Status: My imagination let loose

Forbidden Blood

Chapter Fifteen: I Remember You

There I was, sitting at the table alone, eating my cereal in utter silence. George had left for work about an hour ago, leaving me to entertain myself until he got back. The crunch of the flakes in my mouth seemed incredibly loud as I chewed them fully. I poured the milk into the sink and gazed as it went down the drain.

“Okay now I'm bored.” I said to myself as I stepped into the living room. The television automatically clicked on when I jumped onto the couch. I looked away in a sudden horror at the way it just clicked on before I felt the remote underneath me. A small laugh came from my mouth as I thought of how fast my heart was just racing.

“And there's nothing on.” I flipped through every channel, finding nothing that I haven't seen at least three times. A swift shadow sprinted in front of me. I glared around for the hint of sunlight that may have caused the shadow.

“No sunlight Jessica, just me.” I didn't turn to the familiar voice, but knew exactly who it was. So many questions began to stir in my mind. It has been years since I've heard the voice, but it was one I wouldn't forget.

“Now that she isn't around, I have you all to myself.”

“Why are you here?” His face became clear once he stood right in front of me. It had not aged a bit, showing the blessing of being a vampire. The fangs peeking from his mouth were sharp and clean with a dirty white shade.

“For you of course. I know you didn't forget about me so easily.” He put his arms on my side, creeping his face closer to mine. Even through my increasing fear, there was something that attracted me to him.

“How could I? You tried to kill me.” I said.

“I'm not the only one now am I? A little birdie told me the Keepers tried to get a hold of that soul of yours. Deanna saved you of course, but then she left you here alone. Open for the world to take you away.”

“I don't need her to protect me.” He moved an inch closer to me, taking my breath away.

“Don't you?”

“Who are you anyways?” I quizzed.

“My name is Clayden and I have had my eyes on you for years. At first, I wanted you to be like me, but then your blood just wouldn't taste the same now would it?” Clayden played with my mind, knowing just how to push the buttons. I roughly pushed him back.

“Get away from me.” I demanded.

“Oh so shy are we?” Clayden crossed his arms, retracting his fangs as he smiled at me.

“No use in trying to fight me Jessica. Though you are with George, you know I've left a mark on your heart. Being in love with someone so dark, so mysterious, it makes you feel like you have no control doesn't it?” He took steps towards me as he spoke.

“I don't love you and I never will.” Clayden held me tightly, pressing our bodies together.

“Say that again.” His halo turquoise eyes glared into mine, poisoning them. My lips slightly parted, trying to say the words again, but I couldn't. He wasn't controlling me, I felt all my free will. It was just my mind telling me my heart that he was right. In a cosmic way, I was in love with him.

“Hmm. You are such a treasure amongst these humans. You'd be a goddess in our world Jessica, but we can not risk it, your blood is far too precious. On top of that, I don't really care for sharing you.” Clayden told me. I leaned in to kiss his pale, cold lips.

“Warming up to me?” He interrupted the moment. I backed away slowly, losing it for a second. That was all it took, just a single second.

“Not too fast Jessica. When we kiss, I want you to admit that you love me. Under these false emotions, it wouldn't be real and you know that.” Clayden explained.

“So you are just gonna let me stand here, wishing you would just kiss me?” I questioned. Clayden gently kissed my neck.

“Are you satisfied?” He murmured into my ear. I took a moment before answering him.

“If you know me, then you'd know it takes more than that to satisfy me Clayden.” He chuckled as he separated himself from me.

“You know, you're right. We should get to know each other a little better huh?” Clayden leaned against the back of the couch. His aura was so vibrant, strengthen an outer ego that drew me in.

“So what we're you thinking?” I asked.

“Oh I can't tell you, that would defeat the purpose of the element of surprise. I'll be back Jessica. Unlike Deanna, I'll never leave you alone in this world.” I let Clayden disappear in the shadows, admiring the darkness that lit up in him. My common sense suddenly slapped me across the face.

“Jessica, you are an engaged woman. What are you doing having feelings for a vampire? What are you doing?” I asked myself repeatedly.
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Clayden is the vampire who attacked Jessica the night Deanna rescued her from the group of vampires.