Status: my other stories are on hold for a while.. ;D

Real as Real Can Get


We, meaning: Me, Harry, Will, and Kate, drove off to the sports store and bought me some skating stuff. As much as I tried to protest, Harry still paid for everything.

“Does anyone watch Glee here?” I asked as Harry drove to the skating rink. Will and Kate were in the back seat.

“Glee?” William asked. The man had never seen Glee in his entire life.

“I hate you. U NO WATCH GLEE.” I stated and hit his knee. He yelped in pain and I glared at him.

“Why are you such a grammar Nazi?” Harry asked through laughs. I turned to him.

“You’re the one to speak, Nazi boy.” I said pointedly. He frowned and I grinned. I kissed his cheek then leaned in close to his ear.

“I never said I didn’t like it.” I whispered and he grinned mischievously.

“You two are so gross.” Will said and rolled his eyes.

“Do you seriously want to get hurt?” I asked him. Kate giggled.

“Why do you ALWAYS have to threaten us with violence?” Will asked.

“Because I’m cool like that. Now, shut up before I shove you out of this vehicle. I don’t care if you’re the future King of England.” I said and grinned.

“You are just evil.” Will ‘tsk’ed and I laughed wholeheartedly.

“Thank you. Hey, maybe when you’re the King… can you ban Justin Bieber from all the commonwealth countries?” I asked brightly. (A/N: Saw Justin Bieber last night. FUCK! I don’t necessarily like him nor do I hate him. His songs and his face just get so annoying at times.)

“And, why would I want to do that? He’s from Canada.” Will answered. I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Ugh. Harry, Will’s being mean to me! He won’t ban Justin Bieber when he’s the king. You’ll ban Justin Bieber, right?” I asked Harry with a pout on my lips.

“Will, don’t be mean to your future-sister-in-law.” Harry said and grinned at me. I quickly pecked his lips and told him to pay attention to the road.

“We’re here.” I said like a kid on a sugar rush once Harry stopped the car. I started unbuckling my seatbelt and fumbled a little bit because I was so excited that my hands were just everywhere. Harry opened my door for me and finally unbuckled my seatbelt for me. I grinned at him and put my hands on both sides of his face then slammed my lips on his. He was about to climb in the car when Will grabbed him by his jacket and dragged him away from me. I gasped and gave Will the evil eye.

“Hey! We were making out!” I yelled and silently thanked God that the lot was empty.

“And, you feel proud to say it out loud!?” Will asked loudly as he dragged Harry to the entrance. Kate just stood there and laughed quietly.

“Just because you don’t have the guts to do it in public doesn’t mean Harry and I can’t enjoy it! Where’re the scissors!? I’m going to cut your hair off! What remains of it, anyway!” I shouted and slammed the car’s door. I laced my arm through Kate’s and we walked behind Will and Harry.

“Seriously, the nerve of your fiancée.” I grumbled and Kate giggled.

“He’s just looking out for you and Harry.” She answered.

“Nah. He’s just getting revenge on earlier. Oh. DAMN! Bad mental image. Bad.” I mumbled and we talked for a few minutes until we made it to the entrance. The boys were there and they were holding wrist-band thingy-s. Harry slipped one on my wrist and pecked my lips.

“What? No ring?” I asked him as I looked at the band/ strap thing.

“That’s the ticket, dummy.” He said and chuckled. I blushed madly and looked away.

“I knew that.” I covered up. He laughed and kissed my cheek before wrapping an arm around my waist. We walked inside the indoor rink and saw that it was empty. My skating gear was in the skating bag/trolley thing that Harry insisted on buying.

“Let’s get suited up, love.” Harry said and held my hand. We walked towards the changing rooms and we were about to walk in a single changing stall when Will dragged him to another stall.

“I seriously hate you. We weren’t going to do anything.” I said and pouted. He chuckled and ruffled my hair as he entered his own stall. Kate was already in her stall.

“Right. I should believe that.” Will said and I shut my stall’s door and got changed in my gear. Once that was over, I got out and was greeted by the oh-so-handsome Harry.

“You look gorgeous.” He complimented and wrapped his arms around my waist and pecked my lips. I rolled my eyes but smiled.

“You look… normal.” I said and giggled.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” He mumbled as we walked to the rink.

“Ooh! It’s so cold! We don’t get snow in Cali.” I said in awe as I admired the whiteness of the ice.

“Really?” Will asked.

“Yeah. Always sun and rain. Nothing out of the ordinary.” I said and tugged at Harry’s hand. He laughed and got what I was saying. He walked us over to the edge of the rink and stepped on the ice like it was nothing. Meanwhile, I was holding on to him for dear life. Ice= very fucking slippery. He chuckled and slowly unwound my arms from his neck. He held my gloved hands and grinned.

“Try to balance, love.” He said and I stared at him like he was crazy. Gravity and I… let’s just say we have some unsettled differences. He slowly let go of my left hand and smiled.

“Harry, if I fall you are going to get it.” I warned him shakily as my knees wobbled.

“Bend your knees, love. Now, march. Bit by bit. Like this.” He skated and stopped beside me. Then, he grasped my hand tightly and marched baby steps. I followed suit and grinned.

“I’m walking on ice. Without falling.” I declared proudly and squealed.

“Good for you.” William hollered and I raised my left hand’s thumb at him.

“Okay, do it on your own. Don’t worry. I’ll catch you.” Harry reassured me and slowly let go of my hand.

