Status: my other stories are on hold for a while.. ;D

Real as Real Can Get

The First Bump

The following morning, I woke up with a sense of gloom lingering above me. I just felt like something was going to happen and I didn’t know what it would be. Harry called me last night and told me that he’d stop by this afternoon and stay the night at my house. So, I crossed associating with anyone from the outside world out of my list of things to do. Lauren, Alex, my mom and my dad all went back to Monaco to sort some things out with Alex’s abdicating of the throne. So, it was just me and the maids as well as the butlers.

I sat down at the breakfast table and placed my hands on my lap as I waited for my lady’s maids to fetch my breakfast. I noticed the engagement ring on my finger and looked at it intently. I sighed and shrugged off the inkling that was tugging at my brain. Everything was fine. Everything’s alright. Nothing s going to happen. So, I don’t need to be a worry wart.

“Your highness, your breakfast.” One of my lady’s maids placed the plate of freshly made pancakes ontop of the base plate. I smiled lightly and reached for the highball glass that held my apple juice.

“Thank you. I’ll just call you if I need anything.” I said softly and took a sip from my glass of apple juice.

“Of course, your highness.” She curtsied and walked out of the dining room.

After breakfast, I started busying myself with playing the piano in the living room. But, every time I would see my engagement ring, I would feel something heavy weighing my heart down, so, I would stop playing for a while and sigh to keep the tears of confusion from escaping my eyes. By the time I stopped playing for the 20th time, I checked the clock and saw that it was already 1 PM. I felt a sense of panic wash through my entire being. Harry was never late when it came to me. What if something happened to him? My hands started to shake out of so much worry as I picked the phone up.

“Where are you, Harry?” I asked quietly as I dialed his number. The phone rang and rang but he didn’t answer. I did that for over an hour and eventually felt the tears roll down my cheeks. I grabbed the phone again and dialed Will’s number. It rang but sent me straight to voicemail.

“Hello, this is William. I’m busy as of the moment. But, feel free to leave a message after the beep.” His voicemail said. I took a deep breath and tried to reign my tears in.

“Will, it’s Amity. I know you’re busy and all… but.. I can’t.. I don’t know where Harry is. He called me last n-night and told me that he’d be-e here in the afternoon.. and he.. he’s not here y-yet. I-I’m w-w-worried about him, Will. Have you seen him?” I asked through loud sobs. How the maids managed not to hear, I will never know. As if I care about that right now. My fiancée isn’t here yet and I’m motherfucking worried about him.


I waited, and waited, and waited, and waited. But still Harry hadn’t arrived. William called me and apologized for not being remotely close enough to the town to comfort me. And, he told me what I had been dreading to hear from him.

“I haven’t seen him, Amity. Not a strand of his hair. Not since this morning.” William said softly. I full-out bawled and he tried comforting me over the phone to no avail.

“I think I need some rest, Will. I… bye.” I whispered through my sobs and hung up before he could even protest. I put my face in my hands and cried as silently as I could which wasn’t that silent.

After staring off into space and crying non-stop ever since this morning, I looked at the clock in the corner of the room and saw that it was already 11 in the evening. Thank God that the maids ignored me all day or else I would have had to explain myself over and over.. and the gossip would start. It was eerily silent in the house so I guessed that everyone must already be asleep. I heard the front door creak open and heard the familiar padding of feet against the granite tiles. It was Harry. All my worry vanished but it was replaced by anger. I was angry at him for making me so worried.

“Amity?” Harry asked. I could tell that something was up with the way he was swaying from side to side as well as the way his speech was slurred. His cheeks were flushed and I knew that he was drunk. Not just drunk. Drunk beyond reason.

“You’re drunk.” I said coldly as I stood up from the couch. He walked over to me and tried to wrap his arms around me but I pushed him away.

“I’m sorry, babe. It won’t happen again.” He slurred. I glared at him and he seemed unfazed by my glare.

“Babe? Harry… You had me worried sick! I was about to call the police and report you as a missing person! I THOUGHT SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED TO YOU!” I shouted angrily. I didn’t care if anyone heard. I wanted to get my point across.

“Well, nothing happened to me. Here I am. You’re not my mother, Amity.” He snarked back. I fought the tears stinging my eyes and clenched and unclenched my fists.

