Status: My imagination let loose

Forbidden Blood

Chapter Two: New Life

I picked at my food quietly as the silence began to grow in the room. Johnny was cheerfully licking his plate and grabbing seconds as Emile sliced her food into portions. Jessica kept her head down and her parents were peacefully keeping to themselves.

“I have a question for everyone.” I looked up from my plate as Johnny spoke.

“Do you believe in vampires.” Jessica choked on her sip of water. I set my fork down calmly and took a drink of water myself.

“Dad.” George started.

“Well, we live in Salemn. A place of witchcraft and dark magic. Living here all this time, you pretty much have to.” I replied.

“So you believe in them?” Johnny asked.

“She's a kid. She doesn't know what to believe in.” Emile wiped the food particles from around her mouth.

“I'm not a kid with all respect Emile.” I replied.

“Alright, let's not do this.” Jessica set her fork down.

“So you're an adult now? Living off of an engaged woman? You can not even begin to know what responsibility and maturity looks like.” Emile shot back.

“You really think I give a shit what you think?”

“Deanna enough!” Jessica jumped up from her seat.

“You children these days don't know the value in respecting your superiors.” I pushed myself away from the table and separated myself from my chair.

“No one was even talking to you in the first place. You are in my house and now, you are going to leave.” I stated demandingly. Emile threw her napkin on the table and left the living room. Johnny wiped his face before following his wife out of the house. I took in deep breaths as I glared at Jessica who trailed George as he ran out of the door.

“Sorry.” I apologized to Jessica's parents.

“That's quite alright Deanna. We'll see you at the wedding.” Johnathan and Janice smiled goodbye and left me alone in the dining room. I sat at the table, hearing Jessica's voice call out the door before it slamming in her face. Her steps were heavy as she stormed back into the dining room.

“What the fuck is wrong you!?”

“With me? You know, I'm glad you're defending the woman who doesn't even care about you.” I replied.

“I don't need her to care Deanna I need you to be the got damn adult! Jesus! All I asked was for one night! One fucking night from you and you couldn't even do that.”

“Excuse me, are you talking to me? You were begging me to be here tonight. Regret it now?” I looked evilly at her.

“You know what? Yes I do Deanna. I wish you didn't fuck up everything.”

“Well isn't that the understatement of the year. Jessica claiming that I fuck up everything. Great job kid, you've successfully pissed me off now.” I got up from the table and walked out of the dining room. Jessica followed me out of the area and into the kitchen.

“Hey! I'm not done with you yet!” I sat on the counter and turned on the news to find it on the news channel.

“A young woman was found murdered in the alley near Eddie's Bar earlier this morning. The murder weapon has not been recovered, but it seems the suspect has been drained of all her blood. Her heart ripped straight out of her chest.” Jessica stopped pursuing me and glared at the television.

“What seems like puncture wounds were discovered on the right side of the victim's neck. Investigators are not sure what has happened to this young woman, but whomever did this is still at large.” I shut the television off and set down the coffee mug. Darkness has finally found Salemn, the brightest place in this world.

“Did you do this?” Jessica immediately questions me, knowing I'm capable of killing someone. A raw anger leaked from her tone. Her eyes began to boil like hot water in a pot. Steam rose from her body and the heat was making me uneasy. Very uneasy. I shifted my position on the counter.

“Jessica, you know I--”

“Deanna.” I didn't look at her. At no time could I ever look Jessica in her light brown eyes. They were like a gate into the cold pits of the Underworld, a place I’ve come to resent. Such a sweet face holding the most devious of poisons. Her eyes were the fire to the pits of Hell, but at the same time, they were the wings to all the angels. They were a contradiction to her entire existence.

“Deanna.” She grabbed my chin and made me look at her. The grip she had on me was commandingly tight. I felt as if I was being held captive by the demons in my mind. Those hateful sins that burned into my brain. An everlasting fire that was passing through my body. Out of complete reflex, I slam her into the fridge angrily. The metal bent, creating a sharp point that cut into Jessica's skin.

