Status: My imagination let loose

Forbidden Blood

Chapter Five:Under The Moon

“Run Jess.” As quick as a bullet, Jessica dashed out of the kitchen and into the living room. I trailed her closely until two of the Keepers grabbed my ankles. My head hit the small steps into the living room before I was dragged back into the kitchen.

“Deanna!” Jessica called. The Keepers kept me on my knees, holding my arms out against my will. Jessica slipped rushing back into the kitchen. She tried sliding to me, but was pushed back by the Keepers.

“Just go!” I demanded. My limbs began to ache from my resistance.

“What do you want?” Darkness was shedding from Jessica. It was then did I see my effect on her.

“We want you to see what she really is.” One of the Keepers replied.

“Don’t listen to them Jessica!” I yelled.

“What are you talking about?” Jessica took her eyes off of me and looked at the Keeper that was speaking to her. There was her first mistake. Never did I want Jessica to look at the Keepers. Once they had her eyes, she was a slave to them.

“She is not all that she seems. Look at her squirm and struggle. It is not to break free from us, but to fight it back.” He answered.

“Fight what back?” Jessica glared at me in fearful curiosity. I threw my head back as the veins in my neck crawled with anger. My eyes were drowned in an aqua blue that rapidly turned to a night blue. The Keepers released me. My body fell onto the ground, almost lifeless. Jessica rushed over to me.

“Deanna.” She called.

“Get away.” A demonic voice came from my mouth as I forced her back.

“Look at her Jessica.” The Keeper continued to fill her mind with his words. I crawled out onto the patio, trying to get far away from Jessica, but the pain was keeping me here. Jessica came onto the patio cautiously, the Keepers right behind her.

“Do not fight your nature Phoenix. Let it consume you.” One of the Keepers instructed. My fingernails grew to outrageous lengths as they dug into the concrete.

“No.” I replied. If I only meant this. I could not fight it off for long. Even through the pain, I got to my feet.

“The pain will stop if you let it happen, you know this.” A Keeper said. I collapsed onto the cold concrete. My teeth turn into sharp blades that could tear through human flesh. I let out a ground shaking roar as fur began to spur from my hair follicles. Jessica stood there in shock, watching me transform into a monster of the night. My clothes were soon bits of cotton on the ground after I ripped through them with my werewolf stature.

“That is what she truly is my child.” A Keeper whispered into Jessica’s ear. I howled at the glorious moon then gazed at Jessica, my tongue running over my teeth. Jessica did not have time to react as I galloped towards her. The Keepers abruptly sent blades, with chains attached, through my wrists and ankles during my leap. They flipped over me, bringing my animal body down. I quickly recovered, but was tugged back from Jessica.

“You see this? Her true nature. To hurt you Jessica. This is why we want you away from her Jessica. It was to protect you.” The remaining Keeper put his deceit into Jessica. She looked into my hungry eyes, letting his words sink in.

“But she...”

“Made you feel safe. She protected you from everyone but her. Leave tonight Jessica. We will make sure she never finds you. You and your new family will live in harmony.” The Keeper promised. Jessica held back her tears and went back into the house. I whined like a puppy as she disappeared. The Keeper struck me in my snout. I snapped at him.

“Stop your whining.” He demanded. I attempted to pull free, but was kept under control.

“We warned you and now you will face the consequences.”

The sun was my enemy, shining its bright rays into my eyes. I soon snap out of my trance of forced unconsciousness that typically came after my full moon transformation. Dead trees surrounded me, bending like reaching hands in this forest. I get to my feet while observing my surroundings. There was nothing. Deceased leaves fell from above, making this atmosphere lack any sense of life nor hope. The Keepers were responsible for this, but my only goal now was getting to Jessica before anyone else did.