Status: My imagination let loose

Forbidden Blood

Chapter Four: Nothing But A Human

Sunlight was fighting to burn through the leaves of the giant oak tree I placed myself under in only park in Salemn. Wind blew carelessly across the atmosphere, creating a peaceful environment for us all. I laid under the protective tree, glaring upwards at the slight beauty this world had to offer. My hand reflexively catches a ball that came flying my way. I stood up to see a man jogging my way. He was well-built from head-to-toe. His short, black hair flew back in the wind as his well worked limbs glistened in the sunlight. With all his amazing features, I just noticed his captivating green eyes. They seemed to glow in the light.

“I’m sorry. Kids are playing kick ball over there. I told them not to kick so far.” His voice was firm and confident, complimenting his flawless smile.

“It’s not a problem.” I handed him the ball with a smile of my own.

“Thanks. Are you new here? I don’t think I’ve seen you around here.”

“Sort of. I haven’t really been out of my house. Nowadays I’m really starting to explore Salemn.” I replied.

“Maybe I could show you around more.” He laughed a little from his forwardness.

“Maybe you could.”

“I’m Erik by the way.” He held out his hand to shake. As I gazed down at his arms, a pulsing blue vein caught my attention. I reached out my hand and shook his, keeping my mind away from hungry thoughts.

“Deanna.” I told him.

“Deanna….Okay, well I hope to see you around.” Erik replied.

“Better sooner than later.” I said. He flashed an embarrassed smile then began to back away.

“Most definitely.” Erik ran back to the group of kids. I replayed the previous conversation in my mind. That human had a hold on me. It was if I was hypnotized by him. I chuckled then laid back under the tree.

“A bad day gone good.” I said to myself.

The door of my home opened without a noise. Not a creak, nor a slide. I stepped onto the tile and basically glided into the living room. There wasn’t one heartbeat in the household, it was just me and my demons. The sun had gone down hours ago, leaving the house in shear blackness. I made my way up to my bedroom and found a note on my mattress.

“Went to dinner with George. Be back later on - Jess”

I set the piece of paper back down and went into the bathroom. My reflection greeted me as I clicked on the light. An unfamiliar scent crawled into my nostrils, it was a scent that spelled out death in my head. A razor sharp blade flew by my head as I tilted my head to the side. It cracked a section of the mirror in front of me. I grabbed their ankle in an unsuccessful attempt to kick me. The bone popped out of the back of their knee as I bent the leg in towards their stomach. Blood skewed onto my stainless tile, creating a blood interior for my bathroom floor. Another person came in the doorway of the restroom. They were also dressed in black attire as the first person was. You could not see their faces, it was covered by darkness the hood had created. By their figure, you could tell it was a male. He charged straight at me like an angry bull. I snatched up his neck and slammed his cranium into the mirror. Thousands of bits of glass showered over him as he laid his head in the sink. I punched his head through the marble sink, making water rain over the entire room. Both of their necks cracked under the pressure of my foot as I finished what needed to be done. If they knew where to find me, then the Knight Shadows knew where to find Jessica.

The atmosphere of the restaurant was a step from perfect. Lights were dimmed slightly to create the mood of a romantic night in Italy. Walls were painted to match a night beside the Eiffel Tower itself. Cherry pomegranate candles burned gently on each table, giving the restaurant a heavenly smell. Jessica and George sat in a private section of the restaurant, keeping themselves from the rest of the world. Their fingers softly touched one another from the opposite sides of the table. George put Jessica’s hand into his, lifted it to his lips, and placed a kiss upon it. Jessica’s heart floated into the heavens as she fell deeper in love. A sudden vibration in her purse ruined the moment for her.

“Go ahead.” George kindly smiled at her as she reached for her phone. Jessica saw my name on the touch screen and let out a small sigh.

“This better be important.” She answered.

“Go to the bathroom now.” I demanded. Jessica could hear the alertness in my voice. She hung up and set the phone on the table.

“Everything alright?” George questioned. Jessica took her eyes off of the phone and looked at him.

“Yes, I am just going to go to the bathroom. Excuse me.” George pulled out her chair for her. Jessica thanked him with a kiss on the cheek and headed to the bathroom. The restroom was in the bowels of the restaurant, away from the customers, away from the kitchen, away from life itself. Jessica sped through the dark hallway and pushed into the bathroom. A older woman looked up from the sink as Jessica stepped in.

