Status: My imagination let loose

Forbidden Blood

Chapter Ten: Back To The Past

The morning had fallen to night. Luring me into the moon as if I was sleepwalking while conscious. I threw a pure black leather jacket onto my torso after pulling on my tight, dark blue jeans. Light shined off of the gleaming sliver of my Miranda shades as I placed them over my eyes. Jessica gazed at me curiously as I made my way down the stairs.

“Big night?” She kept her eyes off of the television while she spoke.

“I guess you can say that.” A sly smile came across my face as I pulled my fingerless gloves on.

“I don’t like that look Deanna.” Jessica told me.

“Oh come on, I’ll be good.” I picked up the car keys off of the coffee table beside Jessica. She pinned my wrist to the table.

“What are you going to do?” She had a serious glare in her eyes that showed authority in her mind.

“I am going out to eat Jess.” I replied.

“Hurry back.” She let me go.

“Would you like anything while I’m out?” I questioned.

“Some snickerdoodles would be nice and uh pizza. Sausage.” She said.

“Okay, two percent and ranch?” I asked.

“Yes, no.” Jessica replied.

“Okay, I’ll be right back then.” The door quietly shut behind me as I walked into the night. My black Lincoln seemed alone before I climbed into the driver’s seat. I adjusted the rearview mirror. My eyes were staring back at me, my smile letting my wickedness show.

“I can’t resist.” I pressed play on my black coated iPod, letting rhythmic beats flow through my car as I drove away from the house.

The car slowed down at a house in the suburbs of Salemn. It was a beautiful house, one that made you comfortable and safe when you looked at it. I took my key out of the ignition and stepped onto the street. The door clicked after it shut, ensuring itself that it was closed. I walked up the walkway, observing that only one light was on in the two story house. It was the living room light. I also noticed that only one car was parked in the driveway. My keys rested nicely in my pocket when I put them in there. I took a breath before kicking down the front door. A knife flew by my head the instant I stepped into the house. Fists came whistling towards me, I grabbed both of the woman’s fists, taking away two of her weapons. She tugged me forward, flipping me onto the spine of the couch, nearly crushing mine. I flip back to my feet, my back now turned to her. She picked up a pair of scissors off of a small table and ran for me. I avoided all of her attacks without turning around. The scissors slit through the shoulder of my jacket, ruining the fabric. I leg swiped the woman, causing the scissors to soar into the air. My foot sent them flying into the wall. I picked her up by her neck.

“I really liked this jacket.” I told her. She tried to use her feet to escape, but I slammed her body onto the nearby staircase, cracking the wood.

“What do you want!?” A dribble of blood came from her mouth.

“What is your name?” I kept her still as she continued to squirm.

“Janice.” She answered.

“Well I’m pretty sure you know who I am Janice. I have come on behalf of your daughter.” I explained.

“Jessica? What have you done to her you sick bastard!?”

“She is safe. Don’t you worry about that. I am here to take you to her so you can see her before I kill you right in front of her.” I replied.

“You’re bluffing.” Janice tried to convince herself that I was.

“Okay.” I knocked her unconscious with a punch.

“We’ll see.”

Janice’s body was like a feather on my shoulder as I carried her to the car, not minding to fix the scene to look as if nothing happened. Her body flopped into my backseat like a rag doll. I climbed back into the front seat and started the car.

“Hope you don’t mind, we have to make a few stops before you see your daughter.” I smiled at the body before driving into the town.

Jessica was lying on the couch, watching Christmas specials that had worn themselves out years ago. Her ears picked up the sound of my speeding car roaring towards the house. The car screeched to a stop. She heard me mumbling something and opening doors. It all suddenly stopped, making her sit up. A body comes flying through the window, landing between Jessica and the television. She nearly leaped over the couch in fear.

“I’m back.” I came through the front door with groceries, despite the busted window.

“What the hell is this!?” Jessica stumbled trying to get off of the couch.

“What you asked for.” Purposely avoiding the obvious as I set the bags on the table.

“You know what I’m talking about Deanna. Who is that?” Jessica asked.

“Which do you want first?” I held up the steaming pizza and the hot cookies.


“Of course, you want the pizza first. What was I thinking?” I placed the milk into the fridge and headed back into the living room. Jessica followed me and stopped before getting close to the body, fearing it was either another victim or someone here to kill her.

“Nap time is over.” I lifted Janice to her feet just as she was beginning to wake up. Jessica lost her breath as she gazed at her.

“There you are. Look at your daughter Janice.” I made the woman look at Jessica as her vision came back into focus. Jessica was speechless to what she was seeing, it took her more than by surprise.

“I brought you something else Jess. Something to make you feel a lot better.” I picked up a piece of broken glass and twirled it nonchalantly in my hand.

“Jessica.” Janice uttered, crawling towards her helplessly.

“Awwh.” Glass broke into smaller bits as it fell under the pressure of my feet. I knelled down to the weak woman as she continued to crawl towards her daughter.

“She said your name. How sweet.” I kicked Janice onto her back.

“If you are wondering, I took the Black Diamond from your possession. You’ve been attached to it for so long, you’re weak without it. You really shouldn’t have hide from me Janice. We could have been great friends.” I plunged the glass through her forearm and a few inches into the wood. It brought such a devious smile to my wicked lips. Janice’s scream rung through the house like an ear piercing trumpet. I mocked her scream and began to laugh as I went to get more pieces of glass.

“Listen to her scream Jess. How does it feel Janice? Tell me.” I pinned her other forearm, along with her shins, to the floor. Blood oozed from the wounds, spilling onto the wood. Her screams got more detrimental, making me happier.

“I love it! Music to my ears Janice! Brava! Brava!” I applauded her by myself.

“You’re sick.” Janice spit some blood at my feet. I quickly got eye level with her, mocking her very despair.

“That may be so, but I do not have to feed from the family pet to quench my thirst.” I replied.

“I have changed. I am a different person mow.” She pleaded.

“You’re a vampire. You’ll never change Janice, no matter how much you try and you try, you just can’t do it.” I ripped a piece of wood from the floor.

“Do it, I want to die.” Janice glared bravely at me.

“Oh, I’m not going to kill you. Your daughter is. Jess,” She snapped out of her trance at the sound of her name and looked at me.

“Here.” I held out the stake for her to grasp. Jessica took it from my hand and stepped closer to Janice.

“Right through the heart Jess. Don’t hold back.” I murmured in her ear. I was feeding her the exact evil I have become. Her heart was a light pebble, but with my words, it would become a dark stone.