Status: Working with the power of Ryden!...currently working on it :)

American Suitehearts

There’s a reason I’m wearing skin tight jeans honey, you just haven’t thought of it yet

Ryan’s POV

I threw my bag to the floor, letting it make an undignified bang in the empty house. My father wouldn’t be home for a few hours....that was if he came home at all tonight.

I made a strong Earl Grey and put “The Wombats” on full blast for a good hour or so and dance around the house, pretending to be Ziggy Stardust. It’s all in a feeble attempt to stop thinking. When it feels like I’m about to have a heart attack I stop, my breathing is short and unmeasured, my panicked thoughts flood my head in a wave of despair.

Did he like me? Or did he just think I was weird? Was he mad at me? What did I do wrong?
I eventually came to the conclusion that would suit my conscious best—he was American and weird...why would he even consider going with an upper class pom from old London town? My thoughts subsided a little but by no means completely died down. I went to bed then, it was unnaturally bright here not to mention I was still getting used to the time zones.

I had a strange dream about singing marching clocks that were engulfed by a black ocean...the singing stopped.

I woke in a cold sweat. The echoes of the soft music circulating in my head, I replaced it with the Arctic Monkeys, I felt a little bit of regret as to whoever my neighbours might be and them having to wake up to “bet you look good on the dance floor, in 1984” but at this point in time I found it hard to force myself to care enough to actually turn it down.

I managed to get on my old dark green skinnies...they are the tightest pants I’ve ever bought and I love them to just takes me about ten or so minutes for me to actually get them on. I wore them with a cream V-neck and brown tinge sunglasses; there wasn’t enough time for breakfast or tea thanks to the time it took to get the pants on, I was about to leave when I noticed a small note on the counter, it looked like dad had come home that night after all and left early this morning

Sorry Dear, everything’s a bit chaotic, things will get better, I promise
Love Dad.

I look at the note for a lot longer than was really necessary. It’s silly to be touched by the minimal amount of contact I have with my dad, my fingers traced the word dear, that was what he used to call mum...I was being silly, I scrunched up the note and threw it in the bit. It was only a piece of paper.

I sped a bit in car, going ever so slightly over the limit, thankfully nobody noticed. I arrived at school in a nick of time—just as the bell was about to go. I had to run to get to my roll call class, thankfully the teacher hadn’t arrived, and just like the day before I sat next to Jon, who was reading a book

“Hello” I say cheerfully

Jon looked up to smile, however it vanished when he saw my awesome pants

“Ryan” Jon says slowly

“Look...don’t take offence but never, ever wear those pants again”

“What? Why?”

“Let’s just say it makes it very, very hard to concentrate on your face”

I smiled smugly “I know”

Jon looks at me like I’m a madmen before turning back to his book

“You know yesterday I had my doubts but now I’m 100% certain that you’re gay”

I let out a bark like laugh “The eyeliner wasn’t a big enough clue? I had to wear skin tight jeans for you to realise?”

The next bell went, my first class: surprise, surprise was music, this was what my skin tight jeans were for—let’s hope they work their magic.

I walked into the room and Brendon looked up, it was only us, we were both early. He gave a slightly forced smile when he saw my face but then it vanished when he saw the pants. He looked at my face, looked at my pants before looking at my face again. Should I be feeling this smug seeing him turn a sickly pale?

“Good morning” I said in a voice suitable in a program for 5 year olds, this time I didn’t ask to sit next to him, I just did.

He looked extremely uncomfortable, which was cute, but said nothing. The teacher came in and started blabbing on about something that’s not important

“Do you remember me Brendon?” I wrote on a scrap of paper and moved it to him
He looks at the note for a lot longer than was necessary, going by his expression my note was going to explode any second. Slowly he reached out his hand and looked at the note, and to my surprise and delight the smallest of smiles flickered across his face

“Yes, how could I forget?” and moved the paper to me

I wrote quickly “Do you want to go out sometime?”

It was a bold move on my part but sometimes it’s better to cut to the chase

Brendon turned a funny colour when he read the note. I pressed my lips what now? Was he going to admit that he loved me like they always do in the movies, or would he turn to me awkwardly saying “I’m sorry, I’m straight and you’ve just made an idiot of yourself”
I lean forward slightly waiting for his answer..which would it be?

“Mr. Ryan Ross I would appreciate it if you paid attention in my class, especially because your new”

I spun my head round to see Mr. Wentz glaring at me for not watching him do some weird dance at the front of the class room. Brendon refuse to look at me for the rest of the lession...


“What’s with Brendon?” I ask Jon, later in the cafeteria

“ I tried asking him out and he practically fell out of his seat”

Jon choked on his milk when I said that to him, before looking at me like I was an idiot

“What?” I asked

Jon took his time answering

“Ryan...look sorry, you seem to have the wrong end of the stick...Brendon’s a Mormon”

I stared at Jon

“Your point?”

Jon rolled his eyes “You don’t know what a Mormon is do you? Basically it’s a wacky religion where the majority of things are considered sinful”

I still didn’t get what he was trying to get at

“Let me put it this way Ryan, they think Eton John is the devil”

“Oh” I muttered softly

“...I think I know what you’re talking about now”

My thoughts were dazed. Of course I’d fallen for straight guys before, so why did this news come as such a shock? It was always a possibility, I just chose to ignore that and run off with my strange fantasies—as usual. Now we would just be friends, distant, but I’d always be close to him; no matter what.

Jon than added “.......We have a Social Justice meeting this afternoon by the way, we’re meeting at Starbucks”

If Jon had told me this ten minutes before it would have made my day, but now it made everything seem like hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a tad bit shitty, apologise guys, I' m the queen of bad spelling and weird sentances that make no sense :)

Oh and the comment thingy isn't toxic (last time I checked) so feel free to throw somthing in :)

Love! (The next one involves bagels...BAGELS!!!.....sorry *cough)