“Get out.” Jessica’s voice was demandingly frightening. The woman didn’t even shake her hands dry before rushing out of the room. Jessica took a few steps towards the sink. The lights in the bathroom were fairly bright, matching the brick-like tile. It was made to look like the streets of Italy, with pedestrians walking the streets and light poles providing a security from the night. Jessica turned on the facet and ran her hands through the warm water. Someone walks into the bathroom. Jessica’s eyes came into focus as she glared into the mirror. It was a man wearing all black, standing in a fighting stance. Jessica wiped her wet hands on her medium-length dress and turned to the man. She was waiting for him to make his move. He rushed towards her with incredible speed. Jessica stuck her tall heel in his neck as she kicked him. The man slides off the heel as she pushes him back. I walk into the bathroom and gaze down at the bleeding man who was still suffering as death was waiting for him.

“Aren’t you glad I taught you how to fight?” I questioned with a smile.

“Deanna, what the hell is going on? I am trying to have dinner and this ninja just comes in here and tries to kill me?” She was being stern with me out of pure anger.

“First of all, he is not a ninja. There are more like him and they are Knight Shadows. Usually, they are sent to collect a bounty. The only question is who’s the bounty. Me or you?” I explained.

“I have no time for this shit.” Jessica started for the door and began to walk backwards as she continued to speak.

“I am going to finish my dinner with my future husband, if you don’t mind.” I pulled Jessica out of the way of fist and kicked the man back with tremendous force. He dented the brick wall before falling to the ground. I punctured the wall with his skull with another kick.

“Can he wait a second Jess?” I backed away as more Knight Shadows leaked into the restroom. Jessica stood beside me with her fists in a ball, ready to spill blood on the streets of Italy.

“Stand back.” I advised. Jessica took steps backwards as I removed my jacket. Jessica’s eyes widened as she stumbled into the metal stall. I lurched forward and began ripping the limbs off every Knight Shadow in the room. Bones crushed under my reinforced teeth, blood splattered the walls with extreme creativity. I growled and shook off some of the blood on my skin. Jessica pushed further into the stall as I edged closer to her. I threw my jacket on my body. She was still in shock as I stepped near the stall. Water ran over my blood soaked hair as I dipped my head into the sink. I shook the water from my hair, leaving it in stylish tangles. Jessica still attempted to back away as I approached her.

“Jess.” I murmured.

“Stay away from me.” She threw her bloody high heel at me. I caught it with one hand and gently placed it on the ground. Her thoughts were afraid and angry at the previous event.

“I know you are afraid right now, but just listen. I will not hurt you as you are thinking I will. Go back and enjoy dinner with George. When you return home, I will explain everything. Do not be concerned about your safety for now.” I picked her shoe back up and held it out for her to take. Jessica hesitantly took the shoe from my hand and put it back on her foot. I smiled as she gazed back at me. Jessica slapped me across the face. I didn’t turn to look at her.

“You are un-fucking-believable Deanna.” She stormed out of the bathroom, back into the dark hallway. I waited a few seconds then trailed her out. Her heels clicked as she strutted back out to her table. I laughed to myself and dashed out the restaurant.

The night greeted me with open arms, embracing me tightly as I took in the chill. I continued to think about what just occurred in the restaurant until the sound of running footsteps interrupted. Erik was approaching me. I turned and flashed him a glad smile. The honest truth was I did not want to be walking alone right now. His company would suite me quite well.

“What are you doing out at this time?” He questioned. The vein in his neck was throbbing intensely as he waited for my answer. I snapped out of my hungry trance.

“Going for a walk.” I finally replied.

“Do you mind if I join you?” He raised his eyebrows as he grinned at me.

“Sure, I’d rather not be walking alone tonight. It’s such a beautiful night, why not share it with someone?” We walked beside one another down the street, gliding swiftly with the night.

“Do you go for walks all the time?” Erik asked. He kept his eyes on me as we strolled side-by-side. I looked up at him. Erik was a bit taller than me, enough to the point that I had to look up. As I thought of an answer, his lips came into view. Those plump lips were beginning to call my name.

“Only when the time calls for it. I typically go for a drive.” I replied. Erik laughed a little.

“What’s so funny?” I questioned.

