Status: my other stories are on hold for a while.. ;D

Real as Real Can Get

Lovers and Haters

That night, I lay on my bed, thinking about that kiss Harry and I shared. No doubt it was the talk of the whole world as of this moment. So, just to make sure, I logged in my Tumblr account and my Twitter account. ’Amity & Harry’, ’Amity Windsor/Wales’ and a bunch of other stuff were trending. I checked my Tumblr dashboard and saw that I had 412,128 followers. Fuck. My Facebook account was no different. I had TONS of friend requests. I had some hate messages like this one:

Dear ‘Princess of Monaco’,

If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stop dating Prince Harry RIGHT NOW.

And, I answered that with…

Dear Anonymous,

We’re not dating. What is up with these rumors, anyway? And, that kiss… I didn’t expect it. Why hate me for something that isn’t even happening? :)

Sincerely Yours,
Princess Amity of Monaco

At least I was nice. And I even put in a smiley face. And, some people, God bless them, wrote messages like these:

Dear Princess Amity of Monaco (and soon-to-be Princess of Wales),

I love you!!! I’m shipping you and Prince Harry even if those good-for-nothing haters hate me for it. You two look so great together! I can really feel the chemistry even if I’m in Australia. If he ever asks you to be his girlfriend, don’t hesitate to say yes! Your fans are always here for you. And, we outnumber those haters. ;D


Dear Jess (I’ll call you Jess if that’s okay with you? :D),

I love you too. Thank you for your support. I’ll be sure to defend all of you if ‘they’ hurt you. Don’t hesitate to tell me, okay? It spreads that far? Haha. As far as I know, Harry and I are just sort-of best friends. (Sort-of, because when we were kids… we used to bicker all the time. And, let me tell you a little secret… back in 1991, that cake that toppled over? Yeah. Harry pushed me so I knocked it over.) I love all of you guys and I’ll be sure to follow my heart.


I shut the computer off and grabbed the guitar beside my four-poster bed. I started strumming nonsense until I finally poured my heart into the song ‘We Live’ by Superchick. It’s kind of like… my anti-hate song. It lifts my soul up and reminds me not to waste my life on pleasing other people who judge you because they have nothing better to do.

“Harry, why the fuck did you even do that?” I grumbled and put my head in my hands while my guitar sat on my lap. I heard something drop and jumped. I tossed my guitar on my bed and grabbed the sword that hung suspended on the wall. Thank God my parents liked to decorate with deadly weapons. Haha. Joking. Joking.

“I’m not afraid of you.” I said and bravely raised the sword and my clenched fist. Something clattered downstairs. In the kitchen. Where the fuck was everyone? Did they leave me alone just to scare the fuck out of me?

“This isn’t funny, Alex! I’m going to kill you!” I shouted and opened my door then crept down the stairs. Some lights were off.

“Mom!? Dad!? Lauren!?” I asked aloud and stumbled upon a note that was taped to the TV in the living room. I took it in my hands and read it silently.


Alex is out with some of his friends from Eton tonight. We took Lauren with us to the opera. We love you.

Mom and Dad

I tucked that in my pocket and summoned up the courage to beat the shit out of the fuck who was scaring the hell out of me. I sensed something move behind me so I looked there. No one. I kept walking to the kitchen. I walked a few steps to the light switch and turned it on.


“AAAAAH!” I screamed and hit the person, or thing or whatever that scared the hell out of me , with the hilt of the sword. (A/N: Ouch. Those hilts hurt. A LOT. Trust me. Been there, done that.) That person fell down clutching his or her stomach and I switched the lights on.

“PHILLIP ALEXANDER!!!” I screamed angrily angrily and knelt down next to him. He was writhing in agony. I know I hit his stomach because I’m just that awesome.

“Ow. Call an ambulance. Get some ice.” He coughed out and I got some ice from the fridge.

“You bastard. You’re lucky that I didn’t slice your head off.” I said and put the sword on the counter as I put the ice cubes in a bag. I ran back to him and put the cold compress on his bruised stomach. Then I smacked his face.

“What the fuck, woman!? Why the hell did you slap me!?” He bellowed and then writhed in pain again.

