Status: My imagination let loose

Forbidden Blood

Chapter One: Human Once More

“Good morning.” I greeted with a smile that shined brightly in the dimly lit room. Her footsteps were like music to my keen senses, telling me that she was an open target in the field that was once a kitchen. I tapped my fingers against the coffee mug, patiently waiting for her to sit at the table with me. I was always waiting for something with her. Mostly waiting for a mistake, either hers or mine. My smile was a disguise of what was admittedly running through my mind. The Olympic runners of her sinister demise. The scent of her gratifying blood was making my hands shudder like they were afraid they would hurt her. I held the cup firmly almost to a point of breaking it. The clenching did not ease my deviously, hungry thoughts. Human blood is an interesting substance, but hers was human mixed with a hint of goddess. Aphrodite may have been beautiful, but the scent of her blood is what hypnotized her prey. The simple pinch of beauty had reached her bloodstream and blessed it with a scent that could only make you obey any command that came from her glossing lips. Even those who did not dare let their knees hit the floor, would fall onto the ground for the scent of such an addictive substance.

“Relax Deanna. Relax.” I told myself. I had to bring my mind back to this world of sanity and out of my world. A world made of bloody oceans and fleshy grass. This was a world that was disgusting, but so pleasing to a creature like me. How I yearned to be an cannibalistic monster that captures prey like the air they breathe. The creature in me wanted to rip itself out of my chest and fight the world for a sip of blood. Just a taste. For now, I was trapped in this world of humans. The world’s biggest sin.

“Hey.” She shuffled straight to the fridge, stretching her arms to the ceiling. The fridge pulled its lips away from the door as she opened it. She has grown a great deal since our first encounter two years ago. It almost seems like it has been longer than that, like an eternity. The girl joined me at the table as Kamischke delivered news.

“Looks like it's gonna be cold the rest of the week.” Jessica observed the weather report. I smiled to myself.

“I like it cold, it's one of the reasons I moved here.” I said.

“I bet you do huh? It's like paradise for you and a cold Hell for the rest of us.” Jessica continued to drink from her mug.

“Yeah you're right, but a little snow would truly make it paradise.” I got up from the table and walked over to the sink. As I rinsed out my mug, my eyes caught a single snowflake falling from the atmosphere outside the window.

“Ask and you shall receive.” I laughed an innocent giggle. Jessica looked over my shoulder and the increasing snowfall. She set her hot mug on the counter and ran up the stairs. I shook the water from my hands before going to the end of the spiral steps.

“What are you doing?” I yelled up the steps.

“Putting on my winter clothes.” Jessica said.

“Are you serious? Weren't you just complaining that it was a cold Hell outside?” Jessica cheerfully trolled down the stairs.

“Doesn't mean I don't love it.” I watched her happily run out the front door and into the piling snow. A smile came across my face as I stepped into the chilling wonderland. The white gold covered the entire ground, making a blanket over its bland body. A ball of the gold slapped me square in the face. Jessica's laugh entered my ears as I wiped the melting liquid from my face.

“Lucky shot.” I picked up snow with my bare hands and began rolling it into a ball.

“Luck had nothing to do with it.” She tossed a snowball in the air with her right hand.

“Think fast.” I tossed the ball lightly at her, hitting her in her torso. Jessica retaliated and threw the prepared ball at me. I rapidly move to the side, avoiding the snow with ease.

“That's not fair. You can't use your powers.” Jessica declared.

“Just think of them as abilities.” She turned around to find me behind her. I smothered snow into her surprised face and laughed as she wiped it from her face. Jessica scooped torrents of snow into her hands and began drowning me beneath it. My steps were heavy as I tried to run away in the thick, calf-deep snow.

“You started it.” I reminded her. My foot trips over the other, causing me to lurch forward. I roll a new path through the snow, saving myself from falling. Jessica piles snow on top of me before continuously pelting me with snowballs. I covered my face while laughing my side into increasing pain.

“Okay okay I give up!” I surrendered. She helped me out of the snow and dusted off my shoulders.

“And I finished it.”

Jessica threw her snow-covered jacket on the floor before the fireplace and removed her shoes at the door. I shook the solid water from my body, wiping the particles from the bottom of my bare feet. Goosebumps rose from Jessica's skin as she sunk into the comfort of the couch in front of the television. I placed wood into the fireplace and lit the match, quickly tossing it onto the wood.

