Status: my other stories are on hold for a while.. ;D

Real as Real Can Get

Welcome Home

Let me break down the things that happened yesterday: Harry, Tay, and I went to Kensington High street and shopped for things that we didn’t really need. We went out for some coffee, then we dropped Tay off at her mum’s shop. That about sums it up. Oh yeah, the paparazzi also chased us to no avail.

“Good morning.” I whispered groggily to the man beside me. No, nothing happened last night. Harry was just too lazy to drive back to his house.

“Five more minutes.” He answered; half-asleep. I smiled and kissed his forehead before slowly unlatching his arm from around my waist.

“I’ll be back in five.” I murmured and tiptoed over to my bathroom before doing my daily necessities and getting dressed in a very casual white dress with black accents, a black bolero jacket, and a pair of black knee-length leggings.

“Harry, wake up.” I said and shook Harry awake. He opened one eye and closed it again before rolling over on his side; facing away from me.

“Seriously? It’s been more than five minutes.” I said and huffed.

“Mhmm.” He grumbled and snuggled further into the pillows which infuriated me; not really.

“Get the fuck up, you lazy ginger!” I said and whacked him with one of the many pillows.

“What the hell, woman!?” He said as he sat up.

“I said get up. We’re going for a stroll so your fats will get removed or something.” I said jokingly and he rolled his eyes before laying back down on the bed and closing his eyes.

“Harry, get up. Don’t make me tickle you.” I threatened. He cracked one eye open and closed it again.

“Don’t even think about it.” He said when I was about to pounce on him and tickle him mercilessly.

“Oh, I’ve thought about it alright.” I whispered in a menacing tone and jumped on top of him before tickling him mercilessly. He squirmed underneath me and eventually shoved me off.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” He pouted up at me. “Now I also need a cold shower. A VERY, VERY cold shower.” He grumbled and got out of bed while not bothering to cover up his bulging boxers. I looked at him wide-eyed and closed my eyes before throwing my hands up to cover them.

“HARRY! You’re the one with the problem here! Go to the bathroom, NOW!” I said while burying my face within the depths of my bed. Harry chuckled and just stood there; since I heard no movement.

“Are you still here?” I asked with a muffled voice.

“Yes, I’m still here.” He answered smugly. I put on my most serious ‘get-a-shower-now-before-i-murder-you’ look and turned to him as I got up from the bed and walked towards him and his half-naked glory.

“Shower. Now.” I ordered. Harry just stood there and laughed at me. Then, I poked his chest with my index finger.

“Oh, so now you resort to poking me.” He said seriously. I met his gaze and we stared at each other before he leaned down.

“You need to be punished for poking me.” He whispered in my ear so sensually which made me shiver involuntarily. Then, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him and kissed my lips hungrily as his other arm wrapped itself around my waist. My arms snaked their way around his neck and I pulled him closer.

“Amity!” I heard Lauren’s normally cheery voice. “OH MY GOD! I’m so sorry!” She squeaked and slammed the door to my room.

“Why is the door unlocked?” I asked after Harry broke the kiss.

“I guess we forgot to lock the door last night.” He whispered with swollen lips.

“Your lips are swollen.” I said quietly and traced his lips with the tips of my fingers. He held my hand to his lips and kissed my palm.

“I love you so much.” He said just as quietly and pressed his lips to mine again. I kissed him back and then broke off.

“I love you, too. Now, go get a shower.” I said and pecked his lips again before ushering him to the bathroom.

“Will do, your highness.” He said and mock bowed.

“Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny.” I said and walked away from him and opened the door to find Lauren twiddling her thumbs together.

“Hey, Laur.” I said with a grin on my face and hugged my best friend. She hugged me back.

“Sorry for walking in on you two.” She apologized.

“Meh. It’s okay. No harm done. So, who’s home?” I asked.

“Just me and Alex.” She answered and sighed dreamily at the mention of my brother; her boyfriend… who’s the prince of Monaco.

“Where’s mom and dad?” I asked again.

“They had some business to attend to.” Lauren answered. I nodded and hugged her again.

“Have you seen the puppy that Harry got for me?” I said with a smile.

“Yeah. The little shih tzu in the foyer? She’s the most adorable thing ever!” She gushed.

“I know, right? Oh gosh. Where’s Alex, by the way?” I inquired the presence of my older but more stupid brother.

“He’s in the kitchen… making breakfast.” At the last two words, my eyes widened and I looked at her like she had grown three more heads.

“Oh Merlin’s beard! Why the hell did you let him make breakfast? Oh geez. He’s going to burn the house down.” I said in a rush and ran to the kitchen only to find it still unburnt. I let out a sigh of relief when my eyes landed on Alex who was only heating up Pop Tarts using the toaster.

“For a moment there, you scared me. Alex is terrible in the kitchen. Once, when we were kids, he TRIED, key word being TRIED, to make pancakes…” I trailed off and cringed at the memory.

“What happened?” Lauren asked curiously. I looked at her and frowned.

“He managed to burn one of the shelves down. From then on, we—my mom, dad, and I, swore to never EVER let Alex cook in the kitchen ever again, as long as we’re alive.” I answered in all seriousness.

“Wow. You really must suck, mate.” I heard Harry’s voice which made me look behind me. There, leaning on the wall, was Harry in all his freshly showered glory.

“Hardy har har.” Alex said bitterly which made all of us laugh.

“Oh, Alex, we’re just telling the truth. And, welcome home, bro.” I said and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me back and kissed my forehead.

“It’s nice to be back,” He whispered.

“Alex,” I said softly.

“Yeah?” He asked.

“Your Pop Tarts are burning.” I stated and then laughed at the smoke that was coming out of the toaster. He cursed a few choice words and then unplugged the toaster.

“What a very nice homecoming welcome.” He grumbled as he dumped the charcoal-like Pop Tarts in the trash.

♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, guys. I would like to thank all of you for tuning into this story. I'm happy with all of the comments I got from the previous chapter.. but, out of a hundred people who have read it, only three or four people commented. That really dampened my mood. But, I was a tad happy because... well.. I got to read a few comments again.

And, time for a little confession.. The title for this story wasn't really supposed to be 'Heartaches and Mistakes'... truth be told, I haven't figured out an appropriate title for this story up until this morning. But, I really need your opinions. Should I change the title to 'Real as Real Can Get' or should I just leave the title be. I know that if I change it, some people might get confused. This is just mind boggling.

And, one last thing, please, if you are one of those silent readers... would it hurt to at least leave a comment? Even one that's based on constructive criticism. I take some of your comments to heart, but I don't really get angry about it.. because I know, deep down, that it was my mistake in the first place. It will not only help me improve the story, but also my writing in general. So, please.. leave at least one for each of you. I will eternally be grateful.

I love all of you. Thanks to choirgirlx3, kcollins720, bloomingrose101, and JustThinking for all the wonderful comments. :)