“Because you scared the fuck out of me you bastard! I’m going to call Will and Harry to help me with you.” I said and grabbed the cordless phone and dialed their house number.

“’Ello?” The maid greeted.

“Uh, hi. This is Amity. Can I talk to Harry?” I asked unsurely. I don’t know why I asked for Harry. I don’t have a fucking clue.

“I’ll call him, your highness.” She said politely and scurried off with the phone in her hands. I know this, because I heard the click-clack of her shoes against the marble tiles.

“Your highness, the Princess of Monaco wishes to speak to you.” She said and I heard her pass the phone to Harry.

“Hello, love.” Harry greeted in his usual bubbly tone.

“Harry!” I answered; practically hyperventilating; on the verge of insanity… oh.. wait… I’m already insane.. I’ll rephrase that. On the verge of too much insanity. There. Better. LOL.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay? I’m on my way right now.” His tone was filled with worry. I can hear him going down the stairs while putting his jacket on.

“I’m fine. Alex isn’t. I sort-of… hit him in the stomach with the hilt of a sword.” I said sheepishly and slapped Alex who was already losing consciousness. He must’ve bonked his head on the floor when he fell down in agony.

“Dear Lord. I’m on my way right now. Try to keep him awake.” Harry said and I smiled. Just the thought of him worrying about me sent butterflies in my stomach.

“Okay. Harry?” I asked timidly.

“Yes?” He asked expectantly. Should I tell him right now or should I wait for him to say it? Butterflies, let me think. God damn it! What if he’s in love with his Oompa Loompa of an ex-girlfriend? Maybe I should dispose of the orange bitch before she gets her fake spray-tanned hands on Harry? (A/N: HAHAHA! I would have used the ‘Prince Harry agrees’ picture for this but that would just distract all of you even further. Tahlia knows what I’m talking about. Now I want to sing the Oompa Loompa theme song.)

“Thank you so much.” I said and closed my eyes as I winced. That was NOT what I was planning to say.

“No problem. I’ll be there in five.” Harry’s voice dropped an octave and he hung up. I dropped the call and hit myself repetitively.

“Do you want me to do that for you?” Alex asked from his place on the kitchen floor. Good. He was trying to keep himself awake.

“Do you want me to beat the crap out of you even further?” I asked him pointedly and wiped his sweat with a kitchen towel. He can give two shits about that later.

“Why don’t you just tell him already? He kissed you. PUBLICLY. If I may add. He loves you a lot, Amity. Heck, all he ever wants to talk about is you. He won’t shut up about you. Everytime we talk it’s always ‘Amity this. Amity that. I wonder where she is right now? Is she thinking about me, too?’ The dude pesters me every waking day of my life asking when your next visit will be. He’s head over heels in love with you.” Alex’s words hit me like a ton of bricks. I feel like shit right now. First, I leave him right after his mother died. I hid in America. I didn’t tell him or Will about my whereabouts or even my intention of leaving. Whenever I visited, I only allotted 25% of my time for him. Still, he loves me. After all I did to him. He kissed me earlier and I can’t even tell him my fucking feelings. Am I a bitch or what?

“Amity!” I heard my prince charming’s voice outside. He rang the doorbell and I told Alex to stay awake. I ran down to the front door and saw him there in all his glory. His hair was wet, his coat was wrapped tightly around him, his face was flushed and his mouth was slightly agape as his warm breath made fogs in the cold and damp night air. I looked behind him and saw that it was raining. He ran through that heavy downpour just to see if I was okay. I feel even more of a bitch right now.

I got teary-eyed and didn’t hesitate to tackle him in a hug. He stumbled a bit but regained his balance and hugged me back. Then, he kissed the crown of my head and walked inside with me still in his arms. He closed the door with his foot and tilted my head up to face him.

“We can talk about this later. Where’s Alex?” He asked softly and kissed my forehead tenderly. I felt all the butterflies flutter in my stomach.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not even 24 hours and I have 22 subscribers and 76 lovely readers...

Thank you to all of you..

and.. as a token of my thanks.. Image


