Status: my other stories are on hold for a while.. ;D

Real as Real Can Get

Lovely Guest

“Princess, you have a guest downstairs.” One of my lady’s maids said politely. I smiled at her and told her that I would be down in a few minutes. After applying the finishing touches to my hair and make-up, I got up from the chair in front of the vanity and walked to the living room.

“Duchess,” I called out in a perky tone. My little Duchess came running from the kitchen towards me. I grinned and picked her up before rubbing her tummy. Her new nanny (yes, I got her a nanny) came running in the foyer and curtsied once she saw me.

“Your highness, good morning.” She greeted politely. I smiled and nodded before handing Duchess over to her.

“I’ll be back in a few hours. Be sure to take care of her, eh?” I said nicely and the lady nodded as I walked off to join my guest.

“Have you seen Harry?” I asked the maid who was pouring some tea in a tea cup in front of who I assumed to be the daughter of the shop owner yesterday.

“No, your highness.” She said and curtsied. I smiled again and thanked her for her services before excusing her from the room.

“Hello,” I greeted the guest who had her back turned to me. She turned around with a blush covering her cheeks and I grinned at her before taking a seat next to her.

“Hi, your—” I cut her off.

“I’m Amity,” I said playfully and she nodded in an embarrassed manner. “don’t be embarrassed. I don’t bite.” She giggled at that. “Treat me as a normal person.”

“Hello, Amity. My name is Taylor Ann. You can call me Tay for short.” She murmured quietly. I smiled and offered my hand out to her. She looked up at me before slowly encasing my hand with hers and giving it a light hand shake.

“It’s very nice to meet you, Tay. So, what do you wanna do today?” I said and took a sip from one of the cups of tea on the table. She blushed again and looked at her feet.

“Oh, c’mon… don’t be shy, Tay. I’m also a normal person.. only I’ve been thrust into this position.” I said coolly and a small smile found its way on her face. She had beautiful features; chocolate brown eyes, dark brown hair, a light complexion. Before she could answer, someone else spoke up.

“There you are, love.” Harry said in his usual happy banter. I smiled warmly at him as he crossed the room and planted his lips on mine in a short, sweet kiss. “Good morning.”

“Hello, Harry. I’d love you to meet Taylor Ann.. you can call her Tay for short. Tay, this is Harry—my fiancé.” I introduced them with a grin on my face. Tay looked at Harry with a blush on her cheeks while Harry shook her hand.

“It’s very lovely to meet you. Amity here has been wondering about you ever since yesterday.” Harry teased. I rolled my eyes and shoved him lightly. He chuckled and put a hand on my shoulder which made butterflies flutter in my stomach. After all this time his touch always sent butterflies coursing through my entire being.

“Don’t you have somewhere to go? Not that I’m being rude or anything; just curious.” I asked Harry as I narrowed my eyes at him. This was supposed to be a one-on-one girly day.

“Ouch. My own fiancé…” He feigned hurt and put a hand over his heart. I rolled my eyes and he pouted.

“Harry, as much as I love you… this is mine and Tay’s day out. I’ll tell you what… I’ll give you a big surprise when I get home. Promise.” I said sincerely. Harry licked his lips and I bit my own; he looked so sexy doing that.

“Oh. Okay. I’ll be expecting that surprise later, eh?” He said with a huge smile on his face. I nodded and shooed him out of the room with giggles escaping my lips at Harry’s attempts to further grace us with his presence.

“I’ll see you later, Harry.” I said and gently pushed him out of the room before closing the door halfway. He looked at me pleadingly and I sighed.

“Give me a kiss.” I said in a defeated tone. He grinned and leaned in before placing a warm, gentle, passionate kiss on my lips. Then, he pulled me by my hips and held me flush against him. I let out a gasp of surprise when he did said action and he took that as an opportunity to explore my mouth.

“Harry,” I breathed quickly when he broke off for a second or so.

“Hm?” He asked through our rather passionate make-out session.

“S-st-,” I tried to whisper but epically failed. So, I put my hands on his shoulders and gently pushed him away. He started chuckling. I narrowed my eyes at him and straightened myself out before making eye contact with him.

“You look flustered, love.” He teased. I smirked sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

“Do you want me to hurt you, Harry?” I asked with a sugary sweet tone. Harry’s eyes widened and he started laughing.

“I’m so sorry about this moron, Tay. This’ll just take a while.” I apologized to my guest. She was giggling quietly in her seat.

“Take all the time you need.” She answered. I looked at her oddly and nodded hesitantly.

“As if you could hurt me, love. As if.” Harry taunted. I rolled my eyes and drew my arm back. He closed his eyes as I swung my fist at him. But, the blow didn’t come because I stopped . He opened one eye and I flicked his nose hardly. With that action, he grabbed his nose and stumbled back while muttering profanities under his breath.

