Status: Working with the power of Ryden!...currently working on it :)

American Suitehearts

Picturesque score of a fantasy that never passed.

Ryan’s POV

I ran down the stairs, almost tripping over my feet several times. My first ever date with Brendon, I swear I’d been smiling ever since yesterday. I threw open the front door when a voice stoped me, I recognized it immediately. It was weird that no matter how long you hadn’t heard them you can still recognized it immediately. I turn slowly; he was leaning against the banister stairs. I hadn’t seen him I was in such a daze. He was still wearing business suit, the years of worry had aged him beyond his time. He held an expression I recognized all too well

“Dad” I answer softly

“We need to talk...” was all he said

My smile faded slowly...

♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is short due to its significance—don’t worry the next one will be up in a few minutes or so.

By the by the next chapter is the first part of the story I wrote so it’s the bit that’s been looked over and analysed the most—In other words it’s the best chapter (or the chapter I’m most proud of)