Status: My imagination let loose

Forbidden Blood

Chapter Twelve: Uninvited Friends

Jessica was tossing and turning on the couch, sweating torrents of water from her open pores. I took a soft, wet cloth and wiped it gently across her forehead, making sure I did not disturb her thinking mind. She was fidgeting as if trying to fight off silent demons. I watched her quarrel with the nothingness that surrounded us. Jessica clinched tightly onto the cuff of my long sleeved shirt. Her eyes flipped open suddenly. The girl ripped through the air as she sat up.

“What’s going on?” She jumped off of the couch, scrounging for an absent clue. I stood up slowly in complete understandability of her sudden reaction.

“Calm down Jessica. You were dreaming.” I held her shoulders to control her. The paleness of her skin had turned to a sizzling pink.

“Come on. You need to cool down.” I led the dazed girl into the bathroom down the semi long hallway within a hallway.

“Careful” I helped her step into the crystal clear bathtub then turned on the arctic water. Unsure, Jessica laid in the full length tub, letting herself relax. I turned the water off once it reached waist length. Jessica was lying there calmly, allowing the water to consume her. I looked into her glaring eyes and saw her thinking.

“It must have been one hell of a dream. You have been tossing in your sleep since we got here.” I sat beside the bathtub.

“How long have we been here?” Jessica rubbed her neck with her wet hand.

“A couple days.” I replied.

“It seemed so much longer.” Jessica flipped the water on with her foot and sunk down into it. There was a presence in the house as the water ran into the tub. I slowly shuffled to my feet and stood at the end of the hall. Silence, my best friend coming to visit me once more. After a few more moments, I turned around and headed back into the bathroom. Jessica cut off the water then sunk back into the sea she had created. The house gradually dims in brightness, rising my concerns levels from zero to an unthinkable number. I walked back into the hallway, leaving Jessica unprotected in the darkening bathroom. She soon resurfaced to find herself in utter darkness. Jessica climbed out of the tub, spilling oceans of water onto the floor, without any intention of cleaning up the water. I rushed back into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

“Get back Jess.” I advised while pressing myself against the door.

“What’s wrong?” She slicked back her wet hair. A loud thud hit the door, sending me flying into the wall. Two dark figures broke the door off the hinges. I grabbed Jessica and put her behind me protectively.

“I will hurt you if you decide to be hostile.” I warned them. My fangs glistened in the darkness as I held Jessica back with one hand. The figures rushed towards us like black blurs. I pushed them back with force as four more figures leaked into the room. Their swiftness blended in with the light less room as I kept them back.

“She is not going to harm any of you. I guarantee this to all of you.” I held my arms out. The lights simmered back on and there standing in front of us were six young people. One male and five females. They looked young, like high school kids.

“They’re kids.” Jessica uttered.

“You are continuously breaking the laws Deanna. Have you even considered the safety of this human?” The girl that spoke had cinnamon blonde hair that perfectly matched the complexion of her fair skin.

“Her safety is my main priority Makenzie. What is your reason for being here?” I questioned. The male with thick rimmed glasses and slightly spiked hair held up a damaged piece of paper. I gently took it from his grasp and feasted my eyes upon it.

“Aynix’s funeral? What concern is this to me?” I asked.

“She may have been a spawn of Rez, but she was a member of your family. You should attend.”

“Jason, I have more important matters.” I replied.

“If this human is considered your important matter, then she will go along with you.” The girl with her black hair in a bun, spoke boldly.

“Ah Brooklyn, I have always loved your will to speak your mind without the slightest hint of consequence.” I smiled at her.

“Of course I learned from you Deanna.” She said.

“So it is set. The human comes along.” Makenzie stated.

“This is far from set. That is no place for her and you know it.” I replied. The six of them gazed at us without any expression on their faces. Jessica was beginning to become fearsome of these kids. Makenzie’s eyes darted right into Jessica’s.

“You seem highly afraid of us kids.” She took a few steps forward, but was intercepted by me.

“Point being what Makenzie?” I asked.

“Don’t worry. We won’t make it painful.” The six of them laughed hysterically. I snatched Makenzie up by her neck and slammed her into the wall inside the tub. Her feet dangled above the water as mine soaked in it. The kids took the offensive and stepped forward, growling at me. Makenzie hands were wrapped tightly around my wrist to ease up her pain.

“I will make this painful for you. Do not make jokes about hurting her or the joke will be on you.” I let Makenzie splash in the water as I dropped her and hopped out of the tub. The kids separated as Jessica and I walked out of the room. Makenzie’s anger hit an all time high as she got out of the tub.

“It isn’t worth it.” Brooklyn held the girl back from seeking her death. Makenzie pushed her out of the way and stormed into the hall.

“Hey!” Her calls for a fight alerted me. Jessica stood at the top of the stairs, looking down at me on the bottom step. I peered over my shoulder and let out a small chuckle.

“You are no one Deanna, especially to me.” Makenzie said angrily. I leaned on the railing of the steps as the water dripped from her once fine clothing.

“Ouch. You know, if I didn't find this so funny, that actually would have hurt me. Right here Makenzie.” I laughed at her comment while placing a hand over my heart.

“You think you’re so damn invincible because of what you possess and who your father is.” She said.

“Invincibility is not something I claim to have Makenzie and my father is not an inch in my ruler of success. Nor is he a centimeter, but what I do know is that you still have a lot to learn about me. Like Aynix, you got the wrong conception of our family. As Brooklyn will tell you, we are not the kind of people you want to mess with.” I let the words soak in, then headed up the stairs, nodding to Jessica to keep going. Brooklyn tried holding Makenzie back one more as she stepped forward.

“You’re a coward. Hiding behind your title and abilities. You don’t even have the guts to kill that simple human of yours.” I laughed before sliding down the railing of the stairs and standing right in front of the girl.

“What is this really about Makenzie? I know Aynix was not the best of us all, but I am not to blame. She was raised by the Keepers not me.” I said.

“That doesn’t change who you are!” Makenzie pushed me back without having to touch me at all. I roughly collide with the small desk behind me, splitting it in half. The mirror on the wall fell to the floor in hundreds of tiny bits of glass. My eyes became highlighted in forest green. Jessica came tumbling down the stairs as I recovered.

“Stop.” She told me. I looked at Jessica, then over her shoulder at Makenzie.

“You are right. It does not change a thing, but it does change your opinion of me as you have displayed here. I do not want to harm you, but bringing up the human is an easy way to make that happen. Now, we both know you have some unsettled business with my deceased sister, but you need to handle that with her in the Underworld. I am sure she will be waiting for you down there.” I explained.

“It isn’t about that. Your family is a bunch of monsters. You take the lives of those who have done nothing to this world. To our world.”

“Let me correct you. My family are monsters. I am a beast, something far worse than they could ever be. You were never suppose to even see the light of day, let alone be standing in front of me. This world is mine, and no one is innocent within it. Go now. I will be seeing you kids later on. Goodbye Brooklyn.” I saluted to the group and watched them walk out of the front door. Jessica followed me into the master bedroom after they left.