“It should be warm in here in a few minutes.” I told. Jessica turned on the television, flipping through numerous channels. I plopped on the opposite couch and turned my head to the screen. She stopped on a program documenting the possibility of vampires on Earth.

“Why are you gonna make me watch this?” I asked.

“There is only a few minutes left of it. I don't even wanna watch it, I'm just waiting for it to come off so I can watch my show.” Jessica explained.

“The simple fact about vampires is that they are not to be trusted, even by their own kind. They can never resist human blood. It is their fuel, their power. If vampires do exist, then God help us all.” The skin turned black as the program ended. Jessica turned to me, as if she could tell the impact his words had on my thinking process.

“You ever think about exposing yourself to the world? I mean, telling the world that supernatural creatures exist?” She asked me.

“I have, but it would not do good by anyone.” I sat up on the couch, embracing the heat of the fireplace.

“Yeah, but then we'd coexist as species. So many mysteries would be solved.”

“You watch way too much tv Jessica. It would be horrible, trust me. It's not that I haven't tried it once before.” I got up from the couch and made my way into the kitchen. Jessica leaned over the edge of the couch.

“So what happened?” I came back into the living room with a mug of hot cocoa for her and myself. The scent of animal blood in mine almost made it revolting. I sat back on the couch before answering her.

“Twenty million people died.” I answered before sipping the mug.


“Supernatural used to blend into society openly, but after I exposed us all, the humans began hunting. Even a little deficiency resulted in immediate extermination. We all hid in the shadows, separating ourselves from the humans. They went crazy Jess. Humans began killing humans, people they used to trust, but then doubting them as human. It was insanity.” I told her.

“When did this happen?”

“Way before you were born. The supernatural world shunned me and I became an icon for betrayal in a sense. That's when we were told to never tell humans of our existence. We do that, it means war.” I said.

“Things have changed.” Jessica claimed.

“But the people haven't. Everyone isn't as open-minded as you are. Even with that, you can't say you aren't a little afraid of me.” I replied.

“I used to be, but you haven't done anything to hurt me.”

“It's never been about what I've done, it's about what I'm capable of doing. I would want nothing more but to walk this Earth as the humans do without being thought of as a monster. When it comes down to it, that's exactly what I am and I'm proud of it. I may seem concealed in my darkness, but it's still a very apparent part of me. You don't see it, but that's because I have no hatred or anger towards you.” I stated.

“What if I pissed you off? Did something so unforgivable that it lit your anger into flames?” Her curiosity was a bit off. In my mind, she was asking if I would kill her when it came down to me being able to control myself in a state of anger.

“Well let's just hope you don't do anything to provoke me.” I laid back on the couch, letting the hot cocoa slip down my dry throat.

A beautiful voice rang through my ears as the sound waves from my headphones crawled into my ear canals. I smacked my hands against the grocery cart handlebar, keeping my rhythm steady with the flowing beat. Jessica was busy examining the prices of boxes of cereal to see which is the beat deal. I uttered some of the words silently to myself as I childishly pushed the cart forward. It hit Jessica in her backside. I took the headphones from my head when I realized I had hit something.

“I didn't think I'd have to tell you to pay attention.” Jessica tossed a box of Lucky Charms into the cart with a friendly smile. I followed her as we exited the aisle and turned into another.

“I was just listening to my music.” I told her.

“Oh yeah? What you listening to?” She placed two loaves of bread beside the box of cereal.

“I think the name is Florence and the Machine.” I answered.

“Really? I didn't know you listened to music from this century.” Jessica giggled at her attempted joke.

“Music has changed, but I still enjoy it. Every once and awhile, I find something decent. Oh grab that.” I stood up straight.

“Grab what?” Jessica scanned left and right to figure out what I was talking about.

“That pack of meat right there.” I pointed. Jessica tossed it into the basket after giving me a certain look.

“Hey, you're the one who insisted I cook dinner for your parents.” I said.

“Oh, and George.”

“Don't you ever get sick of him?” I questioned.

“If I did, do you think I'd be wearing this ring? Which kind should we get?” Jessica kept her eyes focused on the types of rice displayed on the shelves in front of her.

“Something in me says Cajun.” A heavy scent snuck into the air, poisoning my nostrils. I took my hand from the handlebar and strolled in the path of the scent. It smelled of rotting skin and dried up blood. The same scent of a vampire.

