Status: My imagination let loose

Forbidden Blood

Chapter Seventeen: Mine As Well Be Dead

I stood at the end of the walkway once more, watching Jessica come to the car. Something was disturbing her and the contents of her mind were blind to me. The moon followed her every step, trying to lure her back into the house. Jessica tossed her bag into the backseat and put her seat belt on.

“Can't believe I got dragged in this shit again because of you.” I slowly rolled the street and caught speed as we distanced ourselves from the house. Jessica was silent as we drove back into Salemn. Her thoughts were arrowed back to Clayden, sending her mind on the ride of its life.

“What’s wrong Jess? A little lovesick sweetheart?” I glared over at her to attempt to read the signs drawn on her face.

“What are you doing back here?

“Well, I was enjoying my care-free life until someone told me you were in trouble so I came to your rescue like I always have to do. Could you stay out of trouble at least until your child is born?” I replied.

“I didn't ask you to come back Deanna. George and I have been just great without you in our lives.” She shot back.

“You and Clayden have been just great. I bet you haven't even been paying attention to George lately have you? Clayden has been all you've been thinking about.” Jessica crossed her arms and slumped lower into the seat.

“Yeah don't try to lie to me Jessica because I know. He made a deep mark in your heart didn't he? And you were about to give it to him like a got damn idiot.” I said.

“It's not my fault.” She pleaded.

“Of course not, it never is is it? Innocent little Jess is always perfect, she never messes up, not even once.” I said sarcastically.

“Oh fuck you Deanna. I never wanted to be perfect. The world sees me as perfect and I'm sick of it. I make one mistake and it's like the world is gonna end.” She kicked my dashboard.

“Kick my dashboard again and I'll amputate both of your legs.” I put the car in park as I pulled into the garage of my house. Jessica forced her door open and stormed into the kitchen. Hungry, anger-filled thoughts that were burning through her common sense as she placed a cup on the counter. They were her thoughts in hyper drive. I was in a state of concern, not having an explanation for her strange behavior.

“No one needs you here anymore, life was much better without you.” All the juice she was pouring, missed the cup completely and spilled onto the counter.

“Not that I really care, but are you feeling alright?” I questioned.

“Yeah I’m fine. Just…fine.” Jessica almost slammed into the tile before I caught her. The rate of her heart was abnormal, as if it was dosed with adrenaline.

“Jessica.” I shook her slightly, trying to awaken her body. Her skin began to turn pale as her heart rate picked up speed. I stood up with her in my arms and ran to the garage. She was unresponsive to the calling of her name as I buckled her into the car. Jessica’s skin was turning a bluish pale, it was frightening me. I could not sense what was wrong with her.

“It's just one thing after another.” I backed out of the garage without shutting it and sped down the large hill into the town of Salemn. Colors flew by as the car ran through the town. Pedestrians jumped out of the road, avoiding the possibility of being a car ornament. The car skidded in front of the hospital, almost knocking down the pillars. I quickly ran to the passengers side and carried Jessica into the hospital.

“Someone help me!” I exclaimed. Several female nurses rushed over to me. One of them brought over a stretcher. I laid Jessica on top of it.

“What happened to her ma’am?” Another asked.

“I don’t know. We were just talking in the kitchen and she almost fell before I caught her. She hasn’t been responsive to her name.” I explained.

“Is it possible that she has had an allergic reaction?” She asked.

“The only thing she is allergic to is hazelnut which I do not contain in my house.” I replied.

“Okay. What is her name?”


“What about yours?”

“Deanna.” I said.

“Okay ma’am. Well we will do all that we can to discover what is wrong with her and we will call you when we do.” The nurses began to take Jessica away. I ran alongside them.

“She’s pregnant.” I stopped running after telling them that last bit of information. Tears were beginning to slide down my cheeks. Ice blood tears that left red streaks on my face. I rubbed the streaks from my face and made my way back to the entrance until a smell of filth entered my head. I stopped in place, turning to the receptionists desk.

