Status: my other stories are on hold for a while.. ;D

Real as Real Can Get

Tom Felton vs. Prince Harry

“No way! No freaking way!” I said quietly and giggled as I clutched the album in my hands. It’s Tom Felton’s ‘In Good Hands’ album… and I didn’t really know whether it was available here in America or not.

“Really, love? Tom Felton?” Harry said and pouted. It’s been a day since I got my stuff and I took Harry out to the mall. He enjoyed the mall very much so he practically dragged me here.

“What?” I asked innocently. He looked at me incredulously and I giggled again before walking towards him and wrapping my arms around his neck and pecking his lips.

“He’s taken. And so am I. I’m very happily taken by this person named Henry Charles Albert David. I think you know him.” I murmured and he smiled at me before pecking my lips lightly.

“I know him. We’re very close.” He answered and I giggled again before showing him Tom Felton’s album and making a very expectant expression on my face.

“Please?” I begged and batted my eyelashes. Harry rolled his eyes but nodded.

“Yes, love. As much as I want you all to myself. You need to satiate your womanly needs.” He said and I furrowed my eyebrows before hitting him lightly.

“Do you want me to hurt you?” I asked him as we walked to the counter.

“You already hit me.” Harry pouted and we looked at each other then laughed.

“Fine. Fine. I won’t hurt you anymore.” I said and looped my arm with his as I placed the album on the counter. The girl behind the counter curtsied a bit and we waved her off. Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out some money and handed it to the girl. She wrapped the album up and handed it to me with a smile on her face. I smiled back and took the bag from her. Harry took the bag from me and I grinned at him before leaning up to kiss his cheek.


I sat in front of my desktop computer in mine and Harry’s room; scrolling Tumblr. I reblogged some posts and scrunched my eyebrows at a photo taken earlier. The comment below the photo said: ‘Prince Harry and Princess Amity buying Tom Felton’s ‘In Good Hands’ album.’

I checked Perez Hilton and saw the same photo but with some hearts drawn on it in white. I read Perez Hilton’s post.

Prince Harry and Princess Amity buying Tom Felton’s album in Burbank. Oh, BB. You already have Prince Harry. No need to snag Draco Malfoy. Prince Harry vs. Tom Felton, yeah?

I’m digging the outfit, BB.

Does this mean more fans or haters for our American princess?

“What? Seriously? It’s just a CD.” I said and almost smacked the monitor off the table. Harry perched me on his lap and I glared at the monitor. Seriously!? Prince Harry vs. Tom Felton? It’s just a CD.

“They seriously think that I’m going to snag Tom Felton away. I have you! What more could I ask for? Bloody hell. It’s just a damn CD. Yeah, I admitted to have a crush on Tom Felton but.. this is just so… GAH!” I ranted and Harry stroked my hair before kissing my forehead. I wrapped my arms around his neck and snuggled closer to him.

“This will all blow over tomorrow, love.” He murmured and I nodded; trusting him.

“I’m sorry. If I hadn’t bought the blasted album in the first place…” I trailed off.

“It’s fine, love. No need to beat yourself up over nothing.” Harry said optimistically and chuckled. I pouted and kissed his lips lightly.

“Harry, Amity, dinner’s ready.” Nanny Bridgette hollered from downstairs. I got up and pulled Harry up with me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead before pecking my lips.

“I wonder what’s for dinner.” Harry whispered. I giggled despite my mood earlier.

“I bet that it’s something really home-y.” I answered and we walked to the dining room hand-in-hand. He helped me sit down and sat down beside me. Nanny Bridge set our food down on the table and we dug in after saying a quick grace.

“What happened today?” She asked as I placed a slice of roast beef on Harry’s plate. He kissed my cheek as a thank you and I smiled at him before turning to Nanny Bridge.

“Nothing much. Just the usual paparazzi people hounding us at the mall. I got on Again.” I said and placed some mashed potatoes on my plate.

“Why?” She asked before taking a bite out of her roast beef.

“Because I bought Tom Felton’s album. You know. That guy from Harry Potter. The person that Lauren’s little sister is terrified of. We saw him at the Deathly Hallows premiere in LA. Lara came up to him and told him she despised him.” I said and snorted a laugh. Lara is Lauren’s little sister. She’s 7 years-old. She’s deathly afraid of the Death Eaters in Harry Potter. And, she has a HUGE crush on Daniel Radcliffe just like her older sister.

“You actually met him?” Harry asked curiously.

“Saw him. Lara was the one who met him. She just glared at him and told him ‘I despise you. Leave Harry alone.’. Cute kid.” I said and Harry grinned at me.

“I wish we’ll have kids as adorable as her. Telling people off the bat that she doesn’t like them.” Harry said and laced our fingers under the table. I blushed madly and Nanny Bridge laughed quietly.

“I’m sure you two will have adorable little children. Now, how do you two plan on solving this… obstacle.” Nanny Bridge asked.

“We’ll let it sort itself.” Harry and I answered at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed.

“Jinx!” We said and pointed at each other.

“You two are so adorable. I can see ants crawling about.” Nanny Bridge stated and grinned at Harry and I.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if it sucks. I didn’t have anything to write because I wasn’t feeling very well. I slept at 2 AM earlier because I watched Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince again. Anyway, my song of inspiration (what’s left of it, anyway) was ‘If You Could Be Anywhere’ (the 2010 version) by Tom Felton. It’s a really cute song. Listen to it. I bought his album on It’s really awesome. He can rap. He can act. He can sing. He’s bloody handsome. He’s pretty down-to-earth. He has a great sense of humor. He’s basically perfect.

I have a humongous headache right now so I won't get to answer your comments.. but, here're the shoutouts. :)

kcollins720, Emmelz Liebe, xMy Heart Is A Fistx, sozzy, londonnative, bubbles_suzie, peaceREB, heytheredelilah, tracyrobinson8725, Hawkchick85, crazy beautiful;

THANK YOU FOR COMMENTING! I love you guys so much that it's not funny anymore! You guys make me want to write more and more each day despite all the migraines and all the other bad stuff that's been happening to my family. So, thank you so much.