“Nothing, I was just thinking about how long ago I went for a walk like this.” He glared at me with those green eyes. A part of me wanted to attack viciously at this point, and not the way he wanted to attack me. His blood was proving to be too strong for me, but I refused to be separated from him because my lack of self-control.

“Why haven’t you gone for walks?” I asked.

“I’m not one of those people. Running is really my expertise.” Erik explained.

“Oh really? Catch me if you can.” I sprinted humanly into the only park in Salemn. Erik took off and began to chase me. I laughed as he caught up with me.

“I caught you.” Erik grabbed me around my waist, stopping me underneath the tree we met earlier that day. He turned me around and glared into my midnight blue eyes. I shyly tilted my head downwards. Erik leaned in to kiss me, lifting my head up. I wrapped my hands around his neck, falling deeper into his scent. It was beginning to eat away at me. Before things got out of hand, I pulled away from him.

“Yeah, you caught me.” I uttered We stood there for a second, the full moon hanging over the tree.

“I have to be getting home, it’s late.” I said.

“I’ll walk you home.”
Erik and I were walking towards my house on the monstrous hill over Salemn. He was keeping me close to him and I knew at that moment that my vampire fumes had taken effect on him. He was now under my spell. I kept my distance from him as we came closer to the front door.

“Good night.” My eyes began to fade to red from the lust for his body and his blood. I gazed down, feeling the change in my eye color. Erik tried to kiss me, but I kept my lips away, fighting the growing urge to bite him.

“Once again, good night.” I opened the door to my and stepped in, shutting the door behind me.

“Damn.” I smiled to myself.

I sat up in my bed as I heard the tumblers of the door turn. My ears twitched at Jessica’s footsteps downstairs on the kitchen tile. I slowly climbed off of my bed and walked down the stairs. Jessica set her keys on the table as I peeked around the corner. She still felt angry towards me, but I did not understand why. My biggest concern was my ability to control my animal instincts if she decided to fuel my fury.

“Hey.” I cautiously stepped into the kitchen. Jessica looked at me with a very casual expression. I leaned against the wall, watching her remove her shoes.

“Look, I know you must have a lot of questions for me.” I began.

“The only question I have is what’s going on?” She took steps towards me, trying to progress her anger.

“I have not told you everything Jessica. The reaction is always the same with anyone, that’s why I don’t tell. Out of all the people I have met, I thought you wouldn’t overreact like you’re doing now.” I replied.

“This is different.” Jessica shot back.

“How is this different? Am I too scary for you now? You accept my vampire ways but not what comes with it? What the fuck is wrong with you Jessica?” I asked her. Jessica struck me across the face once again. I faced her after a few seconds to myself.

“Why have you been lying to me!?” She spoke more out of sorrow than hatred. Her heart was almost broken by the fact that I had not told her everything about me.

“I haven’t been lying to you Jessica. If I told you everything in the beginning, would you be standing here yelling at me about it? You have ran to the other killers in this town and they would have attempted to murder me. Then you have been forever paranoid about your surroundings, your world, your entire existence.” I said.

“Deanna, I am afraid and paranoid right now. You tore them apart without hesitation, without complication. Imagine what you could do to me.” Jessica uttered.

“I have been living with you for two years. If I was going to kill you, I would have already.” I responded.

“Have you ever wanted to?”


“Have you ever wanted to kill me? Please I do not want to go through this shit tonight so just tell me.” Jessica pleaded.

“I’m an animal, I have instincts.” I replied.

“Oh god.” Jessica ran her fingers through her hair as she paced back and forth.

“You’re still alive, that’s what matters at this point.” I said.

“I’m still alive for who knows how long! George told me that you wanted to kill me and I didn’t listen to him. All this time he has been telling me that you’ve been craving to taste my blood and I just denied it time and time again.” I shook my head in confusion.

“George? He knows what I am? Jessica what the hell? This isn’t some kind of high school secret. You can’t go around telling anyone you please.” I said angrily.

“Well you know what Deanna? I didn’t have to tell him anything cause he already knew!” I looked at her seriously. The doorbell suddenly rang. I glared at Jessica.

