Status: Working with the power of Ryden!...currently working on it :)

American Suitehearts

"We're so starving!", have some bagels

I drove Jon to Starbucks that afternoon; he sniggered at my car but stopped laughing when I snapped at him. I wasn’t in the best of moods. Due to a certain someone raining on my parade ad deciding to be incredibly good looking....and a (please use insulting word of your
choice to fill this space) Mormon.

We sat down with the rest of the geeks and desperate girls. I bought Jon a coffee as it seemed like the polite thing to do, I didn’t buy one for has a strange e effect on me, I’m sticking with tea and biscuits. Mr. Mormon wasn’t here yet, must be off praying somewhere, with his Mormon family in his Mormon house.... I seemed to be have a sudden discriminatory feeling towards Mormons? (I wonder why?) However when Brendon did finally walk in all I could seem to do was a flattering goldfish impersonation. How could he be, I can’t find the words.

“Okay” Brendon says in the same song a long voice with a smile when he saw everybody
“I brought some bagels along as brain food, everybody help yourselves”

As always he made me turn into a custard tart consistency. However there was one thing I didn’t understand...

“What’s a bagel?” I whisper to Jon who was beside me, who then choked on the coffee he’d been nursing like a newborn child for the last fifteen minutes.

“Don’t tell me you’ve never had a bagel!” he practically shouted at the top of his lungs
Everyone at the table and I’m sure the whole cafe turned too looked at Jon in horror who had a slightly manic expression on his face.

“Which idiot bought Jon coffee?” Someone from the table finally asked

I raised my hand “Sorry I didn’t know that it would send the guy....nuts”

Brendon looked as though he was fighting back a smile “Look just don’t let him have anything else and under no circumstances give him Red bull”

He wouldn’t look at me when he talked. I felt like jumping up and down a bit to say “hello, look at me!” but Mr. Mormon was too busy looking at paper work to notice a guy in sexy hot pants trying to get his attention.

Jon, not noticing my annoyance leaned over and whispered in my ear at one thousand miles per hour

“A bagel is a doughy deliciousness delisocnessness awesome sex of amazingness in your mouth”


Cautiously I picked up the slightly blue “bagel” thingy. Jon laughs at me while I’m eyeing it suspiciously. Finally, I take a bite. And look at Jon

“Jon...There’s a party in my mouth and you’re not invited”

Jon looks insulted before replying

“I know who is” and indicated towards Brendon

Now I’m not a violent person. But I swear I’ve never been so inclined to hit somebody as I was then. Instead I death glare at him to shut up. At which point Brendon starts to speak

“ that the coffee incidents over we should probably get down to business. What I’ve organised is basically a soup kitchen, it’s going to be on each Friday at 6; we’ll take it two at a time. Here’s the couples we’ll be working in....”

He handed out a printed sheet. It said that Jon and I were going to be doing it this Friday. I frown softly. The only reason I was doing this was because of Brendon, I guess I was stuck doing Community stuff for the rest of the year, with a very sexy, very Mormon Brendon.

This wasn’t going to be nearly as fun as I thought it would be...
♠ ♠ ♠
Look, this is really short and I'm not happy with it and...yeah, knock yourself out in the comment box, everybody thats already commented thank you I love you

*starts crying like someone who just lost the world at the carnival (Do you see what I did there? of course you did!...if you didn't then get out, you don't belong here.)
-Might update again tonight so...yeah :D