Status: my other stories are on hold for a while.. ;D

Real as Real Can Get

Royal Wedding

Today’s the day. Nope, not my special day. It’s Will’s and Kate’s special day. I opened my eyes and quickly squinted them to prevent the rays of the sun from blinding me half to death. It’s a really great day to get married. And, it looks like it isn’t gonna rain. Everything’s just perfect. I smiled at the thought of seeing Will and Kate get married and felt something move in the bed with me. I turned around and saw none other than Harry himself. He must have snuck into my room, here in my house while I was asleep. I don’t know why he did it… but it’s sweet. I smiled and moved his dishelved bed hair from his face and planted a small, sweet kiss on his lips.

“Harry… Harry…wake up, honey.” I whispered and shook him gently. He stirred a bit and cracked one eye open. I grinned as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

“Good morning, love.” He greeted groggily.

“Good morning. I’m so excited for the wedding!” I giggled and he smiled and pulled me closer to him then nuzzled his nose in my hair.

“And, I’m so excited to see you in your dress.” He murmured. I looked at him and kissed his lips again.

“Harry! Amity! You two need to get dressed! Harry, Will says he’s going to murder you if you don’t go home as soon as you get dressed.” Alex hollered after he pounded on my door. MY brother… pathetic as always.

“Alright, alright. We’re going to get dressed.” I answered and got out of bed. Harry also got up and we fixed the tangled sheets before taking a shower; in which I was first to use the bathroom. I got ready in my closet while Harry got ready in my room. I slipped my dress on and had trouble zipping the zipper up so I went out of the closet to get some help from Harry.

“Harry, can you help me zip— I like your boxers.” I said and started giggling uncontrollably at his boxers.

“I’m glad you like them, love. You look so beautiful.” Harry answered and zipped my dress up before kissing my neck from behind. We looked at our reflections in the mirror and I placed my hands over his arms that were wrapped around my waist from behind. He leaned his head against mine and we smiled at each other’s reflection.

“I love you.” We murmured at the same time and we quieted down as we looked at our reflections.

“We do make a dashing couple.” He whispered and I grinned as I nodded.

“Yeah. That we do.” I answered and someone disturbed our intimate moment again.

“Your highness, Pierre Rossellini requests to see you.” My lady’s maid said quietly from the other side of the door.

“You can get dressed in the closet.” I whispered and Harry made a mad dash for the closet after kissing me.

“Come in.” I answered and the door opened to reveal my stylist, Pierre Rossellini. He entered and curtsied before hugging me and air-kissing my cheeks.

“Princess Amity.” He said in his gay accented voice. I smiled.

“Hello, Pierre. Long time no see. So, down to business, eh? I just want to let my hair down in loose curls. And a flowery hairpiece would be great.” I instructed. He nodded and sat me down in front of my vanity then started on my hair while his assistants put a light coat of make up on my face.

“Love, I’m gonna go fetch Will. He’s probably pacing right now while thinking of ways to murder me.” Harry said and chuckled as he fixed his uniform. I told Pierre and his assistants to stop for a minute and they stopped. I got up from the chair and walked over to Harry then smoothed his uniform out before placing a soft, sweet, lingering kiss on his lips. He smiled and kissed me again.

“I love you.” He said with the same smile plastered on his face. I giggled and nodded as a blush crawled up my cheeks. I was blushing because I could hear Pierre and his assistants gushing in the background.

“I love you, too. I’ll see you at the abbey.” I answered and held his face with both hands then placed another kiss on his lips.

“Alright, love. Stay safe, okay? I love you so very much.” He said and kissed me again before reluctantly walking away.

“I love you, too.” I whispered as he shut the door behind him. I walked back to the chair I was in earlier and sat down.

“You two make a really cute couple.” Pierre commented.

“Thank you.” I answered and looked at my reflection in the vanity mirror as they fixed me up for the wedding of the century.


