Status: my other stories are on hold for a while.. ;D

Real as Real Can Get

Je Suis Perdu Sans Toi (I miss you so bad)

Oh, hey there. I almost forgot to tell you guys that Harry’s gone for a week-long trip to Hong Kong. Today’s day two of his absence.. and it’s just so damn irritating! I don’t get why I couldn’t come and visit Hong Kong with him. I miss him terribly, and I’m just sulking here in my room; eating ice cream while Alex, my brother, and Lauren, my best friend, were in Alex’s room.. doing who-knows-what.

“This is just stupid. I envy you.” I muttered and shoved a spoonful of Haagen-Dazs Vanilla ice cream in my mouth as I looked at Duchess who was sprawled on Harry’s side of the bed; sleeping peacefully. I looked at the clock on my bed-side table and scowled. It was 12:04 AM. Another day closer to seeing Harry again. This is just stupid.

*ring, ring*

I picked my phone up and bit my lip to keep myself from letting out a loud sob. Harry always called at this hour to greet me a good morning. I accidentally released a quiet sob and put my hand on top of my lips to muffle my sobbing. I missed him terribly.

“Good morning, beautiful.” Harry greeted with a groggy voice. He must’ve just woken up. “Sshh, don’t cry, love. I’ll be home soon.” He tried to soothe me; which worked to no avail. I still really missed him and I needed him beside me.. at all times. I can’t live my life knowing that he’s halfway across the world from me right now.

“I need you now, Harry. I miss you s-so mu-ch. P-please com-e home. P-p-please. I need y-you.” I sobbed as quietly as I could; which wasn’t very quiet since I’m basically a roller coaster of emotions right now; well, just one emotion, really.

“Love, I really want to come home to you right now. Trust me, I really do. But,” I cut him off with a really loud sob. I started full-out crying now.

“Oh, love. Ssssh. It pains me to hear you cry. I’ll be home soon.” He said softly. I put the phone up to my ear again with my shaky right hand and silently wiped my still streaming tears away from my face.

“Why can’t I go there?” I asked hoarsely.

“Because… I want you to be safe… from the paparazzi.” He answered.

“I don’t care about them, Harry. I w-want to be with you. I need to be with you. I miss you so much. Do you know how much it hurts just to be away from you? To have you halfway across the world…” I trailed off sadly.

“I feel the exact same way, love.” He whispered.

“I’m c-coming over first thing in the morning.” I said with finality even though my voice was still pretty hoarse.

“You’re so stubborn.” He said with a quiet laugh.

“I know. That’s why you love me.” I answered with the tiniest of smiles as I wiped my tears away.

“Yeah.” He answered.


True to my word, I arrived at Hong Kong International Airport first thing in the morning; since I took the private jet to Hong Kong. I never got the chance to tell Harry what time I would be arriving; oh well, I’ll just surprise him.

“Wow. This airport is big.” I whispered to myself as I dragged my luggage to the airport limousine terminal. You’re probably wondering where Duchess is. I left her with Alex, Lauren and her nanny since there were very few dog-friendly parks in Hong Kong. And, you’re probably also wondering where my body guards are. I asked them to stay a few ways behind me to avoid any commotion. And, I wore a disguise to be sure. Long black wig, green contacts, cute knit bonnet, red denim jacket draped over my arm, gray shirt-dress thing-y, black tights, and a pair of gray espadrilles. Inconspicuous, right?

“This airport is so big.” I murmured to myself as I made my way to the Immigration. My eyebrows furrowed when I saw the VERY long line of people. WOW. They paid no mind to me as I read the signs; searching for the one displaying ‘Diplomat passports’. And, since I’m a princess, and I’m here on ‘business’ I get to have the privelege of just strutting up to the Immigration officer and presenting my passport.

She looked at me and then I smiled lightly. Then, she gave me a nod then I proceeded to the luggage carousels. Heading straight for carousel number 9, I instantly spotted my bright purple luggage bag and hastened to it. But, sadly, one of my body guards beat me to it and hoisted it up and out of the carousel before muttering something to those little mics attached to their suits.

We walked through the airport , and rode some more escalators before arriving at the main lobby of the airport. Looking up at the really high ceilings, and admiring all the people lugging bags behind them, I smiled at the butterflies that fluttered in my stomach. I’m just so excited to see Harry again.

“Amity!” I heard a very familiar voice. My mouth opened to an ‘O’ shape as I turned around to the source of the voice. Lo and behold, there was my Harry, running towards me with an adorable grin on his face. I felt my face light up at the sight of him; he chuckled and tackled me into a bear hug that almost knocked the breath out of me. Just touching him, feeling him this close to me, sent butterflies soaring in my stomach.

“HARRY!” I exclaimed happily and wrapped my arms tightly around him. “I missed you so muc

“I missed you, too, love… so much… so very much.” He whispered and kissed my forehead.

“Your highnesses, we are causing quite the scene…” One of my bodyguards said nervously as he fidgeted with the mic that was attached to his coat.

“Oh, sorry… let’s just continue this in the car.” Harry said with a chuckle and grasped my hand tightly in his. I looked up at him and laced our fingers together.

“What hotel are we going to be staying in?” I asked quietly as we walked past the train station, and towards the car park.

“Silka Far East Hotel. Not too classy, and not too shabby.” He admitted with a chuckle.

“Is it near any shops?” I asked curiously. He grinned and kissed my temple.

“It’s near fruit stands, and some restaurants, as well as a mall… well, 2 malls.”

“Oh. Wow. And, what about the ladies’ market?”