“What makes you think I won't hurt you?” My hands shook vigorously as I held kept them on her shoulders. The anger was gathering into my fist, waiting to release itself vividly. Tick. Tick. The clock was matching the beats of her heart as she stood there gazing at me. Her mind was chasing fear, trying to put together what she thought was bravery. Jessica saw the hunger my face had revealed as each drop splashed against the tile. My mouth was watering from the rare dryness her blood brought. I wanted to attack like a vicious monster and intake all of the sweet nectar that had fallen onto the tile. It was too precious to waste.

“Why are you doing this Deanna?” I slowly released her, backing away with redness in my eyes. Jessica grabbed hold of her bleeding arm. Instead of answering her, I watched as the sweet nectar splashed onto the tile. Each drop became more tempting. Jessica gazed at me with a dead curiosity, trying to decode the thoughts she imagined were racing through my mind. There was a dead silence in the room. I could hear the drums of her heart, beating at a steady rhythm of seventy beats per minute. The blood was rushing through her body, urging me to release it from their holding. It was an instinct I could not control. An instinct that wants to cause pain or prevent my own, but that is not who I am or at least, who I try not to be.

“You asked what it took Jessica, and now you know.”

As she began to leave the kitchen, she held her arm to attempt to stop the throbbing. I didn't reply to what I was seeing. I grabbed the washcloth off of the sink and wiped the blood up. My nostrils expanded as they took a whiff of the liquid. I tossed the washcloth into the oven and turned it to 500 degrees. If I couldn’t have the blood, I would make sure no one else did. Replaying the previous event in my head, I realized that humans are quick to act, but don’t think of the consequences of their actions. Their consequences always seem to be a benefit for me. I want these humans to feel as if they are powerless in the world. It gives creatures of the night the right amount of fear they need to survive.

After a few more moments of sitting at the table by myself, I set the mug back down. Somehow, her pain was pouring into me like an airborne contamination. Out of guilt, I walked up the wooden, spiral stairs without making a sound. The wall felt unusually rough as my hands ran along the ruffles in the brown paint. The tips of my fingers were taking in the full material of the wall, carefully tasting each detail as their tongue savored each second. Soon the paint would fade and the wall would crumble. Then it will just be another thing we walk over.

“Jess.” I pushed open her bedroom door. She was sitting on the edge of her queen sized bed, still holding onto her arm. The precious red substance seeped through her fragile fingers. I looked down at the cocoa-colored carpet. My feet pressed themselves into the relieving softness and I got the words that have been jumbling around in my mouth, an apology. At least, the same contents of an apology.

“I did not mean to hurt you.” I admitted. There was no regret in my vocals. A part of me wanted her to bleed so I could feast on the blood and satisfy my thirst. That part of me is the part of me I loved, but most hated. It was the most hidden piece of me, yet it was apparent when observed correctly. As a creature, I was not born to feel anything. I was motionless stone on the inside. The only emotion I’ve grown to feel is anger. The others were slowly growing on me, but before they could ever fully sprout, my anger would kill them without hesitation.

“It’s just a scratch.” She smiled. Her mind was saying something else. Jessica was deeply afraid, though she would never show it externally. I could see the goose bumps rising on her skin. The way her heart was beating, it was incredibly calm, yet frightened. She was scared of death, a death caused by me. It was interesting to see the way she saw this world. I kept both her feet on the ground. She never dreamed of a world that resembled a utopia. Jessica knew that it would never exist. She saw what this world truly had to offer, and it wasn’t safety. If anything, it was death.

“This situation could have ended up badly. It could have been so much worse…” I kept my head down, keeping my eyes away from the sin she was bleeding out. Jessica shouldn’t be human. She deserved to be a god. Her blood was cherished and worshiped by me, but I would never let her know. I could not let her have any sense of power. She would abuse it, just like the rest of her kind.