“Lauren, are you okay?” I asked as we hopped in the car that was going to take us to Westminster Abbey. Alex sat next to the driver while Lauren and I sat in the back. I couldn’t help but feel so exposed because of the wide glass windows and sun roof. We made our drive to the abbey and waved at all the people that were there to see Will and Kate get married.

“I’m fine. Just nervous is all. I mean.. I’m an American. And most of the people in the abbey will be also European.” She rambled.

“That doesn’t even make sense. Racism isn’t tolerated at the wedding. No one likes racists.” I answered and smiled as I comforted her.

“But, what if I trip and destroy the whole wedding? Why did I even agree to be a bride’s maid? I CAN’T walk in heels even if my life was on the line.” She ranted on and on. I rolled my eyes and giggled as Alex chuckled.

“If you trip, then… you trip. Will would be mad at you and all of Britain would be angry. You’d probably be banned from Europe for life for ruining the Royal Wedding. But, it’s cool… just breathe. In and out.” I teased and she hit my arm. I laughed and she started glaring at me.

“I’m being serious here.” She pouted.

“So am I.” I answered and she sighed heavily. I placed a hand on her arm and nodded.

“You’re going to do fine. Alex will catch you if you trip during the procession. Now, look, we’re here.” I said softly. The guards opened our doors for us and we got out of the car with as much grace and finesse as possible. Well, I got out of the car with as much grace and finesse as possible… but Lauren… poor Lauren almost stumbled out of the car so I helped her out. Alex guided her to the main entrance of the abbey as she walked uneasily in her stilettos. I walked not far behind them, managing well on my own. Kate and Pippa arrived so we exchanged light hugs.

“Thanks for letting Harry and I walk together.” I whispered to Pippa as we waited for the ceremony to begin. I held the hands of two of the young bridesmaids while Lauren and my brother positioned themselves behind the pageboys.

“It’s no problem You two make a lovely couple.” She complimented.

“Thank you.” I answered as a blush crept up on my cheeks.

We walked down the aisle and I smiled at everyone as my heart thumped hardly in my chest because I was imagining if I would feel as excited and nervous as Kate felt right now. I imagined what it would feel like to walk down the aisle; to be the one who was going to get married. The thoughts were just exhilarating.

We made it near the altar and my face just lit up when I saw Harry waiting expectantly. He grinned and rocked back and forth on his heels as his eyes were glued on me. I blushed madly and giggled quietly which made the girls beside me giggle too.

Pippa guided the girls to their seats and I also copied her. But, when I was at the front of the altar, Harry winked at me and mouthed ‘I love you’. I blushed and smiled at him before mouthing ‘I love you, too’ at him.


To say that I cried during the ceremony is an understatement. I silently bawled my eyes out of happiness for Will and Kate. After we finished signing the marriage papers, we marched out of the abbey with my arm intertwined with Harry’s. I smiled and giggled as he whispered sweet nothings in my ear.

“Next time we enter this abbey, we’ll already be married. And we’ll be carrying our little children with us.” He whispered just before we got on the carriage. He helped me onto the carriage and I chatted with Tom and Louise as well as the cute little Eliza. I just adored Eliza. When we started moving, Eliza started to get scared. I tried to comfort her but nothing would do. I knew she would like some treats but I didn’t have any. Harry pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to Eliza. It was a snake-like toy. I smiled fondly at Harry and he held my hand before he leaned over and kissed me in front of all these people. They cheered and I flushed beet red as lots of thoughts raced through my mind. But, there was one thing I was absolutely, positively sure of: I couldn’t wait to get married to Harry.
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I AM SOOOOO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN SO LONG! I would have updated, really, I would have... but with college, and my friends.. and every dramatic aspect in my life (LOL...) I've been very busy... I really am sorry. And to those who would love to continue reading this... just message me or leave a comment.. and If you guys exceed ten people... well... I'll continue writing this.. if not.. well, I'll just write whenever I have time to write. Anyway... I love all of you so much.