“Deanna.” I stopped in my pursuit, facing the direction I came from. Jessica was leaning against the cart, waiting for me to return to it.

“What's going on?” She looked at the thoughts in my eyes.

“I smelled something, but it disappeared.” I told her.

“Alright, well we better get home if we want to have this ready by seven.” I trailed Jessica as she walked towards a check-out counter. We were stuck waiting behind a man who was having difficulties with his finances. As I placed the items on the belt, the smell hit me again. This time, it was more apparent. I tried to contain myself, to keep the smell from invaded my air, but it was growing closer towards us.

“Excuse me.” I brushed past the person in my path and jogged through the aisles in the store. The scent got stronger as I came closer to the freezer aisle.

“Remember when it was just you and me? Us against the world?” There was a single man standing in the middle of the hall. He may smelled of vampire stench, but he was not of vampire nature. The chill of the open freezers crept all around the aisle, swaying gracefully at my feet. His face was covered by black smog that flared like dark fire.

“Well sorry, but no I don't. Why don't you refresh my memory?” I saw a young man on his knees beside the mysterious man. A silver blade came from his palm, slicing the young man's throat.

“No!” All the items suddenly ricochet out of place, flying across the aisle. A black tear comes down my cheek as I squeeze my eyes shut. The lights above flicker, drifting me in and out of darkness. The freezer doors lazily hung from their hinges, letting the coldness seep to the floor. I open my eyes to find the mess I had made and nothing else. A hand was placed on my shoulder. I jumped back as if I was waking up from a nightmare. A crowd had formed at the end of the aisle to observe the commotion they had heard.

“Clean up, freezer aisle.” I heard over the intercom.

“Come on.” Jessica led me through the crowd and out of the grocery store.

I quietly put the groceries into the trunk of Jessica's BMW, not having any words to say. I shut the trunk and pushed the cart away from the car into the care of one of the store's employees. Jessica waited until I shut my door to close hers. She refused to start the car, bringing up a certain frustration in me.

“Please start the car.” I requested.

“Are you gonna tell me what happened?” She asked.

“Are you gonna start the damn car?” Jessica starts the car without hesitation.

“Now tell me.” She demanded.

“If I even knew what just happened, I would tell you, but I don't Jessica. I just followed the smell into the aisle, the rest happened so fast I almost didn't catch it.” I explained.

“You screamed like someone was trying to kill you. Where the hell did that come from? I've never heard you scream like that before.”

“I just saw something that brought it out of me. It was like a memory or something. I don't know I just want to go home and forget this until it shows some kind of significance.” I replied.

“Alright then.” Jessica looks through the back windshield as she backs the car out of its place. Another car slams into my side of the BMW. Jessica presses her foot hard on the brake. The other driver honks their horn like a mad man before stepping out of their car.

“Are you stupid or something!? Watch where you're going lady!” The hefty older gentleman kicked the trunk of the car before going back to his. I force the passenger's door open and stood before the car. The man looked at me with hatred on his face as I approached his open window.

“You got something to say to me?” I pulled him from his seat belt and through the window. His heart began to accelerate after I pinned him to the side of his rusty, old truck.

“Are you stupid?” I smiled at him, exposing my fangs.

“Apologize to her before I make you look like your bumper.” I threatened him as Jessica got out of the car.

“I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Here!” He took out his wallet and handed me a lump of bills.

“This should be enough to fix it and probably more.” Sweat was trailing down his shaking cheeks. I licked my fangs before returning them to their hiding position.

“Thanks. Good day.” The man sped off seconds after I released him. Jessica watched him skid around the corner as I buckled myself into the BMW. She plopped into the driver's seat and gazed over at me.

“You have to give me some kind of credit. I got free money.” I smiled at her. Jessica shook her head with a slight grin before driving out of the parking lot.

I opened the patio door to let the steam flow out of the kitchen. Jessica stirred the boiling pot of veggies as I seasoned the hunk of pork shoulder on the counter. The sprinkles of garlic salt danced onto the meat, making it their partner in this edible waltz.

“Are you going to stay and have dinner with us?” Jessica wiped her hands on her apron before standing beside me.

“Do you want me to?” I carefully placed sliced potatoes around the pork shoulder before drowning it in seasonings.

“It would mean a lot to me since George's parents are coming now.” I opened the oven and put the meat on the top shelf before closing it.

