Status: My imagination let loose

Forbidden Blood

Chapter Seven: The Oracle

I stop in my tracks, letting my ears pick up the noises that were surrounding me. The branch I was sitting on was high enough off of the ground, that the sound of the exploding leaves did not effect me. There was someone near to me, but far enough to avoid physical conflict.

“I know someone is there, so why not just tell me what you are in search for so that I may get to where I need to be.” I advised. A sleek figure landed on a branch above me. I did not bother to look at them, for I found their image unimportant.

“Well that is why I am here. To help you get back from whence you came.” The figure was a woman, a woman who has smoked many cigarettes in her time. You could hear it in the rashness of her voice.

“What is your name?” I questioned.

“My identity is not essential right now Phoenix.”

“How do you know that name?”

“I know all. I am the Oracle.”

“Oracle. Now there’s a laugh. You truly expect me to believe that you know all about this world?” I asked.

“I do not expect you to believe anything. You are one that has suffered greatly and has had those in which you trust, betray you, but I am one you can trust.” I took in her words for a moment.

“You said you are here to help me get back from whence I came.” I repeated.

“The Keepers dropped you here to keep you away from the girl. They did not expect me to be here to assist you. What you must do is run.”


“This place is only an allusion my dear Phoenix. A place where one day, is weeks in the human world. It is created by what the Keepers call Speed. A substance that can create trap worlds that can only be escaped by speed. It is the only way to tear a hole in the world.” The woman explained.

“And what do you want in return for this...favor on my behalf?” There was always something wanted by the one who is helping you. That’s how these things worked.

“Nothing yet. Now run along child. The girl needs your assistance.” I shook my head and jumped down from the tall tree, making an explosion of my own. Leaves showered over me after the landing. I created a streak of dead leaves as I ran as fast as I could through the forest. Wind was tugging on my hair as I sped through the forest, not going anywhere. My anger began to rise until I ended up in front of a blue sedan on the highway. I pushed the car to a stop with my palm. The driver gazed at me in shock before passing out. Several other cars crashed into the back of the sedan. I leaped over the car before it flipped forward from impact and land over the pile up. My eyes glare back at the mess I had caused, then a got a feeling in my head. A strange ringing noise that told me that something was wrong.


Jessica and George scurried away from the Keepers as they closed in deeper. George was weak, unable to perform the simplest of things. Jessica was practically dragging him along.

“So much easier.” Jessica shut her eyes as one of the Keepers reached for her. She soon opened them when she had waited various seconds. His hand was being held by the wrist.

“It could have been.” I twisted the wrist and kick him into oncoming traffic.

“Deanna.” Jessica uttered.

“You need to get up right now.” I broke the Keeper’s hand with my punch. He held his hand in agony before I tossed him into the moving traffic. Jessica struggled to get to her feet. She forced George onto his feet. I threw the last Keeper into the cars then gazed at George who was all groggy.

“What’s wrong with him?” I asked.

“I don’t know, they must have drugged him or something.” I lifted up his face to see his shut eyes. My hand struck him across the face. George woke up as if being shocked by electricity.

“He was asleep.” I pushed the jalopy back with my foot.

“Stay close to me.” I instructed. The roar of a motorcycle came into play. I rolled up my shirt and prepared myself to jump.

“What are you doing?” Jessica whispered. I leaped onto the passing motorcycle, knocking the driver off after grabbing his helmet. Jessica jumped back as I reeved back to her, holding the helmet out to her.

“Get on.” I demanded. She took the helmet, but refused to get on.


“I can’t leave George. They’ll just snatch him up again and use him against me.” Jessica replied.

“No they will not, now please get on. We do not have much time.” I warned.

“Yes they will Deanna! Just because you lost your husband to them does not mean I have to.” I turned my head to the side, then got off of the vehicle. Jessica cowardly stood her ground.

“I gave them what they wanted, and they still killed him. They are snakes and cowards. You are no exception to their ways Jess.” I explained.

“Then why would they protect me? Why would they keep you from attacking me when you couldn’t control yourself!?” She asked.

“I wasn’t going to attack you Jessica. Why would I do that? I was going to tear those sniveling son of a bitches apart.” I answered.

“They were right about you Deanna. You are out of control.”

“Let me guess, they said that they are trying to save you from becoming like me. A rogue, hunted animal. They had to ask if you really want to bring a child into this world. A world of fear and attacks around every corner. Better yet, every time you blink or your heart beats. They know you do not want that for your child or for George.”

“How did you..”

“It’s their prepared speech Jessica. I know it by heart. They used it on me back when I was around your age, literally. I may be a little crazy, but I am not stupid. Their only focus is getting you. If that was really George, it wouldn’t be.” I explained.

“What does that even mean?” She asked.

“Please Jessica we are running out of time. I need to get you out of Salemn as quick as possible. Once I have done so, I will explain what you have questions for.” I promised. Jessica ran her fingers against the helmet, then pulled it over her head. After she climbed onto the motorcycle, I secured the helmet.

“Hold on.” I suggested. George stood there, not moving one muscle. The motorcycle ripped through the highway as I hit instant kill speeds. Jessica’s grip tightened as I felt her heart accelerating. No matter how afraid she was, I had to remain a blur until we were able to get to safety.
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