“Speaking of the devil.” I threw the door open and tossed George into the glass table in the middle of the living room. I slammed the door shut, cracking the wall around it. George threw a knife that was aimed for my head. I caught the knife in my palm, bending the metal into glitter. He flipped to his feet, staring me down with determination in his eyes. Jessica rushed into the room, surprise in her eyes. I was instantly in front of George. His tie wrapped around my arm as I spun it. He slid across the tile and into the kitchen after I released him from my grip. George pushed the strong, wooden table in front of my path. I kicked the table in half, sending wood all over the room.

“You chose the wrong girl.” I rose my fist to him, blue flames lighting it in the atmosphere. Jessica stuck a long stake through my chest and my grey, non-beating heart. She broke the end, forcing me to my knees.

“What did I do?” Jessica dropped the remains of the stake and got down her knees as well.

“Deanna? Deanna look at me.” Jessica tapped my face, trying to get my vision to come back into focus. I was momentarily stunned. This was the first time this has ever happened to me and my body did not know how to function, but now that I knew what was going on, I was fueled on anger. I grabbed hold of the stake in my chest and pulled it with one hand while I pinned Jessica to the wall with the other. George tried to free her, but was intercepted my foot to his neck. I threw the stake aside and it disintegrated.

“Have you lost your damn mind?” I asked calmly.

“I panicked.” She replied in a mellow tone. I released Jessica and dusted off her shoulders. My fingers examined the scratch on her left cheek.

“It’s nothing.” She said.

“I know it’s not Jess.” The scratch ceased to exist after I ran my hand over it again. I glared into her eyes then went to assist George. His neck was cracked in several places, killing him the second my foot connected with his neck. I rubbed my fingers over his internal wound, healing it with every second. George’s heart began to gain speed in its beat.

“I apologize for my actions Jessica.” I sat down in a chair.
George stood up and embraced Jessica, looking at me with evil in his eyes. I raised my eyebrow to him. Jessica held him tightly, not ever wanting to let him go again. I noticed a scar burned into George’s neck, it was a beautiful mark.

“So what now?” Jessica questioned.

“It’s late, you should be getting some sleep.” I glared into George’s eyes, digging into the fractions of his mind. Jessica kissed George before he left our house. The door slammed harshly behind him. I rubbed my neck in an uncomfortable way. Words rubbed off of my lips as I conjured a spell that would wipe this from George’s memory bank.

“Things are getting intense.” Jessica sat in the chair beside me. She rested her head on my shoulder. I moved a little away from her, getting her head off of me.

“I was afraid this would happen some day. The Ancients would come for me again, but this time, my life is not the only one at stake.” I replied.

“I’m not afraid of death Deanna.”

“They won’t kill you Jess. They will just torture you internally by taking everything you have ever cared about and crushing it into nothing. It will force you to beg for your life to be taken away. I’ve seen it happen.” I explained.

“Madam Estrella was talking about a ceremony, what is that about?” Jessica asked.

“Ceremony of the Night. It happens every 1,000 years. Every creature of the night comes to celebrate the royalty of there kinds. Being a former queen, I must attend.” I said.

“What about me?” Jessica quizzed.

“You are not attending with me Jessica. You will be eaten the very second you step on the canvas.” I replied.

“Then turn me Deanna, so they can not harm me.” Jessica advised.

“No Jessica, I can’t….it breaks too many laws.” I knew there was something special about Jessica’s blood from its unique scent.

“What do you know Deanna?”

“Nothing Jessica I just….need to think for a second….you aren’t safe with me anymore. The taste in your blood is too precious.” I grabbed a hold of her arm gently and flipped her wrist over.

“My birthmark?” She asked.

“No, your blood Jess.” I explained.

“What am I?” Jessica’s voice was overshadowed by fear. I ran my thumb over the large vein in her wrist then clinched my fist together.

“You are very bad for my system, a constant temptation for me.” I replied, glaring at the full moon through the window in the kitchen.

“What does that even mean?” An icy flame grew in my palm and to my fingertips.

“It means that your blood is forbidden to drink because of its uniqueness.” I explained.

“There is nothing that makes my blood special, I am human just like the rest.” The flame burned in front of her eyes.

“That’s what I thought at first. I was so stupid to realize what they were really after, you. Now that I know how precious your blood is, I can’t risk being so close to you...when I get like this.” I said.

“This makes no sense Deanna. I’m human, nothing but a human.” The glass sliding door suddenly pops off of its hinges and flies through the kitchen. Jessica and I rise from our seats as the five Keepers creep into the house. I kicked up a pieces of wood and shot it towards them.