Status: my other stories are on hold for a while.. ;D

Real as Real Can Get

Oh No You Didn't

“I’m bored.” I groaned miserably as Harry, Lauren, Alex, and I watched TV in the living room. Yesterday, nothing really important happened, apart from the fact that Alex and Lauren got home without our parents.

“I’m bored, too.” Lauren joined me in our groan-fest.

“What do you suggest we do, love?” Harry asked me with a grin on his face.

“Was that a sexual innuendo?” I asked curiously. Harry burst out laughing.

“No, love. I didn’t think of it that way…” He admitted through his laughter.

“Oh.” I whispered as a blush crawled up on my cheeks.

“Before we get sick from all the cheesiness in this situation, what do people want to do today?” Alex said seriously.

“Boohoo, Alex. I guess old age really does catch up to you.” I shot at him and he glared at me.

“Who are you calling old, huh? You’re not exactly the epitome of youth yourself.” I gave a very dramatic gasp and threw a pillow at my brother.

“You slimy little git! Take that back! I’m not old!” I snapped and started hitting him with another pillow. It was fairly easy to do since I was in between him and Harry.

“You’re old!” He said whilst defending himself from my never-ending whacks of doom.

“Am not!” I said and was about to pounce on him when Harry and Lauren decided to intervene.

“Whoah there, hothead. No more violence. It’s bad for the baby.” Harry stated. Everything stopped at once and Lauren as well as Alex stared up at us with eyes as wide as saucers. I looked at Harry through semi-narrowed eyes.

“You’re fucking PREGNANT!” Alex exploded. I opened my mouth to speak but Harry cut me off with his booming laughter.

“I was just joking.” He said through his laughs. I slapped him upside the head and glared at him.

“I actually thought that I was pregnant! Then, I remembered that that was very stupid of me to think.. because we haven’t done anything yet!” I shoved him lightly and we connected gazes before bursting out laughing.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have done that. But, it was just too tempting.” Harry said with a light chuckle. I rolled my eyes.

“Who’s up for some ice cream?” Lauren piped up.

“Ooh! Ice cream.” I said happily and clasped both of Harry’s hands in mine.

“Let’s go. I think there may be ice cream at Trafalgar Square or at Piccadily Circus.. or even at Buckingham.” Alex said with a small smile. Ice cream is his weakness.

“Should we take a car or ride a cab?” Harry asked. I grinned and hugged him tightly.

“We’re going to walk.” I whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek.

“O-okay.” He stuttered. I giggled and unlatched myself from him.

“Now, let’s get a move on if we want to be there in one piece.” I said with an enthusiastic grin. We stepped out of the house and began our search for food; mainly, ice cream.

“Oh, there’s a shop over there!” Lauren pointed out and we practically ran to the ice cream shop like a pair of hungry hyenas.

“Easy there, Donnie Fatso.” Alex teased. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. Then, we got our ice cream; mine being vanilla.

“Yum yum! Ice cream.” I said happily and started devouring the cold treat as we continued our trek to wherever our feet led us.

“Rolling in the deeeeeeeeep!” Lauren and I sang as we walked arm in arm.

“What the hell is that bloody song?” Harry asked.

“Rolling in the Deep by Adele.” I answered with a smile as I continued eating my ice cream.

“Well, she sings it better than you; so, do us all a favor and shove your ice cream in your fat gob.” Alex said and hit the bottom of my ice cream upwards which caused it to press itself against my mouth. I glared at Alex and he gulped.

“Oh no you didn’t, you little shit!” I screeched and ran after him. Running is just not my thing, I’ll tell you that. And, running in heels most definitely didn’t work for me. Because, a. I always tripped, b. I didn’t catch up with my idiot of a brother, and c. I got tired pretty fast. Harry and Lauren caught up with us and Harry wrapped his arms around me.

“My ice cream.” I said sadly and looked at the trash bin I threw it in a few minutes ago.

“We’ll just get another one, love.” Harry said softly and took his handkerchief out to wipe the ice cream off my nose. I pouted and hugged him tightly. He kissed my forehead and I blushed madly.

“I love you, you know.” I whispered against his chest.

“I know. And, I love you, too. More than anyone could ever imagine.” He whispered and kissed my forehead again.

“I hate to ruin this perfect moment.. But I think we forgot Duchess.” I whispered quietly. We looked at each other and grinned.

“ We’re only a few blocks from your house, so maybe we could go back for her.” Harry answered. I smiled at him and pecked his lips.

“I really like how your brain works… sometimes.” I murmured and he pouted before I kissed that pout away.

We walked back to my house and geared Duchess up for a walk around town.

“Oh, she’s just so adorable!” Lauren gushed as Duchess trotted out of the house with her doggy shoes on.

“Of course she is. She’s my Duchess.” I giggled and smiled fondly at Harry for giving me such a wonderful gift.

“Why the hell did you even name her ‘Duchess’?” Alex asked.

“Because I wanted her to be named Duchess. It’s that simple. You’re such an idiot.” I teased and he rolled his eyes before we once again embarked on a fun-filled trek around Duchess’s first home.. her first home where Harry and I had a lot of treasured memories.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi, guys! I was just ecstatic when I read all of your WONDERFUL, AWESOME, AMAZING comments! And, as all of you can tell, I already changed the title. I was stupid for naming this story something that isn't related to the content. Anyways, thank you soooo much for all of your comments!

I've been working on this ever since I woke up this morning. Haha. I'm still in my cami and sweats, I haven't eaten breakfast or even brushed my hair. Hahaha! Sorry, too much info. So, yeah.

Oh, I just want to share this experience with all of you. I am SO proud of Duchess (my Duchess, not the one in this story.. although they are the same).. when I first got her (from my mom; she bought her for me as a responsibility thing. My mom wanted me to experience what it was like to take care of another life apart from myself.) Okay, so, when I first got her, she would bark at everybody who would walk around her. So, I started training her by taking her to everywhere me and my parents went. We started about three weeks ago, and yesterday, when we went to the mall to buy some luggage bags for Wednesday, she didn't even bark at ANYONE in the mall.. and trust me, there were TONS of people there. And, at night, she wouldn't bother growling anymore when I get her diaper on her. Yeah, she wears a diaper when she sleeps. Because she sleeps next to me on my bed. She's very well house-trained and all, but I'm not taking any risks of her peeing on my stuff. :) Anyway, thank you for listening to my story about Duchess. Here's a picture of me and her from Tuesday afternoon.
