Status: My imagination let loose

Forbidden Blood

Chapter Three: An Ancient Message

Chapter Three

I pulled the pots out of the cupboard and set them on the large counter. My fingers gripped onto the handle of the fridge when I heard footsteps gliding down the stairs. An angel’s whistle entered the air as Jessica came strolling into the kitchen with a bright smile on her face.

“Good morning Jess. You seem rather cherry.” I noticed. Jessica grabbed a glass from the cupboard and took the orange juice out of the fridge. I gathered eggs, pancake mix, sausage, and butter from the fridge.

“It’s a beautiful morning Deanna, so beautiful.” She poured her glass past the halfway mark.

“Think fast.” She threw the carton of orange juice towards me. I quickly set down all the items I was holding and caught the carton in less than a split second.

“Nice try Jess.” I smiled as I placed the carton back into the fridge. The pots were placed carefully on each burner of the stove.

“Breakfast?” I offered.

“Yes please.” Jessica sipped on her glass. A knock came at the door.

“It’s George.” I told her. Jessica left her glass on the table as she went to the front door. I heard the door open and George step into the house. His scent was more deceitful than usual. I bent the handle of the pot from holding it too tightly. I heard them separate from a kiss before coming into the kitchen. He sat down beside Jessica at the table.

“Would you like breakfast George?” I questioned kindly.

“Yes I would.” He replied plainly. I set up the breakfast in no time flat, then turned on the burners to let them cook thoroughly. George had not noticed my quick movement, his eyes were focused on his future wife.

“Aren’t you going to eat something Deanna?” George questioned with a smirk. Every part of me just wanted to rip his limbs from the seams.

“No, I‘m just going to go for a walk through the town.” I said in response. Jessica snuggled near him as she sipped on her glass. I gazed at the two of them and saw what the humans called compassion, love. The humans saw this as beautiful, I just saw another weakness in their species. A weakness we all shared.

“Madam Estrella” I uttered.

“What?” Jessica asked like a drunk school girl.

“George, how about you go wash up before breakfast.” I suggested. Jessica looks questioningly at me as she rose out of her seat with George.

“What‘s going on?” Jessica asked quietly as her fiancé went up the stairs.

“Just stay behind me.” A flashing figure swooped through the kitchen. A young woman wearing tight blue jeans, along with a black business jacket stood against the marble counter. Her hair was a startling blonde, almost passing off as white. The paleness of her skin made ghosts look like the darkness of night. Blood, the make-up of her lips.

“Madam Estrella, to what do I owe this visit?” I quizzed. Jessica peered over my shoulder while still hiding behind me as I instructed her to do.

“Long time no see my child. I have come bearing a message from the Ancients themselves. We are very upset with you Deanna. This human is a filthy pet to you.” Madam Estrella delivered the message with aggression.

“A filthy pet? Look lady…”

“Stop it now Jessica. Let Madam continue.” I demanded calmly.

“Ooh, this human seems to have an extreme case of feistiness. How do you handle such an intriguing trophy?” Madam Estrella sat down at the table, smiling at us with her fangs shining in the sunlight.

“With caution Madam. She can never be allowed too much control of her own actions. Can you please continue with the message?” I questioned. Jessica was furious by my response, but remained silent.

“Aynix was murdered not too long ago. Being her older sister, you should have been watching over her.” Madam Estrella said.

“I was not responsible for Aynix. She was left in care of the Keepers and my father. Her death was not under my watch.” I replied.

“As her older sister, you were suppose to protect her no matter who was put in charge to do so. Not doing so, is being considered a crime against the Ancients.” Madam Estrella did not have to scream to get the same reaction it causes.

“It was not a crime. If I was not aware of her existence in Salemn, how was I to protect her? The situation was accidental on the part of her murderer who I discovered was a human here in the town. The drain was done by the wounds created in her neck. To redeem myself, I will find her killer and make them suffer until their soul burns up.” I responded.
“Very well, but if you do not succeed in this quest, the human will be on my platter at the ceremony.” Madam Estrella got up from her seat, glaring at Jessica hungrily.

“I cannot help myself. I must have a taste.” Jessica backed away as the elder approached us. I blocked her way to Jessica.

“I think it would be wise if you left now Madam.” I advised. Madam Estrella effortlessly pushed me aside, causing my body to dent the wall. Jessica stumbled into a chair, catching herself before she fell. Madam Estrella took a hold of Jessica’s wrist, squeezing until the blood within her veins was ready to eject itself. I grabbed Madam Estrella’s long, elegant hair and tugged her to the tile. Deep scratch marks were scarred in Jessica’s skin. I wrapped my hand around her throat, pressed my knee against her rib cage, and held my fist up in attack mode. My jaw was clinched together tightly, my black veins fully exposed to the world.