“Well it didn’t, but...I’m sorry for coming at you like that.” Her smile faded to a sincere frown. I could smell the sadness in her tone. It was a revolting scent that brought my senses to a stand still.

“No, I know how she can be and I should've handled it better.” I finally glared at her as I explained. I smiled at her slightly to show her that I held no hatred against her. That’s all she wanted, her thoughts told me so.

“In all honesty, we shouldn't have done this.” Jessica replied. I sat beside her on the fluffy mattress. My hands sunk into the fabric as I positioned myself.

“Don't say that. It could've been something so great, but you and me together never spell good news Jess, but on the upside, fighting with your in-laws did make me feel like part of the family. I actually felt normal.” I said with a smile.

“Wow normal, but I shouldn’t be the reason for you being better. I’m....nothing to this world. I just take up space.” Her mood turned to a sudden sorrow.

“Is that what she told you? That you are...nothing?” I questioned.

“My mother...don’t even mention her.” Jessica said. The anger was seeping out of her mouth, brushing against her lips. Her blood was irresistible when it was boiling like it was now. It was pumping through her with vigorous hate. Even with that, I hated her externally anger. I walked away from her and leaned against the door frame.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered. I kept my face away from her eyes, she would be able to see the falseness in my expression. I could never be sorry for the words that come out of my mouth. She could not take what needed to be said, it had nothing to do with me. If I ever had to apologize, it would take a situation that has severely hurt someone, either internally or externally.

“What vampire apologizes to a human? That just shows how pathetic you are Deanna.” I nodded my head in an upset yet, understanding motion then shut my eyes. The thoughts of how I gave up half of who I am for such a selfish human, halted in my mind. They floated there with a bright light underneath it. It was highlighted as an idiotic thing for me to do. After a few seconds to myself, I made my way back down the stairs.

“Deanna.” Jessica called out my name, but I continued down the steps.

Jessica walked slowly into the kitchen with a bandage wrapped around her wound. She approached me as I sat there casually sipping on the mug filled with animal blood. Her lips kept parting slightly as she tried to find the words to say. I could hear her thoughts, they were scraping her brain, trying not to sound desperate in forgiveness. She was on the verge for begging for it, as if it was her life on the line. In this case, it well could be.

“I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry, it’s just every time you bring her up, I just--”

“Become more human. More like them.” I finished the sentence she could not put together.

“What do you expect me to say Deanna!? You consistently drag that memory out of me!” She felt pressure into raising her voice. I threw the mug against the flawless tile. The blood dispersed as if it was in slow motion. I glued her to the wall by her wounded arm. Jessica moaned in pain as I squeezed the cut until blood oozed out slowly. Her homemade bandage fell to the ground, dancing swiftly across the tile. She continued to whine as I increased the pressure of my grip.

“Sensitive human. Look at you cry at this simple wound in your human flesh. You are not invincible in this world.” Jessica’s eyes became glossy as tears built up.

“You are only a god until you bleed Jessica. Commence in being more careful about the words that you let out of your mouth.” I released her throbbing arm.

“You may be able to say whatever you want to everyone else, but watch what and how you say things to me. The only person I can never protect you from, is me.” I grabbed my keys off of the table and headed for the garage.

“Deanna.” There was regret in her gentle voice. I stopped at the door. My mind wanted to go, but my legs were reluctant to the commands.

“Just let me go right now! I need to be away from you. It was my mistake for letting you into my life in the first place. Now I just...can’t understand why I did.” I shook my head.

“I don’t want to be your mistake!” Jessica began to cry. Those tears were always a sign of weakness that could have easily been mistaken for an opening to end her life.

“Stop crying. This situation doesn’t deserve your tears or anything you have to give. You aren’t my mistake Jessica, I’m yours.” I tapped my impatient fingers on the wall as I watched the tears stream down her cheeks. Her emotions weren’t enough to change me. I thought they were once I began listening to what she said, but then I realized, I was just as pathetic as she said I was. Anger raised through me as I thought more deeply about it. My fist took a huge chunk of the wall with it as it went through. I rushed into the garage and jumped into my car.

