well, yeah.. it gradually decreased when Lauren and I started college. But there are still a few others that… err… you know.” I whispered and Harry squeezed my hand before caressing my face tenderly.

“I won’t let them hurt you. No one is ever going to hurt you ever again.” He whispered and leaned his forehead against mine before kissing my lips lightly.

“Thank you. I hope you’re not angry with me…” I whispered and looked away. Harry looked at me like I was crazy.

“Why would I be angry with you?” He asked.

“Because I didn’t tell you about… them. The remaining few, anyway. Amanda and her cronies are just one of those few that… you know.” I whispered and Harry smiled warmly before cupping my face in his hands and kissing the tip of my nose.

“I’m not angry. Just a little bummed because you didn’t tell me. But, let’s make an agreement, shall we? No more secrets.” He said softly and looked into my eyes. I nodded and he pecked my lips lightly before grinning.

“No more secrets.” I answered and he pecked my lips again before he started the engine and drove off to the university with my help, of course.

“Paparazzi?” I asked exasperatedly end pouted. Harry chuckled and I glared at him.

“Well, they must’ve somehow found out that you’re gonna come here to get your stuff.” He answered and pulled in a parking space.

“I hate them.” I grumbled and waited for Harry to open my door for me; since he would probably throw a fit about him being a gentleman and me ignoring chivalry. Chivalry isn’t dead.

“Come on, love.” Harry said and offered his hand out to me. I grasped it tightly and took a deep breath as we trudged forward. The paparazzi people flocked around us like flies and everyone in the lot looked at us.

“Princess, princess! Where do you plan to finish college!?” A reporter yelled. I put on my warmest fake smile and turned to them.

“I’m going to move to London to finish college.” I answered and Harry pulled me closer and eventually wrapped a protective arm around my waist to keep the paparazzi people from trampling me.

“Will you miss America, princess?” Another reporter yelled.

“Yes. But I really belong in Monaco and in London. I don’t belong here. Considering the fact that some people didn’t actually make me feel welcome.” I answered coyly and Harry opened the door for me and we walked through.

“Bloody paparazzi.” Harry said and straightened his button down shirt.

“We won’t have to face them for an hour or so. Now, let’s go to the principal’s office so I can drop out of this hell hole.” I said the last two words quietly and Harry laughed whole heartedly.

“You really think of this place as a hell hole?” He asked quietly as we walked hand in hand to the principal’s office.

“Well, yeah. The principal’s a pain in the arse. She’s mean to everyone but Amanda and her cronies. Special treatment because Amanda’s dad is rich.” I answered and he opened the door for me again before we entered the office. Mrs. Gibbs, the secretary, looked up and her eyes went as wide as saucers. She scrambled up to her feet and bowed. Well, she was trying to curtsy but was having great difficulty, so she looked like she was bowing.

“Amity… I mean, your highness. Prince Harry.” She stuttered. All the teachers never gave me any special treatment before because I was just the plain ol’ French girl who had great grades.

“ Hello, Mrs. Gibbs. I’m here to get my things and get a transfer letter.” I answered straightforwardly and smiled at her. I always hated the teachers in this hell hole. The only thing I looked forward to seeing was Lauren. And, she’s probably going to move to London with me since she doesn’t like it here either. I just hope her parents agree.

“W-why are you transferring, Your highness?” She asked as she scrambled around to give me my transfer letter. I guess Nanny Bridge already called and told them that I was transferring.

“With the coronation day looming closer and closer, I need to be as near to Monaco as possible. I think they played our press conference on CNN. My brother’s abdicating the throne.” I answered and gave her a half smile. As much as I dislike the people here, I’m forced to be nice because it’s in the ‘royal code’. Treat everyone equally.

I got the letter and signed her log book before handing the pen to her.

“Your things are where you left them, your highness.” She said and curtsied again before Harry and I left after thanking her.

“That’s the first time she wasn’t mean.” I murmured and Harry grinned.

“Oh, so you’re enjoying the special treatment now?” He asked and nudged me lightly.

“A little. It’s amusing to see them treating me like they’d die if they didn’t treat me kindly.” I answered and giggled. We walked to my locker and Harry carried my extra bag that held all my stuff. Yep. I put all my things in my two bags. One for the morning and one for the afternoon. Hassle-free method.

“Oh. I forgot all my sheet music in the music room.” I said and tugged on Harry’s hand.

“Well, let’s go get them.” He said casually and I smiled before taking him to the music room. I saw all my class mates sitting there with bored looks on their faces. I knocked on the door and Mr. Stetson opened the door with a shocked expression on his face. He bowed down and I looked at Harry as if to say ‘This is so awesome.’

“Hi, Mr. Stetson. I’m just here to get my sheet music.” I said softly and he nodded.

“Of course, your highness.” He answered and I dragged Harry to my usual seat that was empty. Along with Lauren’s seat. All eyes were on me and Harry chuckled. I looked at him and shot him a ‘look’ that told him to stop chuckling.

“Princess Amity, I am SO, SO, SO sorry for everything that I have done.” This girl who bullied me along with Amanda said and knelt down in front of me. I think her name’s Janice. I looked around and then inched back a tiny bit. She’s scaring the hell out of me right now.

“I forgive but I don’t forget.” I said softly and tucked my sheet music in my arms.

“I’m sorry if I dumped my fruit shake on you.” Janice’s minion said and got down on her knees, too. God. They used to bully me and treat me like shit when I was a normal person.. but now that they know that I’m actually a princess they fawn at my feet. They’re just doing that so they can brag about it to everyone on Tumblr and on Twitter.

“I told you, I forgive but I don’t forget.” If only I could make you suffer I would have done that the moment I saw your grimy faces. NO. NO. Amity, shut the hell up right now before you think something even worse. Treat everyone equally. You’re a down-to-earth person. But, I’m an anti-bullying person. Screw everything. I’m going to stand up for those people who have also been bullied because they were ‘different’.

“Everything’s not okay between us so you can’t post that on Tumblr or on Twitter. We’re not friends. You people bullied me. You told me bad things that made me insecure about myself. I’m not going to just stand here and forgive you two just like that because you two made my life hell. Along with Amanda and her cronies. I’m standing up for what I believe in. If I forgive you now, who says you won’t spread the down and dirty things all of you did to me?” I answered and Harry put a hand on my shoulder to stop my rant before I turned into the bully.

“Thank you, Mr. Stetson.” I muttered and walked off with Harry’s hand around my waist.

“That was one hefty speech you gave there. I’m so proud of you, love.” Harry said and kissed my temple.

“Thank you. And, one thing’s for sure. I won’t miss these losers.” I muttered and we laughed quietly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi, people.. sorry if I didn't update yesterday. I wasn't feeling pretty inspired. I'm just sulking now because 4 people unfollowed me on Tumblr. Prince Harry fever is slowly dying out. >.<

anyway... shoutouts..

sozzy, bubbles_suzie, crazy beautiful;, kcollins720

i'm too bummed out to answer.. >.<

and.. PLEASE. DON'T BE A SILENT READER. 165 people have read the last chapter and only 4 people have commented. That's just unfair.. :(