Status: My imagination let loose

Forbidden Blood

Chapter Eighteen: A Sip Of Blood

Jessica laid in the backseat, letting her face become one with the interior. She wasn’t conscious, but her body was comforting itself. I glared into the rear view mirror, watching her. I got her into this. The monster I am. I put her life in jeopardy. I killed her unborn child. Why couldn’t I have ignored her call for help that night? Now she has suffered greatly because of my so-called good deed. Her blood wasn't worth it. I started the car and zoomed out of the parking lot.

The car screeched in front a two-story house just outside of Salemn. Rain started to pour down from the sky. I carried Jessica to the end of the walkway. The rain beat against my skin as I shielded her from the knives of water. I rose my head slowly as the door creaked open. George ran towards me, letting the water soak him.

“Invite me in.” I demanded.

“Why should I?” He questioned.

“She’ll die and you know that now invite me in.” I commanded sternly.

“I hereby invite you onto my property.” George quickly carried Jessica into the house. I walked sluggishly behind him, closing the door with my foot.

“Jessica? Jessica?” George tried to get her to respond after lying her down on the couch.

“She’s not going to answer you George.”

“What the hell did you do to her!?” He yelled. I nodded my head.

“What did I do? One of them told me that Sir Jacobs sent them that order. I know that Hunters report and take commands from him.” I replied.

“I don't.”

“Bullshit! What did you give her George!? You better tell me or I swear you'll be joining the rest of them in the Underworld and I won't make it pleasant.” I threatened. He glared at me a second before looking down and shaking his head.

“A mystic.” He uttered.

“You gave her a mystic? Are you out of your damn mind!? What the hell was the purpose of that? You know she wouldn't be able to handle that in her system. She is pregnant you insane son of a bitch!” I said.

“I didn't know that she couldn't handle it! It was the only way to keep her thoughts out of your mind!” He yelled.

“Tell me why.” I demanded. George took a second, knowing that his response might cost him his life.

“She was going to kill you Deanna.” He answered.

“Well that's a fancy little story isn't it? Look, she may have hated me at times, but there's no way in hell she had the guts to kill me. Whatever you told her was bullshit and don't even try to pretend that you're fucking innocent. I came back to protect her, something you should be doing!” I pushed him back.

“Watch it. Okay okay, I told her some things, but it was only to confirm her suspicions.” George stated.

“I'm having a hard time believing that and I'm sorry that she had to go through this, but I'm not sorry for whatever may happen to you.” I stepped towards Jessica.

“You expect me to just accept that? What gives you the right to even be a part of her life?” I turned to him with a smile.

“I said I was sorry. You don't accept that, fine. I could care less, but don't disrespect me. She came searching for me not you. I owe her at least what she's given to me, probably more. You and everyone else in this world think I've been setting her up since the beginning. Why would I do what I have if I set her up in the first place? You don’t understand how much she means to me and just seeing this…makes me sick to my damn core…but I can’t really do anything but exactly what I've been wanting to do for the last few millenniums. Whether or not you like it, Jessica doesn't need you.” I finished.

“What do we do now Deanna?”

“There is poison in her system…you have to let me eject it from her body before it reaches her central nervous system.” I replied.

“I won’t let you have even a drop of her blood.” George said angrily.

“I don’t want her to die George. When they took the child, they almost took Jessica with her. So whether or not you agree to this, is your decision.” I said. He stood up slowly then stepped back. I approached Jessica’s body and knelled down to it.

“This will hurt…I can’t prevent that.” I said so George could hear.

“Will she feel it?”

“Not until she fully awakens.” I explained. Jessica’s veins popped out as I squeezed on her wrist. I hesitated, not wanting to do what had to be done. I quickly dug my fangs in one of her many veins and began to extract the venomous poison from her bloodstream. It was evenly mixed with her blood, making it hard to fully cleanse it from her blood. The red liquid dribbled down my chin, spilling onto my shirt. It was almost gone, enough for her to resume living, but Jessica’s body couldn’t take anymore drainage. I pulled myself away then wiped her blood off my chin.

“She’ll be okay George. I promise this to you, she’ll be okay.” My eyes were dripping in red, raining down to my cheeks. My pupils were microscopic and drowned in bloodshot red. Her heavenly liquid was too much for my body to contain. I fell onto the wooden floor, my eyesight blurring hastily. Claws reached out of my hands, digging into the floor. George rushed over to me.

“What’s happening to you!?” My body was shaking out of my control.

“Just get back!” I yelled. George stared at me as I dragged myself onto the couch. My insides were burning like fire being caged in my body. Her blood was poisoning my system, making me more alert and stronger. I soon blinked away the blood in my eyes, focusing my vision once more. There was a high dose of adrenaline surging through my body, it was truly incredible.

“We should get her up to the bedroom.” I suggested.