“It’s a few stations away if we take the MTR.” (A/N: The MTR is the subway.)

“Awesome. Can we go there? And to the main shopping district? With the Armani, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Chanel stores? And, can we go to Disneyland?” I asked happily and he nodded.

“Of course, love. Now, we’re here. Come on.” He said and half-dragged me through the automatic doors. I looked around and spotted cars of different sorts. Some cars were even Ferraris. Harry took me to a silver Rolls-Royce. I smiled at him as he opened the door for me.

“Nice car.” I praised his vehicle of choice as I hopped in.

“Thanks, love.” He grinned and shut the door after pecking my lips lightly.


The drive to the hotel was spent in a very comfortable silence. I didn’t mind the silence, bec ause both Harry and I knew that there was no need for words right now. Just simply basking in each other’s presence is enough to last us through a half-hour drive.

“We’re here.” He said giddily and climbed out of the car then helped me out. I scanned the area and was a tad disappointed that there weren’t any beautiful scenic views apart from the tall buildings.

“Where’s the hotel?” I asked quizically.

“There, love.” Harry said with a chuckle and pointed to an establishment with two large lion thing-ies in front. The glass doors were spotless, and the interior was very clean. But, it wasn’t as grand as Buckingham Palace, or even my house. And that’s saying something. Oh well. This is a vacation.. at least for me it is...

“Oh. Okay. It’s.. uhh.. okay.” I said with a nod. Harry full-out laughed at me.

“It’s not as shabby as it looks, love.” He said with a playful grin. I rolled my eyes and jabbed his side with my index finger which made him flinch away from me.

“I’ll take your word for it.” I said with a roll of my eyes.

“C’mon, love.” He said and tugged me up to the front desk.

“Hello, I’d like to avail of the breakfast buffet for my fiance, please.” Harry said smoothly and smiled at the guy behind the front desk. I read his name tag and found out that his name is Tom. (A/N: That’s the real name of the front desk clerk at Silka Far East.)

“Yes, sir.” He said with a thick Cantonese accent and handed Harry a few slips of paper.

“Will she be staying in your room, sir?” Tom asked.

“Yes.” Harry said as he signed what seemed to be the bill and handed it back to the clerk.

“Come, love. Let’s go up to our room.” Harry said with a grin and led me to the elevators. He pressed the up button and we waited for the elevators.

“How long will we be staying here?” I asked Harry as I admired the crystals dragon that hung from the ceiling. It’s very difficult to describe. But, it’s made up of individual crystals to form one of those wavy dragons. In the place of the dragon’s eye was a red ruby. I think that was the hotel’s best asset.

“Only for today and tomorrow. The day after, we’re gonna join Will and Kate at Langham.” He elaborated. I nodded and then furrowed my eyebrows.

“Why didn’t we join them now?” I asked as we stepped into the elevator. He pressed the button for the 16th floor out of 17 buttons.

“Langham is on the other side of the island. Besides, I knew that you would want to visit the Ladies’ Market and ‘The Mall’ before we went out for business.” He grinned.

“You know how much I love you, right?” I asked with a smile as I wrapped my arms around Harry’s neck and pressed my lips to his in a passionate kiss.

“Oh, I know.” He said smugly.

“16th floor.” The elevator computer announced in English, then in Cantonese, then Japanese. We got out of the small elevator and located Harry’s room. 1512.

“Welcome to our humble abode.” He said happily and slipped the card in the slot before opening the heavy door.

“It’s.. decent.” I said as I stepped in the VERY cold room. It was almost ten degrees in here!

“It’s not much. But, it will do for two days. Then, we’ll move on to bigger and better things.” He joked. I laughed along with him and plopped down on the double bed that was in the middle of the room. The bathroom was right next to the front door; the left side when you entered. And, it was also decently sized.

“How did you know that I was going to be here?” I asked as Harry laid me down on the bed and hopped in beside me before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me flush against him.

“Alex.” He said as if that was self-explanatory.

“For once, he’s done something productive in his life.” I said groggily as sleep consumed me little by little.

“Sleep, love. You’ve had a long flight. And, you’ll have quite a night tonight. We’re going out for noodles. You have to taste their noodles here.” He said as I yawned and nodded against his chest.

“I love you.” I whispered.

“I love you, too... so much. It’s nice to have you back in my arms again.” He answered and kissed my forehead before sleep consumed me.

“It’s nice to be back home.” I whispered before I was completely knocked out.

~~PLEASE READ AUTHOR'S NOTE. Important. It's abotu my hiatus.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi, guys! I'm sorry if it's been so long since i last updated! I was busy with school, and my job as the student council secretary, and my social life. And, to add to that, i got sick for a week straight. I had high fever and a mild cold, as well as muscle pains in my whole torso, and not to mention the migraines. I thought I had Influenza. :( but, I had it checked out and the doctor said to keep the stress levels down. I was super stressed; that's why I got sick.

And, another fact to add to my hiatus is because my laptop broke down. I had to reformat it. Thank God I have back-up copies of my files.

This chapter is dedicated to my vacation in Hong Kong with my parents, and my grandmum, and my little brother.

(That's me in the gray dress-shirt thing with the black tights. My mom's in the white shirt, dad's beside mom. My grandma's beside me, and my brother's in the middle.)

I was supposed to update when I was in Hong Kong, but you had to pay for WiFi usage. Like, WTF? WiFi is supposed to be free.

I love all of you guys who haven't removed me from your 'subscribed stories'. ♥

please tell me what you guys think. It'd be nice to read some comments again. :)