“We’re engaged, Harry! ENGAGED! You’re going to be the king of Monaco in a few months! When I said yes to you, I thought that your clubbing vice would be toned down to a considerable amount… but NO! Where were you!? Were you shagging some slut!? Am I not good enough to wait for!? You just had to get so drunk!” I yelled angrily as tears threatened to leak out of my eyes.

“Look at you caring about Monaco now. You left them and hid in America, as far as I know. You never really cared about Monaco. You just cared about yourself. You were afraid.” Harry snapped. My eyes widened slightly and I felt like I had been slapped in the face. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I saw Harry’s face soften. He placed a foot forward and reached out to touch me but I took a step back and looked away from him.

“Please leave,” I whispered quietly. “Now.”

“Amity, I—I’m sorry. I didn’t mean t—” He stuttered aloud. My gaze fell down to my engagement ring and I took a shaky breath before silently slipping it off my finger. “No, Amity. Please. Don’t. No.”

“I have to clear my thoughts, Harry. Here.” I said and placed the ring on the table before wordlessly walking up to my room. I closed the door but didn’t lock it. I lay down on my bed and started crying silent tears as I pondered whether or not to break my engagement with Harry.

When I woke up, I felt completely drained: emotionally and physically. But, I knew the answer to the question that seemed to haunt me even in my sleep. I was sure about it. 100%. I did my daily necessities and walked out of my bedroom quietly. I was about to close the door but a head of bright ginger hair caught my eye. I gasped softly as I saw Harry sitting with his back against the wall. His eyes were closed and his head was somewhat tilted down. His right hand was closed into a fist and from the tiny spaces in between his fingers, I could see my engagement ring. He looked like a mess and that made my heart crack in half.

“Harry?” I asked quietly as I shook him gently.

“Hmm?” He asked groggily. I felt a tear slide down my cheek as he opened his eyes and connected his gaze with mine. I couldn’t hold it in anymore… I slapped him hard and then hugged him tightly.

“That was for being an idiot. I’m sorry about last night.” I whispered as I sobbed quietly. He weaved a hand in my hair and wrapped an arm around my waist before pulling me closer.

“No, there’s nothing to be sorry for, love. I was being an idiot and I deserve everything you did. But, please… don’t leave me. I need you in my life, Amity. Please don’t leave me. You’re the only girl that I’ll love for the rest of my life. I would die without you, Amity. Please. Don’t leave me. I promise you that I will change. I’ll change for good. I swear. Just… please.. don’t leave me.” He said affectionately and tilted my chin up to face him. I nodded once and he wiped the tears from my face with his thumb before leaning in to kiss me gently. “Thank you.”

“No more repeats of last night, okay? No one can know about what happened.” I murmured and Harry nodded solemnly before hugging me tightly again.

“I promise. I love you so much. And, for what it’s worth… I didn’t do anything other than drink, Amity. I swear.” Harry whispered. I hugged him and nodded.

“I believe you. I believe you.” I said breathlessly as I sobbed loudly. He rubbed my back in an attempt to comfort me and it worked greatly. I quieted down and he gently held my left hand in both of his before slipping the engagement ring back on my finger.

“Marry me? Again?” He asked softly with a small smile on his adorable face.

“Of course.” I said and pressed my lips to his. He smiled against my lips and pulled me closer than what I thought was possible. Now I realize that there will be hard bumps on our journey to forever, but… I know deep down in my heart that I will always love him no matter what and that I will never ever stop loving him. Today, tomorrow, and forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry if it took exactly 11 days to update... SORRY! I was busy and yeah.. I was busy with stuff... (mainly my essay) for those who want to read it.. well... THIS IS IT.. tell me what you guys think of it as well as this chapter.. sorry if it majorly sucks! I was feeling a tad depressed about something I can't quite understand. :( I'll try to update soon.. and thank you for all the 'congratulations' I have received from you guys! I love all of you to death. But, please.. DON'T BE A SILENT READER. Silence is golden and everything.. but, comments make me update faster.. about 173 people have read the last chapter (889 people are reading this all in all) but all I have is 147 comments.. I don't see the justice in that.

PLEASE DON'T BE A SILENT READER. At least comment something about what you feel about this story.


Now... I need to go now.. ciao! ♥