“May I help you?” I ignored the question and walked back down the hallway. The smell was intriguingly strong, like a dinner in death’s home. I let my nose lead me down to a suspiciously empty room at the end of the wing. The door was locked from the outside. Its handle was refusing to budge. I kicked the door off of the hinges and discovered dozens of bodies and limbs lying all over the room. The clothes they were dressed in were similar to the one’s that the nurses were wearing. I spun around to find several hospital staff members behind me. Their eyes were drowned in the redness of evil. I clinched my hands together at my sides. They all came at me at once. I ducked, sending some of them flying into the room. Blood splattered the hall as I ripped their organs from within their bodies. One remained in the room during this one-sided fight. I rushed in there and picked the young man off of the floor, dragging him into the lit hall.

“Who sent you!?” I yelled.

“I don’t know.” He sputtered out. I slammed his head into the metal cart that was placed perfectly beside us.

“I am going to kill you anyways, so you mine as well tell me because I will make your life worse than Hell in the Underworld!” I said.

“It was Sir Jacobs! He and the other Ancients ordered that the girl be poisoned so that when she gets the hospital, we can finish her off! Now please don’t kill me! I was just doing what I was told!” He begged.

“Do you know who I am?” I asked.

“Yes your highness!”

“Then you should know I keep my word.” I threw him onto the metal cart and pulled the electric pedals over to me. He tried to get up from the cart. I knocked him down with a pedal to his face then turned them up to maximum. You could hear the power pulsing through them. I pressed the pedals onto his chest, watching them burn through his clothing. The electricity was fire against his vampire skin, killing him painfully slow. The pedals pushed deeper into his skin, paralyzing his body until his skin began to burn to black. The young man let out one final yell before bursting into black dust. I threw the pedals to the side, letting them buzz on the ground. A sudden scream made me turn my head rapidly.


Jessica was being held down by several of the female nurses as she struggled to get free. They strapped her to the bed with leather belts that squeezed against her wrists and ankles. One of the nurses injected her bloodstream with a clear liquid that immobilized Jessica’s body. Another nurse held a glistening steak knife in her hand. The handle was made of pure chrome that spelled easy cutting for whomever wielded the weapon.

“No! Deanna!” Jessica screamed out my name in bloody murder. A blue cloth was stuffed in Jessica’s mouth to prevent her from yelling any longer. The girl began to cry as she saw her life ending on the hospital bed.

“Do it.” One of the nurses commanded. The one holding the knife stabbed Jessica in her stomach. She stabbed her repeatedly then another nurse dug into her body, pulling out the unborn child. Jessica was barely holding onto life as they dragged it out of her. The nurse threw the fetus onto the tray then stabbed it with the knife that sliced into the mother.

“Now finish her.” The leader of murderers demanded to kill the girl. I kicked down the doors of the operating room. All the nurses paused, then tried to kill Jessica before I concealed their fate. One of them tried to leap onto the bed, but I intercepted their jump and rammed my claws down their throat, ripping her throat from her body. The others took a jump towards the table. I grabbed one of the injection cords and tied it around around all of their necks. They all fell to the ground in an attempt to break free.

“Why are you protecting her!?” A nurse asked. I crushed her skull with one punch. Blood squirted out of her eyeballs as her brain matter spilled out the back of her cranium. My fist was quivering from anger as I brought it back to my side.

“Spare us!” The rest begged.

“Do not plead to me. You chose your fate when you carried out this deed.” I dragged them over to the tool table, picking up the operating saw. The bone in their heads easily fell apart once the saw cut through them. I let the saw crawl across the floor, slicing in and out of the wrangled nurses as I gazed over at Jessica.

“Jess.” Her eyes were blinking vigorously as I cradled her cheek. I unbuckled the belts that were keeping her captive, then removed the cloth from her mouth. The needle on the tool table glared at me. I blinked hard then picked it up, along with the thread that came with it.

“I have no time to numb your body Jessica. If I don’t sew this up now, you could bleed to death. I will try to make it as painless as possible. Do you understand?” I asked. Jessica nodded weakly. I pierced her stomach with the needle, quickly sewing up the deadly flesh wound. Jessica let out tiny whimpers in pain as I finished.

“You’re going to be alright Jess.” As I set the needle down, I noticed the unborn baby on the small metal table. I covered it with a tiny blue cloth. A tiny tear came down my face at the thought of this unborn child. I gathered myself, then picked Jessica up off the bed. It was like carrying a dead body to the morgue. She was not speaking and neither was her mind. Everything about her just died.