“I advised you once before Madam. Please remove yourself from my property.” I gazed into her eyes, waiting for her surrender. Madam Estrella nodded for her to be let up. I leaped upward, assisting her to her feet.

“You have become very strong young one.” Madam Estrella commented.

“Goodbye now.” I replied.

“Don’t disappoint us Phoenix. It would be a shame if another one of us turned up dead.” As fast as she had appeared, Madam Estrella was gone. I walked back over to the stove and put the cooked food onto several more plates than needed. The pots clanged in the sink as I threw them angrily. Jessica jumped at the startling noise.

“I did not mean to alarm you Jess.” I brought her one of the many plates. She kept her eyes on me as I sat the plate on the table. Tiny streaks of blood leaked from her arm. I gently ran my fingers over the wounds. Jessica bit on her bottom lip to soak in the pain. I placed my hand on the wall that was damaged seconds ago. It instantly closed itself.

“Come here.” I led Jessica to the bathroom downstairs that George was too idiotic to use. Jessica jumped onto the counter like a small child at the doctor’s office. I shut the door and waited for a second, making sure George was still upstairs. A smooth cloth cleansed Jessica’s wounds.

“This might sting.” I took out a small vile from the underneath the sink. It glowed a tempting purple in its glass container.

“What is that?” Jessica questioned as I took a hold of her arm.

“Do you really want to know or are you just curious? I think it’s best if you don’t know Jessica. You might freak out before I get to use it.” I popped the lid off of the container and held it above her wounds, barely tipping it so that only one drop would come from it. The purple vile splashed against her skin and soaked into the wounds. Jessica’s body took instant effect. I held her legs down as she kicked out of pain. Jessica clenched onto the edges of the counter, crushing the marble in her grasp. Her face was turning a nervous red as her wounds closed up. Jessica suddenly took a breath back into reality. She was heaving as if she was held underwater for several minutes with no air.

“Jessica. Jessica look at me.” I held onto her face, checking her pupils. They were normal as I expected them to be.

“What the hell was that?” She blinked to make sure she was actually alive.

“I call it the Vile. It is a healing potion that can heal any wound inflicted on a human caused by a creature.” I explained while putting the container back under the sink.

“You said it might sting Deanna. That was incredibly painful.” Jessica stepped back onto the floor.

“All that matters is that you are healed Jess. It seemed to have a different effect on you than that dog.” I followed her back into the kitchen after clicking off the light.

“So I’m just some kind of pet to you!?” Jessica threw her hands in the air in anger.

“No you are not. Do you know who that lady was? Madam Estrella, one of the Ancients. The original vampires spawned from the devil himself Jessica. Crossing her was not very wise, not even with my strength.” I explained while rubbing my forehead.

“Was she talking about the girl that was found murdered near Eddie’s Bar?”

“Her name was Aynix. She was a new edition to my family. A new blood on the brick of transformation. She had just came into full power those very seconds when she was killed. When a new blood from a generation of vampires turns nineteen, their blood begins to dry up and the transformation from human to vampire occurs. In her case, it was when more power became a possession of hers.” I clarified.

“You just let her get killed? Why would you do something so--”

“Listen, I did not react fast enough. Before I even knew she was here in Salemn, she was dead. I would have done anything for her Jessica so don’t you dare mention my mistake.” I retaliated.

“You need to find who killed her Deanna. I do not want to be a meal to that creepy lady who obviously hasn’t had blood in a while.” Jessica sat down at the table.

“I already know who committed this crime, but I refuse to kill him which may erupt as a problem.” I leaned on the table. Jessica glared into my eyes and saw who I was speaking of.

“You’re kidding.”

“No Jessica, it was him. He reeked of her blood when I went to his house that very night.” I explained.

“He wouldn’t do that to a nineteen year old girl Deanna. No man would.”

“It is the honest truth and I have to hold to my promise whether you like it or not. I don’t care what he means to you and I know you aren’t going to put your life in the deck of cards to replace his. Especially with a child on the way.” I said. George came back down the stairs with an average smile on his face.

“We’ll talk later. Enjoy your breakfast George.” I waved goodbye to them before dashing out of the front door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bit-by-bit, the supernatural is exposed. It gives an insight on what is yet to come