“This oddly reminds me of that line from Titanic. ‘You jump I jump.’.” I said and giggled. I’m so awesome.

“Pay attention, love.” Harry said after he chuckled.

“Okay, okay. Step, step, step.” I mumbled and accidentally lost my balance. I toppled over but felt hands on my arms as I fell on the ice. I took Harry down with me. Ohmygosh. That was so embarrassing. I was positioned in between Harry’s legs and he started laughing. I scowled and turned around then hit him lightly.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. That was just too funny. You looked like… a… HAHAHA… a… HAHAHA!” He never finished his sentence because I tackled him. He fell down on the ice and I stared down at him.

“Laugh at me, will ya?” I said and pouted before I straddled him.

“What are you going to do? Punish me?” Harry asked with his alluring accent.

“Exactly. You’re a smart, smart man… with ginger pubes.” I whispered and kissed his lips lightly.

“How did you…” He trailed off. “The video.”

“Yes, my darling. I admire men who have the guts to admit that.” I whispered in his ear and bit his ear lobe gently. He groaned and I giggled.

“I love ginger men… who drive Apaches. And have ginger pubes.” I whispered in his ear and licked the outer shell. He shuddered underneath me and placed his hands on my hips.

“Nuh uh, Harry.” I said and got off him. I crawled off and he looked at me before he got up and skated over to me. I squealed and started crawling faster. Blasted skates. Why have I not been born to skate? Why, Lord? WHY!?

“You’re such a tease!” Harry hollered and picked me up by my waist. Then, he started tickling me. I flailed around but didn’t hurt him with my skates.

“Harry! Ha-Harry! Har! S-stop!” I yelped and just stayed there in his arms. He stopped tickling me and turned me so I was facing him. I wrapped my arms around his torso and snuggled into him. He was warm and… just so cuddly. He was MY Harry.

“I love you so much.” He murmured and buried his face in my hair. My heart completely stopped and a smile crept on my face along with a blush. I kissed his clothed chest and sighed contentedly.

“I love you, too.” I answered and wrapped my arms tighter around him.

“Amity! Amity!” An oh-so-familiar voice rang out. I looked up and saw Lauren. Behind her were ‘the bitch crew’. We call them that because they’re fake blonde bimbos who have really bimbo-y attitudes. They’re sluts. To clarify things. They were mean to me and they even called me names and posted up completely edited pictures of me on Facebook.

“Run!” I hollered and faked running away. Lauren ran over to the rink’s edge and looked at me like she really didn’t want these bimbos here. I wonder how they found out where we were.

“Who are they?” Harry asked me quietly. Kate and William skated over and I rolled my eyes at them.

“Show-offs. Just because you guys can skate doesn’t mean that you need to show off.” I grumbled and Kate giggled as Will chuckled and ruffled my hair. I fixed my hair and glared at him.

“We’re sorry, little sister.” William said with a grin on his face.

“I hope the lawn mowers chase you once we get out of here.” I mumbled and Harry carried me to the edge of the rink then set me down on the mat.

“Hey, Lauren.” I said and hugged her. She hugged me back. “I thought you were going shopping today?” I whispered in her ear.

“I was. But, these four ‘bumped’ into me. And, then the paparazzi people following me snapped photos. I couldn’t turn them down for the sake of your image. They asked me if they could see you and I asked the maid at Clarence House where you guys went. She told me you went here and here we are.” She whispered quickly and we broke off. I looked around and saw no paparazzi people. I took that as my cue to be mean. I was rarely mean and bitchy. This is a side of me that only Lauren knows about because when we were seniors in high school, this girl bitched on her and let’s just say I gave that girl a really big piece of my mind.

“What are you bitches doing here in London? Amanda, Michelle, Rachael, Veronica?” I asked them and cocked my hip to the side. Harry made a silent ‘ooh’ and smiled while Will and Kate looked surprised.

“We’re just here to see our good friend. You. Besides, we’re going to watch the Royal Wedding.” They answered. I scoffed and looked amusedly at them. Then, I laughed.

“You’re kidding, right? Tell me you’re joking. Us? Friends?” I asked bitchily.

“Don’t be so mean, Ami.” Amanda said softly. Oh, what a great actress.

“FYI, Amanda, NO ONE calls me Ami.” I answered and cocked my eyebrow at her.

“Lauren really has brainwashed you.” Michelle said like the little bitch she is. Well, I’m bitchier.

“Shut up, bitch. None of you four are my friends. All of you made my freshman year of college hell. Now, go away before I call the royal guards of Monaco and tell them that you’re bothering me. One word of this to the press and..” I pretended slit my throat with my index finger while staring at them seriously.

“Got it?” I asked and they all nodded.

“Not. one. Word. Or else.” I said emotionlessly and saw them cringe. On the outside, I sported a poker face. On the inside I was laughing out loud. They scampered off and once they were out of sight, I started laughing. All of them looked at me like I was on crack except Lauren. She hugged me and we jumped around. It was difficult jumping around in skating shoes but I managed.

“You just threatened to kill them.” William said and motioned to those four.

“Trust me, I did you guys a HUGE favor. They would have snuck into Westminster Abbey and testified against the wedding. They posted up an edited nude pic of me on Facebook when Lauren and I were college Freshmen.” I said and smirked. Harry clenched his fists and I put a hand on his arm.

“Calm down, Har. It’s cool now. We won’t see them again for a very long time.” I stated surely and smiled.
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I'll post the skating outfit tomorrow or on Friday since I'm going to my best friend's house tomorrow. So.. ciao!