“Oh how fun. Six humans and a bloodsucker.” I teased her as I grabbed seven plates from the cupboard. Jessica observed how I placed them an equal distance from one another and set the cutlery neatly beside them.

“I'm serious Deanna, it would mean a lot to me.” Jessica claimed.

“Well you know it would be rude for me to just stay upstairs the entire night.” I placed the glasses beside the plates.

“Thank you.” She smiled to herself.

“Yeah yeah, now go get dressed. You have an hour before everyone gets here. Go.” I demanded. Jessica tossed her apron on the counter before rushing up the steps.

Jessica sat at the table, nervously tapping her fingers against the glass. I sat on the counter drinking blood I had squeezed out of the pork shoulder. My fingers picked up the remaining drops of blood. I put my fingers to my lips and sucked the blood from them.

“Can you calm down Jess? It's just dinner.” I told her.

“Having dinner with your future in-laws is scary alright? Especially when I know his mom doesn't like me and this is the first time both of parents will be meeting each other.” Jessica explained to me. I hopped from the counter and rinsed out my mug.

“They're here.” I warned. Jessica jumped up at the sound of the doorbell. Her heels clicked against the wood as she practically ran towards the door.

“Who is it?” She whispered to me as she kept her hand on the doorknob.

“George and his parents.” I told her. Jessica opens the door with a wide smile on her face that almost ripped her cheeks apart. She gives George a small kiss on the lips before they step in as a unit. His parents hang their jackets on the coat rack and observe the house.

“Oh Jessica this is beautiful. It looks much better than my last visit.” His mother complimented. I gazed over at Jessica as she showed them into the kitchen. My laughing grin concealed itself when I followed them into the lit kitchen.

“Well thank you, I tried to redecorate accordingly after your last comments.” I replied.

“Oh Deanna, you are still here? I thought you would have gotten your own place by now.” George's mother unfolded the napkin on her lap.

“Never mess with a good thing.” Jessica looked up at me as I took my seat at the table.

“Well when do we get to eat?” George's father let out a hefty laugh from underneath his bushy mustache.

“As soon as my parents get here.” Jessica told him.

“Speaking of your parents.” I got up from my seat as the doorbell rang. My sneaker bound feet slid across the smooth wood as I answered the door.

“Please come in.” Jessica's parents put their coats on the rack and followed me into the kitchen area.

“Have a seat. Would anyone like something to drink?” I offered.

“Water for me. Four cubes of ice.” George's mother replied.

“Lemonade.” Jessica's mother, Janice, requested.

“Same.” Jessica's father, Johnathan, said.

“Just some juice would be fine for me.” George's father replied.

“George?” I asked.

“I'm not picky.” He told me.

“Let me help you.” Jessica took her first opportunity to leave the dinner table. I shut the door to the dining room when Jessica stepped out.

“This might be a stupid question, but what are George's parents names?” I questioned.

“Johnny and Emile.” Jessica replied while talking contents out of the fridge. I took a bowl from the cupboard and filled it with ice. Jessica set the cartons of drinks on the counter and waiting for me to fill the bowl. I grabbed ladle and handed it to her.

“You handle the ice. I've got the drinks.” I told her. Jessica took a deep breath and put the bowl in her hands.

The room was quiet as we stepped back into the dining area. They had not conversed at all in the two minutes we were gone. Their thoughts were anything but blank, but I respected their minds and listened to the silence.

“Don't mind me asking, but what are we having for dinner Deanna?” Johnny rubbed his hands together in hunger.

“Well Jessica and I prepared pork shoulder sprinkled in mouth-water spices surrounded by soft, diced potatoes with a side of Cajun rice and mixed vegetables.” I told him.

“Sounds delicious.” Johnathan commented.

“Well let's hope it tastes that way.” I poured the liquid into his cup.

“We'll be back with the food.” Jessica set the bowl in the center of the table and left with me back into the kitchen.

“You're a charmer aren't you?” Jessica opened the oven to grab the pork shoulder.

“No no no, I got the pork shoulder. You just get the rice and the vegetables alright?” I picked up the steaming pot and balanced it in my hands. Jessica used the oven mitts to hold the pots without the chance of burning herself.

“Thank you for all this I mean it.” Jessica rushed with the pots in her hands.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had to rewrite it. There were pieces missing that did not add up. I took a more casual approach and eased into the conflict that would soon befall them. Both of their pasts are cloudy in the beginning, but Jessica is aware of Deanna's vampire nature.