Status: my other stories are on hold for a while.. ;D

Real as Real Can Get

Little Duchess

A week had passed after mine and Harry’s first and, hopefully, last row. He’s been gone more than usual because of royal businesses. But, I understood completely. Besides, he always called before, in-between, and after his meetings. I kept myself busy with wedding details as well as reading books and listening to possible wedding songs. So far, I’m stuck between ‘Marry Your Daughter’ and ‘All About Us’.

“Love, I’m home! And I brought a present for you!” Harry yelled from the foyer. I ran out of our room and down to the foyer. I was about to tackle him in a hug but something in his arms caught my eye. It was white with brown and black fur. I squinted to get a better view of the thing in Harry’s arms as I walked towards him. It was a dog. A shih tzu puppy to be exact. She was about three months old, judging by her size.

“It’s a puppy!” I said happily and raced over to the puppy before taking it in my arms. She wriggled in my arms then started nuzzling my arm affectionately.

“She likes you.” Harry said with a chuckle.

“Where did you get her? What’s her name? How old is she?” I asked as I cradled the cute little puppy in my arms.

“I bought her from this pet shop in Cambridge. She’s four months old. And, you can name her.” Harry ticked all his answers on his fingers. I laughed and tickled the puppy’s chin. She squirmed and tried to bite my finger.

“She’s a feisty little thing. And she’s so small for a four month-old puppy.” I said softly as I looked down at the puppy.

“Yeah. The shop wasn’t really beautiful or anything. It was just an average pet shop.” He answered and stroked the puppy’s fur. I nodded solemnly and thought of a name for her.

“I’ll call her Duchess.” I stated with a grin on my face.

“Duchess?” Harry asked. I nodded and started cooing to Duchess while stroking her fur.

“Yes. Duchess. Because Princess is just too mainstream.” I answered and Harry laughed before kissing my forehead.

“This is why I love you.” He whispered and I blushed madly.

“I love you, too.” I answered and looked down at Duchess who started nuzzling my arm again since I stopped stroking her fur. I laughed and stroked her fur again.

“So, how about we shop for her things?” Harry asked brightly. I nodded and looked down at Duchess again. Her fur was cut short, it was only about three inches long. And, she was thin. Not so thin like a Chihuahua (which is naturally thin) but she’s just thin for her age and breed. I could feel her ribs under her thick fur.

“You poor puppy. Harry and I will take care of you. I promise.” I whispered and stroked her fur lightly.

“You ready to go, love?” Harry asked after I bounded down the stairs after changing into more presentable clothes.

“Yeah. Let’s go.” I answered with a smile and held Harry’s hand while cradling Duchess in my other arm.

“I’m sorry I’m gone all the time.” Harry apologized quietly as we made our way to his car.

“It’s okay. I understand,” I answered with a smile “Just don’t be gone when I go into labor and start shouting profanities at everyone who even breathes the wrong way.”

“I promise. I’ll be there… feeding you ice cubes so you won’t offend anybody within a hundred meter radius.” He answered with a chuckle. I nodded and kissed his cheek.

“Good.” I said finally and hopped in the car when he opened the door for me. He laughed and walked over to his side of the car and settled himself before driving off to the nearest plaza.

“She really likes it when you stroke her fur.” I said softly as I stroked Duchess’s fur lightly.

“I think the shopkeeper didn’t pay much attention to her. Poor puppy. But, we’ll take care of her and treat her like the royal puppy that she is now.” Harry answered and I smiled.

“Yeah. She’s royalty now. Thank Merlin you love dogs… and I also love them.” I stated and Harry laughed.

“I wonder how the Corgis will react when he sees Duchess.” Harry wondered out loud. I giggled and stroked Duchess’s fur again.

“Well, he’ll surely be jealous. I prefer furry dogs instead of non-furry ones. They’re more cuddly.” I said aloud and looked at all the people ogling the car.

“What is up with all these people and us? We’re still like all of them… only we’re in royal families.” I said distastefully. I have always wondered what it was that made people think of us as higher than them. We were still humans like them.

“It has to do with power. Just don’t start a row with them.” Harry teased and I rolled my eyes as he parked the car. He helped me out of the car and we started our search for all of Duchess’s necessities.

“Look, we can have her collar custom-made.” Harry said and pointed to a store. I nodded.

“She’ll have to have diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and Swarovski crystals embedded to her collar.” I joked and Harry just rolled his eyes before tugging me to the shop. We entered the quaint little shop and smiled at the lady behind the counter. She curtsied.

“Your highnesses, what can I do for you?” She asked.

“We would like a custom-made collar for our little Duchess here.” I said happily and raised Duchess up a fraction of an inch. She laid her head back down on my arm and nuzzled it affectionately which made me stroke her fur again.

“Do you have any design in mind, your highness?” She asked as she fiddled with a folder in front of her.

“Yes. Plain white leather collar with diamond studs and a charm with her name engraved on it.” I answered coolly. She nodded and asked me to draw what design I had in mind. So, I drew it while Harry held Duchess.

“If you don’t mind me asking, your highness.. where did you get her? She’s so beautiful.” The lady asked. I looked up from my drawing and smiled at her.

“Harry gave her to me.” I answered as a blush crept up on my cheeks.

“How sweet of him. Both of you are lucky to have each other. My family and I look forward to your wedding, Princess.” She said warmly. I nodded.

“Thank you. And, please just call me Amity. I’m also like all of you.” I said softly and signed my name at the bottom of the page.

“That would be an honor, you—Amity. My daughter loves you so much. She’s 16 years-old and she simply adores you. She wants to be just like you.” The lady whispered. I smiled warmly at her.

“Wow. I never thought that girls would actually like me… given the Harry situation. Everybody loves Harry now that Will’s no longer single and ready to mingle. Maybe she would like to have tea with me tomorrow morning? Then, we can go shopping. My treat.” I said generously. The lady blushed and fumbled with her hands.

“It would be her pleasure, Amity. Thank you so very much.” The lady thanked me.

“You’re welcome, and the pleasure is all mine. I like to meet new people. Please tell her to meet me at my house. Harry and I are the only ones there so I’m most probably the one who’s going to answer the door. I’ll see he tomorrow.” I said softly and then walked off with Harry.

“What was that all about?” He asked.

“Oh. We have a guest tomorrow.” I answered with a bright smile and kissed his lips before we walked off to the next store.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay.. that's chapter 29.. :) Anyway, this chapter was inspired by my very lovely puppy, Duchess. :3 THIS IS WHAT SHE LOOKS LIKE. This is what the Duchess in this chapter looks like.. :). I'll try to update soon, but, I'm not making any promises. Anyways, thank you all so much for the very LOVELY COMMENTS!

I promise I will not scare you guys ever again. :)

Tell me what you guys think. :3