I was soon out of the small town of Salemn, driving as fast as my Lincoln MKZ would allow. Music bled out of my vehicle and oozed to the outside world. My mind wanted to escape my body and be a free soul running through this world, but I’m stuck on this planet. A figure suddenly appears in front of my car and pounds its fist on my hood. The vehicle flipped over the figure and tumbled down the empty street. The car looked like a crushed beer can after it slammed into a thick tree on the side of the road. I was hanging upside down in the car, trying to compose myself. Tiny bits of glass was all over the vehicle, ripping through the once beautiful interior. My seatbelt was tightly secured around my body, not letting me fall to my freedom. The driver’s door was abruptly ripped off of the car. Strong hands snatched me from the embrace of the seatbelt and threw me onto the rough, black pavement. My clothes were torn severely, but my body was not harmed at all. I pushed myself off of the ground, only to be facing five hooded figures. They were standing side-by-side with their hands in their opposite robe arms.

“The Keepers.” I murmured with a hint of sincere anger in my voice. A blue frost grew in my eyes as they open and shut.

“Stay away from the human girl.” The middle man said. Their voice was very harsh and dry. It was a voice that was not to be disobeyed.

“Again with this my superiors. The human is my business now. What I decide to do is my decision, not yours.” I replied.

“She is changing you Deanna. Look how soft you have became. You have given her everything and in return, she gives you not even a drop of blood.” Another spoke their unheard words.

“You are the ones who have become weak. Falling in love with the substance that these humans offer. I have not asked for anything in return, especially her blood. As I recall, you did not want me to drink human blood. Now that I am doing what you ask of me, you want me to disobey?” I questioned them with more proper grammar, knowing how much they hate me when I talk back.

“This is not up for discussion Deanna. You will separate her from your life immediately or we will be forced to take away your free will and we will make sure you do not see the light of day ever again.” One on the left threatened.

“That’s good. I don’t like the sun anyways.” I gave them a sly, devious smirk.

“Then it will be by force.” A blade attached to a glistening, silver chain darted out of one of their sleeves. I quickly moved my head to the side and wrapped the chain around my arm, ripping the blade off of the end. They hit the ground with a loud bang as I pulled him to the ground. I scooped the blade off of the pavement and tucked it into my pocket.

“Souvenir.” I threw the chain down onto the ground.

“We will not give you another chance Deanna. Now you can obey us or we will use force to make you do as we please.” I raised my fists as they began to surround me. They all blew wind out of their mouths gently. There was an intensely hot fire coming from their breath. It caused my body to almost shut down on me. I fell to my knees in an attempt to regain some strength. The fire was licking the side of my neck as I began to lay down on the pavement.

“Now,” All five of them picked me up in unison and held me on my wobbly legs.

“We will force you to obey us.” One of them grabbed a hold of my neck. I kicked them in their neck. My hands slapped the other two in their face. They released me. I got into a snake stance as they crowded around me. Another ran at me like a rabid monkey. My hands were like battering rams as they pounded against their chest. They were furiously rapid as they hit slammed into his torso. My elbows hit his neck then he fell to the ground like a corpse. A strong foot crushed my jaw. I fell to the ground in pain. My jaw was dangling slightly at the root. The same foot hit my rib cage, cracking a few of my ribs. I landed on my back, coughing up lost air. A shoe landed hard on my chest. I grabbed their ankle, but my fingers were smashed. Another foot slammed into my jaw. I closed my fist and punched their ankle. The Keeper falls to the ground, but another stomps my stomach into the ground.

“Like I said,” The middle man leaned closer to me.

“We will force you to obey us.”

