Status: My imagination let loose

Forbidden Blood

Chapter Thirteen: The Morning Moon

My fingernails sharpened as I tapped the red anger from my pupils. The carpet messaged in between my tense toes and comforted them. I harshly shut the curtains, allowing no light to even highlight the carpet.

“Who were those kids?” She asked. The closet squeaked slightly as I pulled it from its closed position. My eyes scanned the different shelves until I found what I was looking for. My nails shrunk to their normal length as I took the item in my arms.

“You're smart, put it together yourself.” I handed Jessica a thick comforter to snuggle inside of.

“That girl...she seems to hate you.” Jessica observed. I stood over the sink, gazing at the glass that tattered my clothing. It ripped through the fabric easily, just as this human had ripped through my core.

“She hates what I am, not who I am. My family hasn’t exactly been the most understanding and caring people in this world.” I brushed myself off as my eyes returned to their angelic blue. Jessica sat up as I climbed onto the bed.

“It seemed like more than that. Like she knew something about you that distinguished you out to her.” Jessica laid beside me.

“Leave it alone Jessica.” I flipped through numerous channels, my thumb pressing the button deep into its crater. The small lick it made after every press, it made my ears happy to just hear such a simple noise in a complicated moment.

“So this funeral--”

“Has nothing to do with you. You're gonna stay with George and I'm gonna go.” I replied.

“I wanted to go.” Jessica murmured.

“Why!? She wasn't anything to you Jessica and she never will be. The only reason you care because me killing the one who killed her is the only thing standing between you and joining her.” It upset me deeply that she would want to be involved at all.

“Or maybe I want to be there to help you cope. Not everything is about me.”

“You make it that way.” I said.


“Name it Jess, it's always about you. Your mother, your in-laws, how scared of the future you are. The world isn't yours so grow the fuck up and realize it.”

“Then let's make it about you. Why are you so damn concerned about my safety all of a sudden?”

“This isn't sudden Jessica. You're gonna stay with him and that's the end of this. I want you out. Out of my life, out of my house. I'm done with you, I already got what I wanted.” I let the carpet embrace my feet as I climbed off of the bed and headed towards the door. Jessica allowed the comforter to fall the floor as she chased after me.

“What are you afraid of Deanna?” I tapped my finger against the remote. Again and again I ask myself the exact same question. Blood. It has never been a revolting sight for me, but just the thought of Jessica’s blood being spilled makes me unnecessarily angry. Now I was done with her, I got to taste her blood, and as revolting as it is to look at, it was all I wanted from her. Everything else was just a lie. I lied to her and I lied to myself.

“I'm not the one who should be afraid. You should running right about now, but no you won't because the mighty Jessica is not afraid of anything, not even the big bad wolf.” I opened the closet and took my tailored jacket out, slipping it on before grabbing my sneakers and after setting the remote down.

The morning moon greeted us as we followed the path that stone had carved out for us. I rapidly unlocked the car, opening the door for Jessica to climb in. The heat clicked on when I started the vehicle. Jessica refused to believe I was done with her, but insisted I take her to George's. She couldn't take much more from me, so I would honor this last request for the human girl.


“Be quiet.” I demanded. Jessica looked out the window is spiralling disappointment. There was nothing for her to understand at this point, just something for her to realize. She'll deny or make and excuse, they ran through her like the veins in her body, pumping the denial and excuses like blood.


“Be quiet.” I repeated demandingly.

“Deanna I don't--” She nearly slammed into the dashboard as I hit the brakes.

“Look, I'm taking you to George and that's it. There is no so, but or Deanna I don't. I'd like to drop you off without you trying to get answers out of me. I have no answers for you Jessica, none at all. Say one more word and I swear I'll make you walk the rest of the way. Do we understand each other?” Jessica nodded her head and turned back to the window and I pulled the car forward. The rest of the car trip, she was perfectly silent. It was intriguingly engaging to me, considering this is the first time she obeyed a demand from me.

“We are here.” I parked the car on the street beside the sidewalk. The door swung open for her as I stood on the other side.

“After you.” I offered. Jessica strolled up the walkway casually, letting her feet lead her home. I was forced to stay at the end of the walkway, blocked by a spell that was cast upon the house. No evil could cross these lines unless invited. It was one of the only places no darkness could reach. Jessica opened the unlocked door and looked back at me.

“Finally abiding by the rules Deanna? That's not normal for you. What's your plan this time?” George came from behind Jessica and revealed himself to the peeling sunlight.

“Oh how cute? Mr. Man actually stepping up and growing some balls. No plan this time, I'm leaving and you'll never have to worry about me again. I got what I needed, so I don't need her anymore.” I explained.

“And she never needed you.” George replied. I laughed through my smile and tapped the hood of my car before climbing back in.

“When will you be back?” Jessica questioned. I took a breath for myself and looked back at her. George seemed like a statue behind her, an old statue. One that has been through many years, but kept its artful presence.

“I won't.” I rolled up the tinted window and began to drive down the street.

“Don’t hurry back.” George added. Every shot he took at me and my bulletproof ego. Jessica just let the words come out of his mouth. Between George and I, George was the monster, using those below him as puppets in his show. Their voices were his in disguise. I was a critic who gave the show a bad review and stole his star, now his hatred towards me was mandatory. Now that I've given her back, his hatred has a reason to cool.