Status: My imagination let loose

Forbidden Blood

Chapter Sixteen: An Obligation

I sat at a circular, wooden table in the middle of a musty bar, pinning the wooden walls with the sharp edges of playing cards. The pattern spelled out nothing but my call for a well-needed scrap. I golfed down the pint of fresh blood that was set in front of me. My tongue savored the sweet blood that was misplaced around my lips. A familiar face sat across the table from me, taking my second pint before I had a chance to grab it. She licked the blood off the sides of the glass after gulping it down.

“Don't you have something better to do on a Friday night?” She looked past her strands of blonde hair as she spoke to me. I threw my legs on the table, relaxing to the fullest before throwing another card.

“What's it to you Chanley? For all you know, this is the beginning of my night.” I replied.

“You should do something productive with your powers instead of wasting them. You know that.” Chanley tapped her fingers loudly against the table.

“Where are you getting at?” I questioned. There was a certain expression on her face, one that told me something I didn't want to hear.

“Oh come on.” I denied.

“Look, I know it's been months, but you can't just deny her existence. She needs you now Deanna, she's really in danger.”

“I don't give a shit Chanley. Jessica is not my priority so why should I care that her life is in danger? Besides, I interfere in this, then I'm just causing more trouble for myself and I'm enjoying the life of non-responsibility.” I told her.

“You know Clayden has been around lately.” I slapped the remaining cards onto the table. The sound of his name, it was a paralyzing poison to my body.

“He's had his eyes on that girl since she first stepped into Salemn and now he's zeroing in on his prey Deanna. He may be evil like his mother, but he hunts like his father.” Chanley described Clayden's vicious ways to me.

“Why should I care? He can do what he wants.” I replied.

“You know what he'll do, if he hasn't already. Who knows if that baby is even George's anymore? You've known his plan from the beginning. He succeeds and consider yourself royally fucked my friend.”

“He won't go through with it Chanley. He may be like his father, but he has no guts. All the brains, no brawn.”

“You don't have a damn choice Deanna. As much as I want her to just join the others in Hell, you need to protect her and you need to do it now.”

Clayden pinned Jessica against the wall, knocking down the mirror in the bathroom beside them. Jessica pressed her struggling hands against her naked torso, only to have his push forward.

“So what is the use in fighting me?” He asked.

“You already know I love you Clayden, why drag it out of me?” She questioned.

“I need you to say it Jessica. Say it so that we may kiss as the moon rises for us. Surrender your heart to me.” Clayden requested.

“I...I love you.” Clayden rubbed his lips against Jessica's. I scratched through the back on Clayden's skin as I threw him into the opposite wall. Jessica lurched forward in Clayden's attempts to have her in his arms. I pushed her into the bed then tossed Clayden through the wall.

“Did momma hurt her little boy? You know Clayden, I had a feeling that you'd have a thing for her, but this is taking it a bit to far don't you think? I'll give you the chance to leave this place and never come back because if you do, you'll never hear her say those sacred words again.” I threatened.

“Oh why oh why huh? I just wanna be loved by a pretty girl Deanna.” Clayden dusted the wall components from his torso.

“She isn't the girl for you Clayden. Let me make this easy, leave now kiddo and I won't make this your last night here okay?” I kept Jessica back, making sure she didn't try to approach him in any last attempts.

“I'll be good for you sunshine, but don't expect me to leave the love of my life out in the cold.” Clayden pulled on his t-shirt and disappeared into the shadows. I took a deep breath and pulled Jessica to her feet.

“You have two minutes got damn minutes to meet me outside. You even think about going after him, and I'll be sure you'll never walk again. Understood?” Jessica nodded her head.