I pulled my fully repaired, black Lincoln MKZ into my two-car garage beside Jessica's BMW M6 in the lonely house on top of that monstrous hill sitting in the dark corner of Salemn. The black paint gleamed as the shining light in the garage gazed at the piece of metal. I climbed out of the car, feeling weaker than I have ever felt. I took the jacket out of my backseat and covered the torn fabric of my shirt and the wounds that were dripping blood. I limped over to the door and fell onto the table. I managed to push myself back to my feet and made my way into the living room. I knew that Jessica was in, but I had to go through the living room to get to the steps.

Jessica and George were sitting closely next to each other on the couch as I entered the living room through the kitchen area. George was a lightly tanned man with night black, medium length hair that was styled as if his face was trying to hide a secret. He had lifeless eyes that spelled trouble and the body of a well-trained soldier that has suffered through many years of abuse. George was the kind of man that would sweep a girl off of her feet and catch her before she falls. I quickly walked up the steps and into the darkness. Jessica’s footsteps behind me were obvious. I waited in my room as she stepped into my room. We were surrounded in the darkness that the moonlight had not eaten away.
“Don’t turn on the light.” I advised as she reached for the switch. Jessica sat beside me on the mattress. I laid on my bed slowly. A bit of pain escaped my mouth.

“What’s wrong?” She asked.

“I just need to lay here.” I confessed.

“I need to tell you something Deanna.” Jessica adjusted her position on the bed. I grunted as a signal for her to commence. She waited a few more seconds.

“I’m pregnant.” Her back was to me as she spoke.

“What!?” My ribs cracked as I sat up in a rush. I held my side and fell back down.

“Deanna,” Jessica tended to me.

“Are you okay?”

“For the most part. You’re pregnant Jessica? Wow.” I replied. I let out a small laugh.

“That’s amazing.” I said.

“Yeah, I found out about a week ago. I’m so excited to be a mother.” A warm smile spread across her face. There was that rare happiness in Jessica. I loved when she showed it. It almost makes me happy.

“Congratulations.” I slowly rose up. There was something about her at this moment, I knew what it was, but I wanted to hear the words come out of her mouth.

“How do you feel Jess?”

“Different. I feel like I’ve grown up so much. I’m getting married to the most amazing guy in the world, and he’s fathering my child.” Jessica put her head down as if she was nervous. I smiled at her.



“Look at you Jessica. You’re in love with him. I can see it in your eyes.” I replied.

“I am Deanna. He makes me feel like this world does not even exist. It’s just me and him. I can’t breathe when he kisses me. The way he says my name…I fall deeper in love with him every time. I have never felt so free, but then I’m captured by his love, his presence.” She explained.

“It’s the beginning to a better life Jess. You will be happier with him and your child.” I kept my smile wide for her as I laid my head on her lap.

“I know, but that doesn’t take away my fear.” Her expression turned to a happy sadness. I rubbed my neck in confusion, finally getting my strength back. It was moments like these that reminded me why Jessica was here with me. Deep down, we connected like no one else could. Just though speaking, we were growing closer together.

“What are you afraid of?” I set my back against my headboard as she laid down near my feet.

“What if I’m not the wife George wants? What if I’m not a good mother to my child? So many things could happen and I’m afraid that I just won’t be able to handle it.” Jessica twirled her hair in between her fingers as she spoke.

“It’s not about the future Jessica. The present is what matters most. You are already counting yourself out with things you have never experienced before. George has asked for your hand. He has asked to spend eternity with you, to share the love that he has for you. Being a parent is not an easy task, but it’s not just your job. The both of you will have to work together to raise your child.” I said.

“I’m not ready.” Jessica replied.

“Then stop. No one is forcing you to do anything Jess. You don’t have to marry him.”

“No, I’m not ready to leave you.”

“I’ll be fine Jessica. You need to move on with your life and stop worrying about me. This is not always the best place to be.” I stated.

