Status: my other stories are on hold for a while.. ;D

Real as Real Can Get

Press Conference

“So, about that Polo game…” Harry trailed off as we sat on the porch swing; my head on his shoulder and his head resting atop mine. Our arms around each other; fingers entwined together.

“You already sent out the invites, I’m guessing.” I said and grinned. Harry was always one step ahead of me. That’s why I love him.

“How’d you guess?” He asked.

“Oh, I have my ways.” I answered and snuggled up to him. “Thanks.”

“I scheduled it for tomorrow morning.” He said softly and I smiled.

“Okay. At around 9, yeah?” I asked him.

“Yes. I’ll pick you up. If you don’t mind.” He said shyly. I blushed but didn’t look up at him.

“I don’t mind. Not one bit. But, what about Lauren?” I asked him gently.

“I’m sure Will wouldn’t mind taking her along with him and Kate.” Harry answered and chuckled.

“It’s a date then.” I blurted out and mentally slapped myself when I realized what I said.


“Amity, we need to attend a press conference later.” Alex, my older brother, hollered once Lauren and I closed the door behind us.

“What? Now?” I asked.

“Yes! Now, get dressed in something much more elegant.” He said and I dragged Lauren up to my room. I tossed her a navy blue sun dress and she got dressed in that. I put a white sun dress on and topped that off with a gray cashmere cardigan. I handed Lauren a white cardigan and a pair of ballet flats. She’s not the one to wear heels.

“White wedges or silver stilettos?” I asked her and held up the two pairs of shoes I was contemplating on wearing.

“Wedges.” She answered and I slipped those on and we ran down the stairs and hopped in the car. Alex was already in there.

“Did you two have fun with Harry, William, and Kate?” Alex asked.

“Yep. I helped Kate out with wedding details.” Lauren answered brightly. Alex chuckled and turned to me.

“What did you do?” Alex asked me.
“Nothing. Just talked with Harry. You’re playing tomorrow, right?” I asked him.

“Of course.” Alex said confidently and I grinned.

“Okay. I might sing something tomorrow.” I mumbled and we all sat back and enjoyed the comfortable silence that hung in the car as the chauffer drove off to the press conference.

Once we got there, the paparazzi went wild. Flash bulbs didn’t stop flashing in my direction. I think I was dazed when we finally sat down behind the long table.

“Hello, good afternoon.” I greeted cheerily and the paparazzi people started firing questions. Mostly at me. Sometimes they even asked Lauren.

“Princess, what can you say about Prince Harry’s fall last September?” The rational part of my brain was screaming ‘do what a princess will do’ but the more dominant part of my brain was screaming ‘be yourself.’. And, as my mother has said when we attended press conferences.. ‘be yourself. They can’t do anything to change you. You are who you are.’

“Well, that’s one way to fall of a horse.” I laughed lightly. “Harry falls off horses with one thing. Royal swag.” I answered and almost everyone laughed. Alex nudged me and Lauren giggled.

“Why did you leave Monaco, princess?” This… was the question that I was dreading to answer.

“I left because.. to be honest… I felt pressured to be the perfect girl. I’m a people-pleaser, so , I really disliked it when someone didn’t like me. And, from all the newspaper headlines, the tabloid ones, anyway… they didn’t… you know… cut a ten year-old girl some slack. Every move I made; someone always judged me. When I hung out with Will and Harry, someone always wrote that I would ‘grow up to be a whore’. I wanted a shot at a normal life. And, yes, I got that shot. But, I’m done hiding now. I’m not that ten year-old girl anymore. I won’t let anything or anyone get in the way of being who I really am. I am who I am and I’m not going to change just because somebody told me they didn’t like this or that about me.” I answered and everyone went silent.

“What was it like being a commoner for quite a while, princess?”

“It was fun. As I said before, I’m a people-pleaser so I dislike anyone who isn’t happy with me. I tried to please everybody who disliked me when I was new in America. Normal people also have it hard. Life isn’t always handed to you on a silver platter. Some kids back in my old school in America teased me because I was different. I had lightly tan skin and green eyes instead of creamy white skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair. They also teased me because I spoke several different languages. I had a hard time when I was the ‘newbie’ in America. I guess, you can say that I was also bullied by those mean people who were insecure about themselves. My nanny always told me not to let them get to my head. And, I love her for that. She’s always there for me. I love you, nanny Bridgette.” I said graciously and grinned.

“Where did you stay when you were in America?”

“Oh. That’s something I’m not allowed to tell. For privacy’s sake.” I answered and smiled sheepishly.

“There have been rumors about you and Prince Harry going out. Are any of those rumors true?”
“Harry and I are also like best friends. I’m afraid to tell you that we’re not going out. But, sure, if given the opportunity to go out with Harry.. I’d grab it instantly. Any woman would be lucky to have him. He’s sweet, funny, caring, and of course, he’s handsome. I know you’re watching this, Harry. Don’t let that go to your head.” I said jokingly and everyone laughed. I’m just cracking jokes like they’re nothing. I’m so awesome.

“Oh, I almost forgot. We’re sponsoring a Polo game to raise money for Sentebale. Tomorrow, 9 AM.” I announced and grinned.
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A little something-something about Amity's life. ;)