“Bloody hell, woman. Did you really have to hurt me? Ouch. Bloody hell. I think you broke my nose.” Harry said while wincing in pain every so often.

“It was just a flick, Har. Stop being so dramatic. Here, let me give it a kiss.” I said with a roll of my eyes. Harry eased his hands off his nose and I gave it a feather-light kiss.

“But it still hurt.” He whined. I rolled my eyes and he pouted.

“Oh, shush. Just go up to my room if you have nothing else to do today.” I answered coolly.

“But, I want to spend time with you guys. I promise I’ll be good. I won’t whine. I’ll be on my best behavior.” He pleaded.

“You’ll get bored. We’re going shopping.” I said with a slight smile. He pouted even more and started getting down on his knees; he even went as far as clasping his hands in front of him.

“Please, Amity. Pleaaaaaaase?” He begged, puppy dog eyes and all. Turning to Tay, she gave me a smile and an enthusiastic nod.

With a sigh, I answered “Okay. But, be on your best behavior. Or else. And, my surprise doesn’t apoply anymore.”

“Any surprise is worth spending time with you, love.” He said cheesily which made a blush crawl up on my cheeks.

“Okay, okay. Let’s just get some breakfast first.” I continued and opened the door for Harry. He stepped back into the living room and closed the door behind him before pressing his lips to mine. I blushed madly at the sudden action and he chuckled as Tay giggled.

“So, what are we gonna talk about?” Harry asked; making small talk. “What do you want to know, Tay?”

“Oh… umm..” Tay blushed and ducked her head. I plopped down beside Harry, in between him and Tay, and shoved him lightly.

“You bloody idiot. You can ask anything, Tay. We won’t get mad or anything… in fact, we like talking to youngsters like you.” I encouraged with a smile.

“Well, what is it like being a princess?” She asked quietly.

“I… honestly… don’t know how to explain. It’s just like being a normal person.. only, everyone knows you and wants to be your friend. Some people are just in it for the fame, some really are your true friends. Lauren is my best-est friend ever.. she always has been.” I murmured the last part quietly; the fact that Lauren, no matter how stupid she may be, has been there for me no matter what. She really IS my best friend.

“When is the wedding? Like, the final date? It’s alright if you guys don’t want to answer.” Tay said softly. I smiled and took a sip of my tea before looking at her.

“Harry and I talked about it.. and we agreed on..” I paused and looked fondly at Harry, “December 14th.” We said in unison.

“December this year?” Tay clarified. I nodded and entwined my hand with Harry’s.

“Yep. I wanted a winter-wonderland setting for the reception, and we just can’t be so sure of real, authentic snow in January.” I answered softly and Harry laced our fingers then played with my engagement ring.

“What about babies?” She asked giddily. I grinned and turned my gaze to my fiancé who was still twirling my engagement ring around my finger, but with a very noticeable blush on his cheeks.

“Two or three. We want a boy and a girl. Henry and Harriet.” I smiled fondly as the wheels in my mind worked on imagining what Henry and Harriet would look like,

“Have you found any dresses yet?” Tay asked. I grinned and shook my head.

“Not yet. But, I already have a wedding gown in mind. And, I’m not allowed to tell because my husband-to-be is in this room. I want him to be surprised.” Harry snapped his gaze up to me and I giggled.

“Oh, you want me to be surprised?” Harry asked amusedly. I nodded and smiled sweetly.

“Of course. You’ll be in for the surprise of your life.” I answered.

“You’re not going to wear something revealing, are you?” He asked worriedly. “Because I don’t know if I could hold myself from ravishing you in front of everybody.”

“Trust me, I’ll still be modest, but you’ll be surprised, ye of little faith.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sory it took sooooooo long; like over a month! I'm really sorry! I hit a MAJOR writer's block, plus, I lost quite a bit of interest in this story because I was writing other stories... mainly about Tom Felton and Draco Malfoy. :) I really am sorry.

And, you guys should thank those people from Tumblr.. they helped me decide whether or not to continue Heartaches and Mistakes (H&M)...

I really am sorry about not updating. I hope no one hates me.

Oh, and.. some great news for me... (I don't think you guys would appreciate this.. so I'll just share).. The lowest grade I got for this semester in college is 2.. which is like an A-... the rest of my subjects, I got 1.75, 1.5, 1.25... 1 is the highest grade.. :) Not bad for my first sem.

Anyways, I'll try to update soon... but not next week since I'll be in Hong Kong with my parents.. So, ciao.. I love you guys! And, please tell me what you guys think.. one of the reasons I lost interest is because very few people commented.. and.. there are 957 people who read this.. please don't be a silent reader just this once? Please?