“What makes you say that?” Jessica quizzed. I paused for a long moment.
“The Keepers never show mercy to humans, you will not be an exception. I have been told to remove you from my presence Jessica. They do not appreciate all that has happened between us. I can tell it’s more about the liquid running through your veins.” I explained.

“You ran into them? Why didn’t you tell me!?” Jessica’s voice only squeaked when she was upset.

“Because I didn’t run into them Jessica, they came to me. The Keepers never come to the surface for just anything. They wanted me separated from you and they wanted it immediately. I’m trying to figure out why now, but all I can come up with is what you know about me and the recent killing in Salemn. That girl was nineteen Jessica, at her full potential of power. A killing like that does not go unnoticed by any of my kind. Knowing I am the only creature in Salemn, they must have thought it was me.” I said

“I won’t let them keep you away from me. They don’t decide who I’m living with or how I want to live my life.” Jessica put attitude in her reply.

“Do you not understand that they will kill you Jessica? I can not have that. I won’t allow them to so much as in take in your scent, but you have to leave me here alone and be with George. It’s the only way they will stay back, at least far enough for me to protect you.” I explained.

“I’m not leaving.” Jessica said once more.


“No, I don’t care that my life may be at risk. Who the hell are they to keep us apart?”

“They are my superiors, equivalent to the leaders in which you worship. They are not to be reckoned with Jessica. You are just a mortal and they will not bow down to you because of that fact. They will kill you even faster.”


“Yes Jessica?”

“Will you protect me from them?” Her voice was so soft, like a pure cloud. I gazed into her eyes for the first time in several months. It took moments for me to figure out what I was going to say to her.

“With my life.” I replied with determination in my tone.

“Then who the hell are they to keep us apart?” She repeated. I moved down to her and laid beside her.

“They are nobody Jessica…nobody. We need to go grocery shopping, we’re out of milk.” I sighed slightly, changing the subject dramatically.

“Already? Damn Deanna, what have you been doing with the milk?” I slowly gazed at her.

“You’re kidding right? I haven’t even been in the kitchen since like a month ago when we made breakfast for George and his mother.” I reminded her.

“That was the worst morning of my life. It was the first time I met her and she didn’t like me.” Jessica replied.

“She envied you greatly Jessica. You have the heart of her son, what mother does not envy that?” I questioned. She didn’t answer, she just looked depressingly at the wall.

“Jess, know that you will not always be loved. Someone in this world will always dislike you for their own reason. How you handle it is your dilemma.” I said.

“I’m sleepy now.” Jessica uttered.

“Go to sleep Jess. Your mind is about to give out on you. I’ll tell George that you have gone to sleep.” I climbed off of the bed and headed for the door.

“Deanna,” She grabbed my wrist.

“Be nice.” I held onto her hand.

“No such thing.” I smiled.


“Okay, okay Jessica. I will kindly tell him to leave.” There was sincerity in her eyes. I knelt down to her, moving closer to the bed.

“Do you never take me seriously Jessica? I said I will tell him kindly.” I kept a gentle hold on her hand.

“It’s because I know you Deanna.” She tapped my face softly. I patted her hand and rested my chin on the bed.

“You worry too much Jessica. I wouldn’t hurt him, you know that.” I replied.

“Just don’t hurt him okay? No matter how he approaches you, just don’t. You know how violent he is.” Jessica warned. I took a deep breath.

“Go to sleep Jess.” I tossed the cover over her as she laid on the pillow.

The night inhabiting my living room was utterly empty. George’s scent was fading as I creaked into the moonlight. Leaves danced majestically outside, living a wholesome existence in this poisoned world. I sniffed the air, hoping to locate Jessica’s missing fiancé. The air was clean. Dirty clean.

Jessica was sleeping peacefully on my mattress. I climbed onto the bed and looked over at her. This world is not a place for her. Jessica is such a gentle soul, a soul that has been pulled between Heaven and Hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
See, they are a lot like family, but tell me who do you think is the bad guy?